12 Items can be surrounded by quotes '"'. If within the quotes other quotes are needed for an address they can be escaped with a leading backslash '\'.
this is masqmail-0.2.21 from oliver kurth
16 A leading pipe symbol '|' indicates that the item shall be treated as a pipe command. The content of the message will then be sent to the standard input of a command. The command will run under the user id and group id masqmail is running as. If quotes are needed, the pipe symbol must appear within the quotes.
this is masqmail-0.2.21 from oliver kurth
20 Aliases will be expanded at delivery time. This means that if there is a message still in the queue and you change any alias which matches one of the recipient addresses, the change will have effect next time a delivery is attemped.
this is masqmail-0.2.21 from oliver kurth
28 You will find the newest version of masqmail at \fBhttp://masqmail.cx/masqmail/\f1 or search for it in freshmeat (\fBhttp://www.freshmeat.net\f1). There is also a mailing list, you will find information about it at masqmails main site.
this is masqmail-0.2.21 from oliver kurth