+ − 1 Here a two test programs: local.sh and smtpout.sh. They both send
+ − 2 three mails, using different options. Run them from within this
+ − 3 directory, preferably NOT as root, but you got to have write
+ − 4 permission for this directory.
+ − 5
+ − 6 local.sh sends mail accepted from stdin and sends them to a fake local
+ − 7 mailbox, using your login name. If it works, there should be a file
+ − 8 named with your login name with the mails. You can look at it with cat
+ − 9 or less, or with an ordinary mail program.
+ − 10
+ − 11 smtpout.sh sends mail accepted from stdin and sends them to your local
+ − 12 MTA, so use it only if you have an MTA running on your box (sendmail,
+ − 13 exim, qmail or whatever, or masqmail when you have it already
+ − 14 installed). If it works, you should get three mails.
+ − 15
+ − 16 The scripts assume that your login name corresponds to your mailbox
+ − 17 (quite probable) and that your MTA listens on port 25 with the
+ − 18 interface which corresponds to the hostname as returned by the shell
+ − 19 command "hostname" (without quotes...), also very probable. They are
+ − 20 created with make from test.templ. They use a special configuration
+ − 21 (test.conf) for masqmail, which is also created with make from
+ − 22 conf.templ.
+ − 23
+ − 24 Two log files, masqmail.log and debug.log will also be created within
+ − 25 this directory. They may give some information if anything went wrong.
+ − 26
+ − 27 If the log files reveal that your MTA is not willing to relay, you may
+ − 28 have to qualify the hostname: Say
+ − 29
+ − 30 sed s/RECV_HOST/foo.bar.com/ test.templ > smtpout.sh
+ − 31
+ − 32 where you set your fully qualified host name for foo.bar.com.
+ − 33
+ − 34 If they do not work, there could be some problem with either the test
+ − 35 programs, the configuration file or masqmail itself. If you have
+ − 36 installed masqmail successfully and these scripts do not work, do not
+ − 37 worry too much :-).