diff src/spool.c @ 0:08114f7dcc23 0.2.21

this is masqmail-0.2.21 from oliver kurth
author meillo@marmaro.de
date Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:05:23 +0200
children 26e34ae9a3e3
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/spool.c	Fri Sep 26 17:05:23 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+/*  MasqMail
+    Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Oliver Kurth
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "masqmail.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "dotlock.h"
+gint read_line(FILE *in, gchar *buf, gint buf_len)
+  gint p = 0;
+  gint c;
+  while((c = getc(in)) != '\n' && (c != EOF)){
+    if(p >= buf_len-1) { return 0; }
+    buf[p++] = c;
+  }
+  if(c == EOF){
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if((p > 0) && (buf[p-1] == '\r'))
+    p--;
+  buf[p++] = '\n';
+  buf[p] = 0;
+  return p;
+void spool_write_rcpt(FILE *out, address *rcpt)
+  gchar dlvrd_char = addr_is_delivered(rcpt) ? 'X' : (addr_is_failed(rcpt) ? 'F' : ' ');
+  if(rcpt->local_part[0] != '|'){
+    /* this is a paranoid check, in case it slipped through: */
+    /* if this happens, it is a bug */
+    if(rcpt->domain == NULL){
+      logwrite(LOG_WARNING, "BUG: null domain for address %s, setting to %s\n",
+	       rcpt->local_part, conf.host_name);
+      logwrite(LOG_WARNING, "please report this bug.\n");
+      rcpt->domain = g_strdup(conf.host_name);
+    }
+    fprintf(out, "RT:%c%s\n", dlvrd_char, addr_string(rcpt));
+  }else{
+    fprintf(out, "RT:%c%s\n", dlvrd_char, rcpt->local_part);
+  }
+address *spool_scan_rcpt(gchar *line)
+  address *rcpt = NULL;
+  if(line[3] != 0){
+    if(line[4] != '|'){
+      rcpt = create_address(&(line[4]), TRUE);
+    }else{
+      rcpt = create_address_pipe(&(line[4]));
+    }
+    if(line[3] == 'X'){
+      addr_mark_delivered(rcpt);
+    }else if(line[3] == 'F'){
+      addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+    }
+  }
+  return rcpt;
+gboolean spool_read_data(message *msg)
+  FILE *in;
+  gboolean ok = FALSE;
+  gchar *spool_file;
+  DEBUG(5) debugf("spool_read_data entered\n");
+  spool_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/input/%s-D", conf.spool_dir, msg->uid);
+  DEBUG(5) debugf("reading data spool file '%s'\n", spool_file);
+  if((in = fopen(spool_file, "r"))){
+    char buf[MAX_DATALINE];
+    int len;
+    /* msg uid */
+    read_line(in, buf, MAX_DATALINE);
+    /* data */
+    msg->data_list = NULL;
+    while((len = read_line(in, buf, MAX_DATALINE)) > 0){
+      msg->data_list = g_list_prepend(msg->data_list, g_strdup(buf));
+    }
+    msg->data_list = g_list_reverse(msg->data_list);
+    fclose(in);
+    ok = TRUE;
+  }else
+    logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not open spool data file %s: %s\n",
+	     spool_file, strerror(errno));
+  return ok;
+gboolean spool_read_header(message *msg)
+  FILE *in;
+  gboolean ok = FALSE;
+  gchar *spool_file;
+  /* header spool: */
+  spool_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/input/%s-H", conf.spool_dir, msg->uid);
+  if((in = fopen(spool_file, "r"))){
+    header *hdr = NULL;
+    char buf[MAX_DATALINE];
+    int len;
+    /* msg uid */
+    read_line(in, buf, MAX_DATALINE);
+    /* envelope header */
+    while((len = read_line(in, buf, MAX_DATALINE)) > 0){
+      if(buf[0] == '\n')
+	break;
+      else if(strncasecmp(buf, "MF:", 3) == 0){
+	msg->return_path = create_address(&(buf[3]), TRUE);
+	DEBUG(3) debugf("spool_read: MAIL FROM: %s",
+			msg->return_path->address);
+      }else if(strncasecmp(buf, "RT:", 3) == 0){
+	address *addr;
+	addr = spool_scan_rcpt(buf);
+	if(!addr_is_delivered(addr) && !addr_is_failed(addr)){
+	  msg->rcpt_list = g_list_append(msg->rcpt_list, addr);
+	}else{
+	  msg->non_rcpt_list = g_list_append(msg->non_rcpt_list, addr);
+	}
+      }else if(strncasecmp(buf, "PR:", 3) == 0){
+	prot_id i;
+	for(i = 0; i < PROT_NUM; i++){
+	  if(strncasecmp(prot_names[i], &(buf[3]),
+			 strlen(prot_names[i])) == 0){
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+	msg->received_prot = i;
+      }else if(strncasecmp(buf, "RH:", 3) == 0){
+	g_strchomp(buf);
+	msg->received_host = g_strdup(&(buf[3]));
+      }else if(strncasecmp(buf, "ID:", 3) == 0){
+	g_strchomp(buf);
+	msg->ident = g_strdup(&(buf[3]));
+      }else if(strncasecmp(buf, "DS:", 3) == 0){
+	msg->data_size = atoi(&(buf[3]));
+      }else if(strncasecmp(buf, "TR:", 3) == 0){
+	msg->received_time = (time_t)(atoi(&(buf[3])));
+      }else if(strncasecmp(buf, "TW:", 3) == 0){
+	msg->warned_time = (time_t)(atoi(&(buf[3])));
+      }
+      /* so far ignore other tags */
+    }
+    /* mail headers */
+    while((len = read_line(in, buf, MAX_DATALINE)) > 0){
+      if(strncasecmp(buf, "HD:", 3) == 0){
+	hdr = get_header(&(buf[3]));
+	msg->hdr_list = g_list_append(msg->hdr_list, hdr);
+      }else if((buf[0] == ' ' || buf[0] == '\t') && hdr){
+	char *tmp = hdr->header;
+	/* header continuation */
+	hdr->header = g_strconcat(hdr->header, buf, NULL);
+	hdr->value = hdr->header + (hdr->value - tmp);
+      }else
+	break;
+    }
+    fclose(in);
+    ok = TRUE;
+  }else
+    logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not open spool header file %s: %s\n",
+	     spool_file, strerror(errno));
+  return ok;
+message *msg_spool_read(gchar *uid, gboolean do_readdata)
+  message *msg;
+  gboolean ok = FALSE;
+  msg = create_message();
+  msg->uid = g_strdup(uid);
+  /* header spool: */
+  ok = spool_read_header(msg);
+  if(ok && do_readdata){
+    /* data spool: */
+    ok = spool_read_data(msg);
+  }
+  return msg;
+/* write header. uid and gid should already be set to the
+   mail ids. Better call spool_write(msg, FALSE).
+gboolean spool_write_header(message *msg)
+  GList *node;
+  gchar *spool_file, *tmp_file;
+  FILE *out;
+  gboolean ok = TRUE;
+  /* header spool: */
+  tmp_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/input/%d-H.tmp", conf.spool_dir, getpid());
+  DEBUG(4) debugf("tmp_file = %s\n", tmp_file);
+  if((out = fopen(tmp_file, "w"))){
+    DEBUG(6) debugf("opened tmp_file %s\n", tmp_file);
+    fprintf(out, "%s\n", msg->uid);
+    fprintf(out, "MF:%s\n", addr_string(msg->return_path));
+    DEBUG(6) debugf("after MF\n");
+    foreach(msg->rcpt_list, node){
+      address *rcpt = (address *)(node->data);
+      spool_write_rcpt(out, rcpt);
+    }
+    foreach(msg->non_rcpt_list, node){
+      address *rcpt = (address *)(node->data);
+      spool_write_rcpt(out, rcpt);
+    }
+    DEBUG(6) debugf("after RT\n");
+    fprintf(out, "PR:%s\n", prot_names[msg->received_prot]);
+    if(msg->received_host != NULL)
+      fprintf(out, "RH:%s\n", msg->received_host);
+    if(msg->ident != NULL)
+      fprintf(out, "ID:%s\n", msg->ident);
+    if(msg->data_size >= 0)
+      fprintf(out, "DS: %d\n", msg->data_size);
+    if(msg->received_time > 0)
+      fprintf(out, "TR: %u\n", (int)(msg->received_time));
+    if(msg->warned_time > 0)
+      fprintf(out, "TW: %u\n", (int)(msg->warned_time));
+    DEBUG(6) debugf("after RH\n");
+    fprintf(out, "\n");
+    foreach(msg->hdr_list, node){
+      header *hdr = (header *)(node->data);
+      fprintf(out, "HD:%s", hdr->header);
+    }
+    if(fflush(out) == EOF) ok = FALSE;
+    else if(fdatasync(fileno(out)) != 0){
+      if(errno != EINVAL) /* some fs do not support this..
+			     I hope this also means that it is not necessary */
+	ok = FALSE;
+    }
+    fclose(out);
+    if(ok){
+      spool_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/input/%s-H", conf.spool_dir, msg->uid);
+      DEBUG(4) debugf("spool_file = %s\n", spool_file);
+      ok = (rename(tmp_file, spool_file) != -1);
+      g_free(spool_file);
+    }
+  }else{
+    logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not open temporary header spool file '%s': %s\n", tmp_file, strerror(errno));
+    DEBUG(1) debugf("euid = %d, egid = %d\n", geteuid(), getegid());
+    ok = FALSE;
+  }
+  g_free(tmp_file);
+  return ok;
+gboolean spool_write(message *msg, gboolean do_write_data)
+  GList *list;
+  gchar *spool_file, *tmp_file;
+  FILE *out;
+  gboolean ok = TRUE;
+  uid_t saved_uid, saved_gid;
+  /* user can read/write, group can read, others cannot do anything: */
+  mode_t saved_mode = saved_mode = umask(026);
+  /* set uid and gid to the mail ids */
+  if(!conf.run_as_user){
+    set_euidgid(conf.mail_uid, conf.mail_gid, &saved_uid, &saved_gid);
+  }
+  /* header spool: */
+  ok = spool_write_header(msg);
+  if(ok){
+    if(do_write_data){
+      /* data spool: */
+      tmp_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/input/%d-D.tmp",
+				 conf.spool_dir, getpid());
+      DEBUG(4) debugf("tmp_file = %s\n", tmp_file);
+      if((out = fopen(tmp_file, "w"))){
+	fprintf(out, "%s\n", msg->uid);
+	for(list = g_list_first(msg->data_list);
+	    list != NULL;
+	    list = g_list_next(list)){
+	  fprintf(out, "%s", (gchar *)(list->data));
+	}
+	/* possibly paranoid ;-) */
+	if(fflush(out) == EOF) ok = FALSE;
+	else if(fdatasync(fileno(out)) != 0){
+	  if(errno != EINVAL) /* some fs do not support this..
+				 I hope this also means that it is not necessary */
+	    ok = FALSE;
+	}
+	fclose(out);
+	if(ok){
+	  spool_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/input/%s-D",
+				       conf.spool_dir, msg->uid);
+	  DEBUG(4) debugf("spool_file = %s\n", spool_file);
+	  ok = (rename(tmp_file, spool_file) != -1);
+	  g_free(spool_file);
+	}
+      }else{
+	logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not open temporary data spool file: %s\n",
+		 strerror(errno));
+	ok = FALSE;
+      }
+      g_free(tmp_file);
+    }
+  }
+  /* set uid and gid back */
+  if(!conf.run_as_user){
+    set_euidgid(saved_uid, saved_gid, NULL, NULL);
+  }
+  umask(saved_mode);
+  return ok;
+#define MAX_LOCKAGE 300
+gboolean spool_lock(gchar *uid)
+  uid_t saved_uid, saved_gid;
+  gchar *hitch_name;
+  gchar *lock_name;
+  gboolean ok = FALSE;
+  hitch_name = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s-%d.lock", conf.lock_dir, uid, getpid());
+  lock_name = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s.lock", conf.lock_dir, uid);
+  /* set uid and gid to the mail ids */
+  if(!conf.run_as_user){
+    set_euidgid(conf.mail_uid, conf.mail_gid, &saved_uid, &saved_gid);
+  }
+  ok = dot_lock(lock_name, hitch_name);
+  if(!ok) logwrite(LOG_WARNING, "spool file %s is locked\n", uid);
+  /* set uid and gid back */
+  if(!conf.run_as_user){
+    set_euidgid(saved_uid, saved_gid, NULL, NULL);
+  }
+  g_free(lock_name);
+  g_free(hitch_name);
+  return ok;
+gboolean spool_unlock(gchar *uid)
+  uid_t saved_uid, saved_gid;
+  gchar *lock_name;
+  /* set uid and gid to the mail ids */
+  if(!conf.run_as_user){
+    set_euidgid(conf.mail_uid, conf.mail_gid, &saved_uid, &saved_gid);
+  }
+  lock_name = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s.lock", conf.lock_dir, uid);
+  dot_unlock(lock_name);
+  g_free(lock_name);
+  /* set uid and gid back */
+  if(!conf.run_as_user){
+    set_euidgid(saved_uid, saved_gid, NULL, NULL);
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+gboolean spool_delete_all(message *msg)
+  uid_t saved_uid, saved_gid;
+  gchar *spool_file;
+  /* set uid and gid to the mail ids */
+  if(!conf.run_as_user){
+    set_euidgid(conf.mail_uid, conf.mail_gid, &saved_uid, &saved_gid);
+  }
+  /* header spool: */
+  spool_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/input/%s-H", conf.spool_dir, msg->uid);
+  if(unlink(spool_file) != 0)
+    logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not delete spool file %s: %s\n",
+	     spool_file, strerror(errno));
+  g_free(spool_file);
+  /* data spool: */
+  spool_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/input/%s-D", conf.spool_dir, msg->uid);
+  if(unlink(spool_file) != 0)
+    logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not delete spool file %s: %s\n",
+	     spool_file, strerror(errno));
+  g_free(spool_file);
+  /* set uid and gid back */
+  if(!conf.run_as_user){
+    set_euidgid(saved_uid, saved_gid, NULL, NULL);
+  }
+  return TRUE;