meillo@354: # Example route for a local network meillo@354: # see also: man 5 masqmail.route meillo@354: # meillo@354: # Include this route with meillo@354: # permanent_routes = "/etc/masqmail/localnet.route" meillo@354: # in masqmail.conf meillo@354: meillo@354: # adjust this to the machines on the local net meillo@354: allowed_recipients = "*@*mydomain.invalid;*" meillo@354: meillo@354: # We expect the target hosts to be online. If not, fail. meillo@354: # Use this setting if you are sure the target hosts are online. meillo@354: connect_error_fail = true meillo@354: meillo@354: # If you don't want to query the DNS, uncomment: meillo@354: #resolve_list = "byname"