meillo@183: # masqmail.conf meillo@37: # Example configuration for masqmail meillo@0: meillo@0: meillo@37: # The name with which masqmail identifies itself to others: meillo@0: # CHANGING THIS IS REQUIRED! meillo@0: host_name="" meillo@0: meillo@0: # Nets considered local, for immediate delivery attempts: meillo@0: # ALL hosts not included in either local_host or local_nets are meillo@0: # considered to be 'outside', meaning that messages to them will be queued meillo@0: #local_nets="*;blue;striped" meillo@0: meillo@0: # accept connections on these interfaces: meillo@183: # Change this to something like: "localhost:25;foo:25" if other machines meillo@183: # on your network shall be able to connect to masqmail. meillo@183: #listen_addresses="localhost:25" meillo@0: meillo@0: # use syslogd for logs? meillo@183: #use_syslog=false meillo@0: meillo@0: meillo@0: # online detection: meillo@0: # meillo@0: # for 'file' uncomment next 2 lines meillo@310: #online_query = "/bin/cat /var/run/masqmail/masqmail-route" meillo@0: meillo@183: meillo@0: # example for local delivery to an mda: meillo@0: # meillo@0: #mbox_default=mda meillo@0: #mda="/usr/bin/procmail -Y -d ${rcpt_local}" meillo@0: meillo@183: meillo@0: # alias expansion: meillo@0: # meillo@183: #alias_file = "/etc/aliases" meillo@243: #caseless_matching = false meillo@0: meillo@0: meillo@0: # special routes: meillo@0: meillo@0: # CHANGING THIS IS REQUIRED! meillo@0: # You can use as many routes (one for each provider) as you like: meillo@183: #connect_route.example = "/etc/masqmail/example.route" meillo@0: meillo@0: # you can also give a list of routes for a single connection: meillo@183: #connect_route.foobar = "/etc/masqmail/foo.route;/etc/masqmail/bar.route" meillo@0: meillo@0: # you can also set routes for the local net: meillo@0: #local_net_route = "/etc/masqmail/local.route;/etc/masqmail/other_lan.route"