diff src/deliver.c @ 0:08114f7dcc23 0.2.21

this is masqmail-0.2.21 from oliver kurth
author meillo@marmaro.de
date Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:05:23 +0200
children 26e34ae9a3e3
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/deliver.c	Fri Sep 26 17:05:23 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+/*  MasqMail
+    Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Oliver Kurth
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "masqmail.h"
+#include "smtp_out.h"
+#include <fnmatch.h>
+#include <sysexits.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+/* collect failed/defered rcpts for failure/warning messages */
+/* returns TRUE if either there are no failures or a
+   failure message has been successfully sent */
+gboolean delivery_failures(message *msg, GList *rcpt_list, gchar *err_fmt, ...)
+  gboolean ok_fail = TRUE, ok_warn = TRUE;
+  time_t now = time(NULL);
+  GList *failed_list = NULL, *defered_list = NULL, *rcpt_node;
+  va_list args;
+  va_start(args, err_fmt);
+  foreach(rcpt_list, rcpt_node){
+    address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+    if(addr_is_defered(rcpt)){
+      if((now - msg->received_time) >= conf.max_defer_time){
+	addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+      }else
+	defered_list = g_list_prepend(defered_list, rcpt);
+    }
+    if(addr_is_failed(rcpt))
+      failed_list = g_list_prepend(failed_list, rcpt);
+  }
+  if(failed_list != NULL){
+    ok_fail = fail_msg(msg, conf.errmsg_file, failed_list, err_fmt, args);
+    g_list_free(failed_list);
+  }
+  if(defered_list != NULL){
+    ok_warn = warn_msg(msg, conf.warnmsg_file, defered_list, err_fmt, args);
+    g_list_free(defered_list);
+  }
+  va_end(args);
+  return ok_fail && ok_warn;
+static gint _g_list_strcasecmp(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
+  return (gint)strcasecmp(a, b);
+gboolean deliver_local(msg_out *msgout)
+  message *msg = msgout->msg;
+  GList *rcpt_list = msgout->rcpt_list;
+  GList *rcpt_node;
+  gboolean ok = TRUE, flag = FALSE, ok_fail = FALSE;
+  DEBUG(5) debugf("deliver_local entered\n");
+  flag = (msg->data_list == NULL);
+  if(flag){
+    if(!(ok = spool_read_data(msg))){
+      logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not open data spool file for %s\n",
+	       msg->uid);
+    }
+  }
+  if(!ok) return FALSE;
+  ok = FALSE;
+  for(rcpt_node = g_list_first(rcpt_list);
+      rcpt_node;
+      rcpt_node = g_list_next(rcpt_node)){
+    GList *hdr_list;
+    address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+    address *env_addr = addr_find_ancestor(rcpt);
+    address *ret_path = msg->return_path;
+    header *retpath_hdr, *envto_hdr;
+    /* we need a private copy of the hdr list because we add headers here
+       that belong to the rcpt only.
+       g_list_copy copies only the nodes, so it is safe to
+       g_list_free it
+    */
+    hdr_list = g_list_copy(msg->hdr_list);
+    retpath_hdr = create_header(HEAD_ENVELOPE_TO,
+				"Envelope-to: %s\n", addr_string(env_addr));
+    envto_hdr = create_header(HEAD_RETURN_PATH,
+			      "Return-path: %s\n", addr_string(ret_path));
+    hdr_list = g_list_prepend(hdr_list, envto_hdr);
+    hdr_list = g_list_prepend(hdr_list, retpath_hdr);
+    if(rcpt->local_part[0] == '|'){
+      DEBUG(1) debugf("attempting to deliver %s with pipe\n", msg->uid);
+      if(pipe_out(msg, hdr_list, rcpt, &(rcpt->local_part[1]),
+		  (conf.pipe_fromline ? MSGSTR_FROMLINE : 0) |
+		  (conf.pipe_fromhack ? MSGSTR_FROMHACK : 0))){
+	logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s => %s <%s@%s> with pipe\n",
+		 msg->uid, rcpt->local_part,
+		 env_addr->local_part, env_addr->domain
+		 );
+	addr_mark_delivered(rcpt);
+	ok = TRUE;
+      }else{
+	if((errno != (1024 + EX_TEMPFAIL)) && (errno != EAGAIN)){
+	  addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+	}else{
+	  addr_mark_defered(rcpt); /* has no effect yet,
+				      except that mail remains in spool */
+	}
+      }
+    }else{
+      /* figure out which mailbox type should be used for this user */
+      gchar *user = rcpt->local_part;
+      gchar *mbox_type = conf.mbox_default;
+      if(g_list_find_custom(conf.mbox_users, user, _g_list_strcasecmp) != NULL)
+	mbox_type = "mbox";
+      else if(g_list_find_custom(conf.mda_users, user, _g_list_strcasecmp) != NULL)
+	mbox_type = "mda";
+      else if(g_list_find_custom(conf.maildir_users, user, _g_list_strcasecmp) != NULL)
+	mbox_type = "maildir";
+      if(strcmp(mbox_type, "mbox") == 0){
+	DEBUG(1) debugf("attempting to deliver %s with mbox\n", msg->uid);
+	if(append_file(msg, hdr_list, rcpt->local_part)){
+	  if(env_addr != rcpt){
+	    logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s => %s@%s <%s@%s> with mbox\n",
+		     msg->uid, rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain,
+		     env_addr->local_part, env_addr->domain
+		     );
+	  }else{
+	    logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s => <%s@%s> with mbox\n",
+		     msg->uid, rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain);
+	  }
+	  addr_mark_delivered(rcpt);
+	  ok = TRUE;
+	}else{
+	  if(errno != EAGAIN){ /* prevents 'Resource temporarily unavailable (11)' */
+	    addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+	  }else{
+	    addr_mark_defered(rcpt);
+	  }
+	}
+      }else if(strcmp(mbox_type, "mda") == 0){
+	if(conf.mda){
+	  gchar *cmd = g_malloc(256);
+	  GList *var_table = var_table_rcpt(var_table_msg(NULL, msg), rcpt);
+	  DEBUG(1) debugf("attempting to deliver %s with mda\n", msg->uid);
+	  if(expand(var_table, conf.mda, cmd, 256)){
+	    if(pipe_out(msg, hdr_list, rcpt, cmd,
+			(conf.mda_fromline ? MSGSTR_FROMLINE : 0) |
+			(conf.mda_fromhack ? MSGSTR_FROMHACK : 0))){
+	      logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s => %s@%s with mda (cmd = '%s')\n",
+		       msg->uid, rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain, cmd
+		       );
+	      addr_mark_delivered(rcpt);
+	      ok = TRUE;
+	    }else{
+	      if((errno != (1024 + EX_TEMPFAIL)) && (errno != EAGAIN)){
+		addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+	      }else{
+		addr_mark_defered(rcpt); /* has no effect yet,
+					    except that mail remains in spool */
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }else
+	    logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not expand string %s\n", conf.mda);
+	  destroy_table(var_table);
+	}else
+	  logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "mbox type is mda, but no mda command given in configuration\n");
+      }else if(strcmp(mbox_type, "maildir") == 0){
+	DEBUG(1) debugf("attempting to deliver %s with maildir\n", msg->uid);
+	if(maildir_out(msg, hdr_list, rcpt->local_part, 0)){
+	  if(env_addr != rcpt){
+	    logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s => %s@%s <%s@%s> with local\n",
+		     msg->uid, rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain,
+		     env_addr->local_part, env_addr->domain
+		     );
+	  }else{
+	    logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s => <%s@%s> with maildir\n",
+		     msg->uid, rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain);
+	  }
+	  addr_mark_delivered(rcpt);
+	  ok = TRUE;
+	}else
+	  addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+      }else
+	logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "unknown mbox type '%s'\n", mbox_type);
+    }
+    destroy_header(retpath_hdr);
+    destroy_header(envto_hdr);
+    g_list_free(hdr_list);
+  }
+  ok_fail = delivery_failures(msg, rcpt_list, "%s (%d)", ext_strerror(errno), errno);
+  if(flag) msg_free_data(msg);
+  if(ok || ok_fail) deliver_finish(msgout);
+  return ok;
+/* make a list of rcpt's of a message that are local
+   return a new copy of the list
+void msg_rcptlist_local(GList *rcpt_list, GList **p_local_list, GList **p_nonlocal_list)
+  GList *rcpt_node;
+  foreach(rcpt_list, rcpt_node){
+    address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+    GList *dom_node;
+    DEBUG(5) debugf("checking address %s\n", rcpt->address);
+    /* search for local host list: */
+    foreach(conf.local_hosts, dom_node){
+      if(strcasecmp(dom_node->data, rcpt->domain) == 0){
+	*p_local_list = g_list_append(*p_local_list, rcpt);
+	DEBUG(5) debugf("<%s@%s> is local\n", rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain);
+	break;
+      }else{
+	*p_nonlocal_list = g_list_append(*p_nonlocal_list, rcpt);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+gboolean deliver_msglist_host_pipe(connect_route *route, GList *msgout_list, gchar *host, GList *res_list)
+  gboolean ok = TRUE;
+  GList *msgout_node;
+  DEBUG(5) debugf("deliver_msglist_host_pipe entered\n");
+  if(route->pipe == NULL){
+    logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "no pipe command given for route (protocol is pipe!)\n");
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node){
+    msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+    gboolean flag, ok_msg = TRUE, ok_fail = FALSE;
+    message *msg = msgout->msg;
+    GList *rcpt_node, *rcpt_list = msgout->rcpt_list;
+    DEBUG(1) debugf("attempting to deliver %s with pipe\n", msg->uid);
+    flag = (msg->data_list == NULL);
+    if(flag){
+      if(!(ok_msg = spool_read_data(msg))){
+	logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not open data spool file for %s\n",
+		 msg->uid);
+      }
+    }
+    if(!ok_msg) continue;
+    ok = FALSE;
+    foreach(rcpt_list, rcpt_node){
+      address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+      gchar *cmd = g_malloc(256);
+      GList *var_table = var_table_rcpt(var_table_msg(NULL, msg), rcpt);
+      DEBUG(1) debugf("attempting to deliver %s to %s@%s with pipe\n",
+		      msg->uid, rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain);
+      if(expand(var_table, route->pipe, cmd, 256)){
+	if(pipe_out(msg, msg->hdr_list, rcpt, cmd,
+		    (route->pipe_fromline ? MSGSTR_FROMLINE : 0) |
+		    (route->pipe_fromhack ? MSGSTR_FROMHACK : 0))){
+	  logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s => %s@%s with pipe (cmd = '%s')\n",
+		   msg->uid, rcpt->local_part, rcpt->domain, cmd
+		   );
+	  addr_mark_delivered(rcpt);
+	  ok = TRUE;
+	}else{
+	  logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "pipe_out '%s' failed\n", route->pipe);
+	  if(route->connect_error_fail){
+	    addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+	  }else{
+	    addr_mark_defered(rcpt);
+	  }
+	}
+      }else
+	logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not expand string %s\n", route->pipe);
+      destroy_table(var_table);
+    }
+    ok_fail = delivery_failures(msg, rcpt_list, "%s", strerror(errno));
+    if(flag) msg_free_data(msg);
+    if(ok || ok_fail) deliver_finish(msgout);
+  }
+  return ok;
+/* deliver list of messages to one host
+   and finishes them if the message was delivered to at least one
+   rcpt.
+   Returns TRUE if at least one msg was delivered to at least one
+   rcpt.
+gboolean deliver_msglist_host_smtp(connect_route *route, GList *msgout_list, gchar *host, GList *res_list)
+  gboolean ok = FALSE;
+  GList *msgout_node;
+  smtp_base *psb;
+  gint port;
+  /* paranoid check: */
+  if(msgout_list == NULL){
+    logwrite(LOG_ALERT,
+	     "Ooops: empty list of messages in deliver_msglist_host()\n");
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  if(host == NULL){
+    host = route->mail_host->address;
+    port = route->mail_host->port;
+  }else
+    port = conf.remote_port;
+#ifdef ENABLE_POP3
+  if(route->pop3_login){
+    if(!(pop_before_smtp(route->pop3_login)))
+      return FALSE;
+  }
+  if((psb = (route->wrapper ?
+	     smtp_out_open_child(route->wrapper) :
+	     smtp_out_open(host, port, res_list)))){
+    if(route->wrapper) psb->remote_host = host;
+    set_heloname(psb,
+		 route->helo_name ? route->helo_name : conf.host_name,
+		 route->do_correct_helo);
+    if((route->auth_name) && (route->auth_login) && (route->auth_secret))
+      set_auth(psb, route->auth_name, route->auth_login, route->auth_secret);
+    if(smtp_out_init(psb)){
+      if(!route->do_pipelining) psb->use_pipelining = FALSE;
+      foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node){
+	msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+	gboolean flag, ok_msg = FALSE, ok_fail = FALSE;
+	message *msg = msgout->msg;
+	/* we may have to read the data at this point
+	   and remember if we did */
+	flag = (msg->data_list == NULL);
+	if(flag){
+	  if(!spool_read_data(msg)){
+	    logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not open data spool file %s\n",
+		     msg->uid);
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+	smtp_out_msg(psb, msg,
+		     msgout->return_path, msgout->rcpt_list, msgout->hdr_list);
+	ok_fail = delivery_failures(msg, msgout->rcpt_list, 
+				    "while connected with %s, the server replied\n\t%s",
+				    host, psb->buffer);
+	if((psb->error == smtp_eof) ||
+	   (psb->error == smtp_timeout)){
+	  /* connection lost */
+	  break;
+	}
+	else if(psb->error != smtp_ok){
+	  if(g_list_next(msgout_node) != NULL)
+	    if(!smtp_out_rset(psb))
+	      break;
+	}
+	ok_msg = (psb->error == smtp_ok);
+	if(flag) msg_free_data(msg);
+	if(ok_msg) ok = TRUE;
+	if(ok_msg || ok_fail){
+	  deliver_finish(msgout);
+	}
+      }
+      if(psb->error == smtp_ok ||
+	 (psb->error == smtp_fail) ||
+	 (psb->error == smtp_trylater) ||
+	 (psb->error == smtp_syntax)){
+	smtp_out_quit(psb);
+      }
+    }else{
+      /* smtp_out_init() failed */
+      if((psb->error == smtp_fail) ||
+	 (psb->error == smtp_trylater) ||
+	 (psb->error == smtp_syntax)){
+	smtp_out_quit(psb);
+	foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node){
+	  msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+	  smtp_out_mark_rcpts(psb, msgout->rcpt_list);
+	  if(delivery_failures(msgout->msg, msgout->rcpt_list, 
+			       "while connected with %s, the server replied\n\t%s",
+			       host, psb->buffer))
+	    deliver_finish(msgout);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    destroy_smtpbase(psb);
+  }else{
+    /* smtp_out_open() failed */
+    foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node){
+      msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+      GList *rcpt_node;
+      for(rcpt_node = g_list_first(msgout->rcpt_list);
+	  rcpt_node;
+	  rcpt_node = g_list_next(rcpt_node)){
+	address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+	addr_unmark_delivered(rcpt);
+	if(route->connect_error_fail){
+	  addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+	}else{
+	  addr_mark_defered(rcpt);
+	}
+	if(route->wrapper ?
+	   delivery_failures(msgout->msg, msgout->rcpt_list,
+			     "could not open wrapper:\n\t%s",
+			     strerror(errno)) :
+	   delivery_failures(msgout->msg, msgout->rcpt_list, 
+			     "could not open connection to %s:%d :\n\t%s",
+			     host, port, h_errno != 0 ? hstrerror(h_errno) : strerror(errno)))
+	  deliver_finish(msgout);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return ok;
+gboolean deliver_msglist_host(connect_route *route, GList *msgout_list, gchar *host, GList *res_list)
+  DEBUG(5) debugf("protocol = %s\n", route->protocol);
+  if(strcmp(route->protocol, "pipe") == 0){
+    return deliver_msglist_host_pipe(route, msgout_list, host, res_list);
+  }else{
+    return deliver_msglist_host_smtp(route, msgout_list, host, res_list);
+  }
+  delivers messages in msgout_list using route
+gboolean deliver_route_msgout_list(connect_route *route, GList *msgout_list)
+  gboolean ok = FALSE;
+  DEBUG(5) debugf("deliver_route_msgout_list entered, route->name = %s\n",
+		  route->name);
+  if(route->mail_host != NULL){
+    /* this is easy... */
+    if(deliver_msglist_host(route, msgout_list,
+			    NULL, route->resolve_list))
+      ok = TRUE;
+  }else{
+    /* this is not easy... */
+    GList *mo_ph_list;
+    mo_ph_list = route_msgout_list(route, msgout_list);
+    /* okay, now we have ordered our messages by the hosts. */
+    if(mo_ph_list != NULL){
+      GList *mo_ph_node;
+      /* TODO: It would be nice to be able to fork for each host.
+	 We cannot do that yet because of complications with finishing the
+	 messages. Threads could be a solution because they use the same
+	 memory. But we are not thread safe yet...
+      */
+      foreach(mo_ph_list, mo_ph_node){
+	msgout_perhost *mo_ph = (msgout_perhost *)(mo_ph_node->data);
+	if(deliver_msglist_host(route, mo_ph->msgout_list,
+				mo_ph->host, route->resolve_list))
+	  ok = TRUE;
+	destroy_msgout_perhost(mo_ph);
+      }
+      g_list_free(mo_ph_list);
+    }
+  }
+  return ok;
+  calls route_prepare_msg()
+  delivers messages in msg_list using route
+  by calling deliver_route_msgout_list()
+gboolean deliver_route_msg_list(connect_route *route, GList *msgout_list)
+  GList *msgout_list_deliver = NULL;
+  GList *msgout_node;
+  gboolean ok = TRUE;
+  DEBUG(6) debugf("deliver_route_msg_list()\n");
+  foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node){
+    msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+    msg_out *msgout_cloned = clone_msg_out(msgout);
+    GList *rcpt_list_non_delivered = NULL;
+    GList *rcpt_node;
+    /* we have to delete already delivered rcpt's
+       because a previous route may have delivered to it */
+    foreach(msgout_cloned->rcpt_list, rcpt_node){
+      address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+      /* failed addresses already have been bounced
+	 - there should be a better way to handle those.*/
+      if(!addr_is_delivered(rcpt) && !addr_is_failed(rcpt) && !(rcpt->flags & ADDR_FLAG_LAST_ROUTE))
+	rcpt_list_non_delivered = g_list_append(rcpt_list_non_delivered, rcpt);
+    }
+    g_list_free(msgout_cloned->rcpt_list);
+    msgout_cloned->rcpt_list = rcpt_list_non_delivered;
+    if(msgout_cloned->rcpt_list){
+      if(route_is_allowed_mail_local(route, msgout->msg->return_path) && 
+	 route_is_allowed_return_path(route, msgout->msg->return_path)){
+	GList *rcpt_list_allowed = NULL, *rcpt_list_notallowed = NULL;
+	msg_rcptlist_route(route, msgout_cloned->rcpt_list,
+			   &rcpt_list_allowed, &rcpt_list_notallowed);
+	if(rcpt_list_allowed != NULL){
+	  logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s using '%s'\n", msgout->msg->uid, route->name);
+	  g_list_free(msgout_cloned->rcpt_list);
+	  msgout_cloned->rcpt_list = rcpt_list_allowed;
+	  if(route->last_route){
+	    GList *rcpt_node;
+	    foreach(msgout_cloned->rcpt_list, rcpt_node){
+	      address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+	      rcpt->flags |= ADDR_FLAG_LAST_ROUTE;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  route_prepare_msgout(route, msgout_cloned);
+	  msgout_list_deliver = g_list_append(msgout_list_deliver, msgout_cloned);
+	}else
+	  destroy_msg_out(msgout_cloned);
+      }
+      else
+	destroy_msg_out(msgout_cloned);
+    }else
+      destroy_msg_out(msgout_cloned);
+  }
+  if(msgout_list_deliver != NULL){
+    if(deliver_route_msgout_list(route, msgout_list_deliver))
+      ok = TRUE;
+    destroy_msg_out_list(msgout_list_deliver);
+  }
+  return ok;
+/* copy pointers of delivered addresses to the msg's non_rcpt_list,
+   to make sure that they will not be delivered again.
+void update_non_rcpt_list(msg_out *msgout)
+  GList *rcpt_node;
+  message *msg = msgout->msg;
+  foreach(msgout->rcpt_list, rcpt_node){
+    address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+    if(addr_is_delivered(rcpt) || addr_is_failed(rcpt))
+      msg->non_rcpt_list = g_list_append(msg->non_rcpt_list, rcpt);
+  }
+/* after delivery attempts, we check if there are any
+   rcpt addresses left in the message.
+   If all addresses have been completed, the spool files will
+   be deleted, otherwise the header spool will be written back.
+   We never changed the data spool, so there is no need to write that back.
+   returns TRUE if all went well.
+gboolean deliver_finish(msg_out *msgout)
+  GList *rcpt_node;
+  gboolean ok = FALSE;
+  message *msg = msgout->msg;
+  gboolean finished = TRUE;
+  update_non_rcpt_list(msgout);
+  /* we NEVER made copies of the addresses, flags affecting addresses
+     were always set on the original address structs */
+  foreach(msg->rcpt_list, rcpt_node){
+    address *rcpt = (address *)(rcpt_node->data);
+    if(!addr_is_finished_children(rcpt))
+      finished = FALSE;
+    else{
+      /* if ALL children have been delivered,
+	 mark parent as delivered.
+	 if there is one or more not delivered,
+	 it must have failed, we mark the parent as failed as well.
+      */
+      if(addr_is_delivered_children(rcpt)){
+	addr_mark_delivered(rcpt);
+      }else{
+	addr_mark_failed(rcpt);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(!finished){
+    /* one not delivered address was found */
+    if(spool_write(msg, FALSE)){
+      ok = TRUE;
+      DEBUG(2) debugf("spool header for %s written back.\n", msg->uid);
+    }else
+      logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "could not write back spool header for %s\n",
+	       msg->uid);
+  }else{
+    ok = spool_delete_all(msg);
+    if(ok)
+      logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "%s completed.\n", msg->uid);
+  }
+  return ok;
+gboolean deliver_finish_list(GList *msgout_list)
+  gboolean ok = TRUE;
+  GList *msgout_node;
+  foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node){
+    msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+    if(!deliver_finish(msgout))
+      ok = FALSE;
+  }
+  return ok;
+gboolean deliver_msgout_list_online(GList *msgout_list)
+  GList *rf_list = NULL;
+  gchar *connect_name = detect_online();
+  gboolean ok = FALSE;
+  if(connect_name != NULL){
+    logwrite(LOG_NOTICE, "detected online configuration %s\n", connect_name);
+    /* we are online! */
+    rf_list = (GList *)table_find(conf.connect_routes, connect_name);
+    if(rf_list != NULL){
+      GList *route_list = read_route_list(rf_list, FALSE);
+      if(route_list){
+	GList *route_node;
+	foreach(route_list, route_node){
+	  connect_route *route = (connect_route *)(route_node->data);
+	  ok = deliver_route_msg_list(route, msgout_list);
+	}
+	destroy_route_list(route_list);
+      }
+      else
+	logwrite(LOG_ALERT,
+		 "could not read route list '%s'\n", connect_name);
+    }else{
+      logwrite(LOG_ALERT, "route list with name '%s' not found.\n", connect_name);
+    }
+  }
+  return ok;
+gboolean deliver_msg_list(GList *msg_list, guint flags){
+  GList *msgout_list = create_msg_out_list(msg_list);
+  GList *local_msgout_list = NULL, *localnet_msgout_list = NULL, *other_msgout_list = NULL;
+  GList *msgout_node;
+  GList *alias_table = NULL;
+  gboolean ok = TRUE;
+  if(conf.alias_file){
+    if(!(alias_table = table_read(conf.alias_file, ':')))
+      return FALSE;
+  }
+  /* sort messages for different deliveries */
+  foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node){
+    msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+    GList *rcpt_list;
+    GList *local_rcpt_list = NULL;
+    GList *localnet_rcpt_list = NULL;
+    GList *other_rcpt_list;
+    if(!spool_lock(msgout->msg->uid)) continue;
+    rcpt_list = g_list_copy(msgout->msg->rcpt_list);
+    if(conf.log_user){
+      address *addr = create_address_qualified(conf.log_user, TRUE, conf.host_name);
+      if(addr)
+	rcpt_list = g_list_prepend(rcpt_list, addr);
+    }
+    if(alias_table){
+      GList *aliased_rcpt_list;
+      aliased_rcpt_list = alias_expand(alias_table, rcpt_list,
+				       msgout->msg->non_rcpt_list);
+      g_list_free(rcpt_list);
+      rcpt_list = aliased_rcpt_list;
+    }
+    /* local recipients */
+    other_rcpt_list = NULL;
+    rcptlist_with_addr_is_local(rcpt_list, &local_rcpt_list, &other_rcpt_list);
+    if(flags & DLVR_LOCAL){
+      if(local_rcpt_list != NULL){
+	msg_out *local_msgout = clone_msg_out(msgout);
+	local_msgout->rcpt_list = local_rcpt_list;
+	local_msgout_list = g_list_append(local_msgout_list, local_msgout);
+      }
+    }
+    g_list_free(rcpt_list);
+    /* local net recipients */
+    rcpt_list = other_rcpt_list;
+    other_rcpt_list = NULL;
+    rcptlist_with_one_of_hostlist(rcpt_list, conf.local_nets,
+				  &localnet_rcpt_list, &other_rcpt_list);
+    if(flags & DLVR_LAN){
+      if(localnet_rcpt_list != NULL){
+	msg_out *localnet_msgout = clone_msg_out(msgout);
+	localnet_msgout->rcpt_list = localnet_rcpt_list;
+	localnet_msgout_list = g_list_append(localnet_msgout_list, localnet_msgout);
+      }
+    }
+    if(flags & DLVR_ONLINE){
+      /* the rest, this is online delivery */
+      if(other_rcpt_list != NULL){
+	msg_out *other_msgout = clone_msg_out(msgout);
+	other_msgout->rcpt_list = other_rcpt_list;
+	other_msgout_list = g_list_append(other_msgout_list, other_msgout);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(alias_table)
+    destroy_table(alias_table);
+  /* actual delivery */
+  if(local_msgout_list != NULL){
+    foreach(local_msgout_list, msgout_node){
+      msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+      if(!deliver_local(msgout)) ok = FALSE;
+    }
+    destroy_msg_out_list(local_msgout_list);
+  }
+  if(localnet_msgout_list != NULL){
+    GList *route_list = NULL;
+    GList *route_node;
+    if(conf.local_net_routes)
+      route_list = read_route_list(conf.local_net_routes, TRUE);
+    else
+      route_list = g_list_append(NULL, create_local_route());
+    foreach(route_list, route_node){
+      connect_route *route = (connect_route *)(route_node->data);
+      if(!deliver_route_msg_list(route, localnet_msgout_list)) ok = FALSE;
+    }
+    destroy_msg_out_list(localnet_msgout_list);
+    destroy_route_list(route_list);
+  }
+  if(other_msgout_list != NULL){
+    if(!deliver_msgout_list_online(other_msgout_list)) ok = FALSE;
+    destroy_msg_out_list(other_msgout_list);
+  }
+  foreach(msgout_list, msgout_node){
+    msg_out *msgout = (msg_out *)(msgout_node->data);
+    spool_unlock(msgout->msg->uid);
+  }
+  destroy_msg_out_list(msgout_list);
+  return ok;
+/* This function searches in the list of rcpt addresses
+   for local and 'local net' addresses. Remote addresses
+   which are reachable only when online are treated specially
+   in another function.
+   deliver() is called when a message has just been received and should
+   be delivered immediately.
+gboolean deliver(message *msg)
+  gboolean ok;
+  GList *msg_list = g_list_append(NULL, msg);
+  ok = deliver_msg_list(msg_list, DLVR_ALL);
+  g_list_free(msg_list);
+  return ok;