view src/route.c @ 304:d5ce2ba71e7b

manual formating of Received: hdrs; changed hdr for local receival Now the Received: headers are much friendlier to read. About folding: We must fold any line at 998 chars before transfer. We should fold the lines we produce at 78 chars. That is what RFC 2821 requests. We should think about it, somewhen. The header for locally (i.e. non-SMTP) received mail is changed to the format postfix uses. This matches RFC 2821 better. The `from' clause should contain a domain or IP, not a user name. Also, the `with' clause should contain a registered standard protocol name, which ``local'' is not.
author markus schnalke <>
date Thu, 09 Dec 2010 18:28:11 -0300
parents 87df0aa99cc7
children 55b7bde95d37
line wrap: on
line source

/*  MasqMail
    Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Oliver Kurth
    Copyright (C) 2010 markus schnalke <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include <fnmatch.h>

#include "masqmail.h"

create_msgout_perhost(gchar * host)
	msgout_perhost *mo_ph = g_malloc(sizeof(msgout_perhost));
	if (mo_ph) {
		mo_ph->host = g_strdup(host);
		mo_ph->msgout_list = NULL;
	return mo_ph;

destroy_msgout_perhost(msgout_perhost * mo_ph)
	GList *mo_node;

	foreach(mo_ph->msgout_list, mo_node) {
		msg_out *mo = (msg_out *) (mo_node->data);
		/* the rcpt_list is owned by the msgout's, but not the rcpt's themselves */

rewrite_headers(msg_out * msgout, connect_route * route)
	/* if set_h_from_domain is set, replace domain in all
	   From: headers.
	msgout->hdr_list = g_list_copy(msgout->msg->hdr_list);

	/* map from addresses */
	if (route->map_h_from_addresses != NULL) {
		GList *hdr_node;
		foreach(msgout->hdr_list, hdr_node) {
			header *hdr = (header *) (hdr_node->data);
			if (hdr->id == HEAD_FROM) {
				header *new_hdr = copy_header(hdr);
				if (map_address_header(new_hdr, route->map_h_from_addresses)) {
					hdr_node->data = new_hdr;
					/* we need this list only to carefully free the extra headers: */
					msgout->xtra_hdr_list = g_list_append(msgout->xtra_hdr_list, new_hdr);
				} else
	} else {
		/* replace from domain */
		if (route->set_h_from_domain != NULL) {
			GList *hdr_node;

			foreach(msgout->hdr_list, hdr_node) {
				header *hdr = (header *) (hdr_node->data);
				if (hdr->id == HEAD_FROM) {
					header *new_hdr = copy_header(hdr);

					DEBUG(5) debugf("setting From: domain to %s\n", route->set_h_from_domain);
					if (set_address_header_domain(new_hdr, route->set_h_from_domain)) {
						hdr_node->data = new_hdr;
						/* we need this list only to carefully free the extra headers: */
						DEBUG(6) debugf("header = %s\n", new_hdr->header);
						msgout->xtra_hdr_list = g_list_append(msgout->xtra_hdr_list, new_hdr);
					} else {
						logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "error in set_address_header_domain(%s, %s)\n",
						         new_hdr->value, route->set_h_from_domain);

	/* map reply-to addresses */
	if (route->map_h_reply_to_addresses != NULL) {
		GList *hdr_node;
		foreach(msgout->hdr_list, hdr_node) {
			header *hdr = (header *) (hdr_node->data);
			if (hdr->id == HEAD_REPLY_TO) {
				header *new_hdr = copy_header(hdr);
				if (map_address_header
					(new_hdr, route->map_h_reply_to_addresses)) {
					hdr_node->data = new_hdr;
					/* we need this list only to carefully free the extra headers: */
					msgout->xtra_hdr_list = g_list_append(msgout->xtra_hdr_list, new_hdr);
				} else
	} else {
		/* replace Reply-to domain */
		if (route->set_h_reply_to_domain != NULL) {
			GList *hdr_node;

			foreach(msgout->hdr_list, hdr_node) {
				header *hdr = (header *) (hdr_node->data);
				if (hdr->id == HEAD_REPLY_TO) {
					header *new_hdr = copy_header(hdr);

					set_address_header_domain(new_hdr, route-> set_h_reply_to_domain);
					hdr_node->data = new_hdr;
					/* we need this list only to carefully free the extra headers: */
					msgout->xtra_hdr_list = g_list_append(msgout->xtra_hdr_list, new_hdr);

	/* map Mail-Followup-To addresses */
	if (route->map_h_mail_followup_to_addresses != NULL) {
		GList *hdr_node;
		foreach(msgout->hdr_list, hdr_node) {
			header *hdr = (header *) (hdr_node->data);
			if (strncasecmp(hdr->header, "Mail-Followup-To", 16) == 0) {
				header *new_hdr = copy_header(hdr);
				if (map_address_header(new_hdr, route->map_h_mail_followup_to_addresses)) {
					hdr_node->data = new_hdr;
					/* we need this list only to carefully free the extra headers: */
					msgout->xtra_hdr_list = g_list_append(msgout->xtra_hdr_list, new_hdr);
				} else

	/* set Sender: domain to return_path->domain */
	if (route->expand_h_sender_domain) {
		GList *hdr_node;

		foreach(msgout->hdr_list, hdr_node) {
			header *hdr = (header *) (hdr_node->data);
			if (hdr->id == HEAD_SENDER) {
				header *new_hdr = copy_header(hdr);

				set_address_header_domain(new_hdr, msgout->return_path->domain);
				hdr_node->data = new_hdr;
				/* we need this list only to carefully free the extra headers: */
				msgout->xtra_hdr_list = g_list_append(msgout->xtra_hdr_list, new_hdr);

	/* set Sender: domain to return_path->domain */
	if (route->expand_h_sender_address) {
		GList *hdr_node;

		foreach(msgout->hdr_list, hdr_node) {
			header *hdr = (header *) (hdr_node->data);
			if (hdr->id == HEAD_SENDER) {
				header *new_hdr;

				new_hdr = create_header(HEAD_SENDER, "Sender: %s@%s\n",
				                        msgout->return_path->local_part, msgout->return_path->domain);
				hdr_node->data = new_hdr;
				/* we need this list only to carefully free the extra headers: */
				msgout->xtra_hdr_list = g_list_append(msgout->xtra_hdr_list, new_hdr);

	if (msgout->xtra_hdr_list == NULL) {
		/* nothing was changed */
		msgout->hdr_list = NULL;
	DEBUG(5) debugf("rewrite_headers() returning\n");

Split a recipient list into the three groups:
- local recipients
- local net recipients
- other/remote/online recipients
It should be possible to call the function like:
	split_rcpts(rcpts, hostlist, local, others, others);
This would split online between local and localnet+online recipients.
(untested yet; remove this line if you saw it worked -- meillo 2010-10-21)
If host_list is NULL, only splitting between local and other is done.
split_rcpts(GList* rcpt_list, GList* localnets, GList** rl_local, GList** rl_localnet, GList** rl_others)
	GList *rcpt_node;
	GList *host_node = NULL;
	address *rcpt = NULL;

	if (rcpt_list == NULL)

	foreach(rcpt_list, rcpt_node) {
		rcpt = (address *) (rcpt_node->data);
		host_node = NULL;

		if (addr_is_local(rcpt)) {
			if (rl_local)
				*rl_local = g_list_append(*rl_local, rcpt);
		} else {
			/* if localnets is NULL, host_node will be NULL,
			   hence all non-locals are put to others */
			foreach(localnets, host_node) {
				gchar *host = (gchar *) (host_node->data);
				if (fnmatch(host, rcpt->domain, FNM_CASEFOLD) == 0)
			if (host_node) {
				if (rl_localnet)
					*rl_localnet = g_list_append(*rl_localnet, rcpt);
			} else {
				if (rl_others)
					*rl_others = g_list_append(*rl_others, rcpt);

static gint
_g_list_addrcmp(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
	return addr_match((address *) a, (address *) b);

route_is_allowed_return_path(connect_route * route, address * ret_path)
	if (route->not_allowed_return_paths != NULL) {
		if (g_list_find_custom(route->not_allowed_return_paths, ret_path, _g_list_addrcmp) != NULL) {
			return FALSE;
	if (route->allowed_return_paths != NULL) {
		if (g_list_find_custom(route->allowed_return_paths, ret_path, _g_list_addrcmp) != NULL) {
			return TRUE;
		} else {
			return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

static gint
_g_list_strcmp(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
	return (gint) strcmp(a, b);

route_is_allowed_mail_local(connect_route * route, address * ret_path)
	gchar *loc_part = ret_path->local_part;

	if (route->not_allowed_mail_locals != NULL) {
		if (g_list_find_custom(route->not_allowed_mail_locals, loc_part, _g_list_strcmp) != NULL)
			return FALSE;
	if (route->allowed_mail_locals != NULL) {
		if (g_list_find_custom(route->allowed_mail_locals, loc_part, _g_list_strcmp) != NULL)
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

   Make lists of matching/not matching rcpts.
   Local domains are NOT regared here, these should be sorted out previously
msg_rcptlist_route(connect_route * route, GList * rcpt_list, GList ** p_rcpt_list, GList ** p_non_rcpt_list)
	GList *tmp_list = NULL;
	/* sort out those domains that can be sent over this connection: */
	if (route->allowed_rcpt_domains) {
		DEBUG(5) debugf("testing for route->allowed_rcpt_domains\n");
		split_rcpts(rcpt_list, route->allowed_rcpt_domains, NULL, &tmp_list, p_non_rcpt_list);
	} else {
		DEBUG(5) debugf("route->allowed_rcpt_domains == NULL\n");
		tmp_list = g_list_copy(rcpt_list);

	/* sort out those domains that cannot be sent over this connection: */
	split_rcpts(tmp_list, route->not_allowed_rcpt_domains, NULL, p_non_rcpt_list, p_rcpt_list);

route_prepare_msgout(connect_route * route, msg_out * msgout)
	message *msg = msgout->msg;
	GList *rcpt_list = msgout->rcpt_list;

	if (rcpt_list != NULL) {
		/* found a few */
		DEBUG(5) {
			GList *node;
			debugf("rcpts for routed delivery, route = %s, id = %s\n", route->name, msg->uid);
			foreach(rcpt_list, node) {
				address *rcpt = (address *) (node->data);
				debugf("  rcpt for routed delivery: <%s@%s>\n",
				       rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain);

		/* rewrite return path if there is a table, use that
		   if an address is found and if it has a domain, use that
		if (route->map_return_path_addresses) {
			address *ret_path = NULL;
			DEBUG(5) debugf("looking up %s in map_return_path_addresses\n", msg->return_path->local_part);
			ret_path = (address *) table_find_fnmatch(route->map_return_path_addresses, msg->return_path->local_part);
			if (ret_path) {
				DEBUG(5) debugf("found <%s@%s>\n", ret_path->local_part, ret_path->domain);
				if (ret_path->domain == NULL)
					ret_path->domain = route->set_return_path_domain
					                   ? route->set_return_path_domain
					                   : msg->return_path->domain;
				msgout->return_path = copy_address(ret_path);
		if (msgout->return_path == NULL) {
			DEBUG(5) debugf("setting return path to %s\n", route->set_return_path_domain);
			msgout->return_path = copy_modify_address(msg->return_path, NULL, route->set_return_path_domain);
		rewrite_headers(msgout, route);

		return msgout;
	return NULL;

/* put msgout's is msgout_list into bins (msgout_perhost structs) for each
   host. Used if there is no mail_host.
   route param is not used, we leave it here because that may change.

route_msgout_list(connect_route * route, GList * msgout_list)
	GList *mo_ph_list = NULL;
	GList *msgout_node;

	foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node) {
		msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *) (msgout_node->data);
		msg_out *msgout_new;
		GList *rcpt_list = msgout->rcpt_list;
		GList *rcpt_node;

		foreach(rcpt_list, rcpt_node) {
			address *rcpt = rcpt_node->data;
			msgout_perhost *mo_ph = NULL;
			GList *mo_ph_node = NULL;

			/* search host in mo_ph_list */
			foreach(mo_ph_list, mo_ph_node) {
				mo_ph = (msgout_perhost *) (mo_ph_node->data);
				if (strcasecmp(mo_ph->host, rcpt->domain) == 0)
			if (mo_ph_node != NULL) {
				/* there is already a rcpt for this host */
				msg_out *msgout_last = (msg_out *) ((g_list_last(mo_ph->msgout_list))->data);
				if (msgout_last->msg == msgout->msg) {
					/* if it is also the same message, it must be the last one appended
					   to mo_ph->msgout_list (since outer loop goes through msgout_list) */
					msgout_last->rcpt_list = g_list_append(msgout_last->rcpt_list, rcpt);
				} else {
					/* if not, we append a new msgout */
					/* make a copy of msgout */
					msgout_new = create_msg_out(msgout->msg);
					msgout_new->return_path = msgout->return_path;
					msgout_new->hdr_list = msgout->hdr_list;

					/* append our rcpt to it */
					/* It is the 1st rcpt for this msg to this host, therefore we safely give NULL */
					msgout_new->rcpt_list = g_list_append(NULL, rcpt);
					mo_ph->msgout_list = g_list_append(mo_ph->msgout_list, msgout_new);
			} else {
				/* this rcpt to goes to another host */
				mo_ph = create_msgout_perhost(rcpt->domain);
				mo_ph_list = g_list_append(mo_ph_list, mo_ph);

				/* make a copy of msgout */
				msgout_new = create_msg_out(msgout->msg);
				msgout_new->return_path = msgout->return_path;
				msgout_new->hdr_list = msgout->hdr_list;

				/* append our rcpt to it */
				/* It is the 1st rcpt for this msg to this host, therefore we safely give NULL */
				msgout_new->rcpt_list = g_list_append(NULL, rcpt);
				mo_ph->msgout_list = g_list_append(mo_ph->msgout_list, msgout_new);
			}  /* if mo_ph != NULL */
		}  /* foreach(rcpt_list, ... */
	}  /* foreach(msgout_list, ... */

	return mo_ph_list;