
view tpl/ @ 392:c5fd796ea06e

Heavy refactoring in parts of conf.c. init_conf() parse_boolean() parse_list_file() Re-arrangement of code. parse_address_glob_list() Removed unneccessary parameter. parse_list() parse_interface(): Use strtok()/strchr() instead of doing is all by hand. Removed limitation of fixed size buffer. eat_comments() Use a state machine. eat_line_trailing() eat_spaces() read_lval() Better structured code. read_conf() read_route() Removed magic numbers. Made all list type in the config files accept pathname entries, except for `permanent_routes' and `query_routes.' for which this is impossible.
author markus schnalke <>
date Sat, 18 Feb 2012 18:07:55 +0100
line source
1 Subject: Warning: could not yet send message
2 From: MAILER-DAEMON@${host_name}
3 To: ${return_path}
4 MIME-Version: 1.0
5 Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
6 boundary="${uid}/${host_name}"
8 Messaggio in formato MIME multi-parti.
9 This is a MIME-encapsulated message.
11 --${uid}/${host_name}
12 Content-Description: Notification
13 Content-Type: text/plain
15 Questo messaggio ti e' stato spedito dal servente:
16 ${package} ${version}) a ${host_name}.
17 (This message was sent to you by the mailer daemon:
18 ${package} ${version}) at ${host_name}.)
20 Spiacente ma non e' stato possibile spedire il tuo msg a tutti
21 i destinatari. L'invio ai seguenti destinatari e' stato ritardato:
22 (Sorry, but your mail could not yet be delivered to all recipients.
23 Delivery to the following recipients has been defered:)
25 @failed_rcpts
27 La spedizione verra' ritentata, finche' ha successo o scade il
28 tempo disponibile impostato. In quest'ultimo caso riceverai una
29 notifica di spedizione fallita definitiva.
30 (Delivery will be tried again, until it is either successful or a
31 timeout has been reached. If the latter happens, you will get a
32 delivery failure notice.)
35 Il seguente msg d'errore potrebbe aiutarti a capire la causa
36 dell'errore:
37 (This error message may give you a hint about what caused the
38 delay:)
40 ${err_msg}
42 In caso ti serva aiuto scrivi a:
43 (If you need help, write to:)
44 <postmaster@${host_name}>.
46 The headers of your message follow attached:
48 --${uid}/${host_name}
49 Content-Description: Undelivered Message Headers
50 Content-Type: message/rfc822
52 @msg_headers
54 --${uid}/${host_name}--