garbeam@1: .TH GRIDMENU 1 grid-0.0 garbeam@1: .SH NAME garbeam@1: gridmenu \- grid window manager menu garbeam@1: .SH SYNOPSIS garbeam@1: .B gridmenu garbeam@1: .RB [ \-v ] garbeam@1: .RB [ \-t garbeam@1: .IR title ] garbeam@1: .SH DESCRIPTION garbeam@1: .SS Overview garbeam@1: .B gridmenu garbeam@1: is a generic, highly customizable, and efficient menu for the X Window System, garbeam@1: originally designed for garbeam@1: .BR grid (1). garbeam@1: It supports arbitrary, user defined menu contents. garbeam@1: .SS Options garbeam@1: .TP garbeam@1: .B \-v garbeam@1: prints version information to stdout, then exits. garbeam@1: .TP garbeam@1: .BI \-t " title" garbeam@1: displays garbeam@1: .I title garbeam@1: above the menu. garbeam@1: .SS Usage garbeam@1: .B gridmenu garbeam@1: reads a list of newline-separated items from stdin and creates a menu. garbeam@1: When the user selects an item or enters any text and presses Enter, his choice garbeam@1: is printed to stdout and garbeam@1: .B gridmenu garbeam@1: terminates. garbeam@1: .SS Keyboard Control garbeam@1: .B gridmenu garbeam@1: is completely controlled by the keyboard. The following keys are recognized: garbeam@1: .TP 2 garbeam@1: Any printable character garbeam@1: appends the character to the text in the input field. This works as a filter: garbeam@1: only items containing this text will be displayed. garbeam@1: .TP 2 garbeam@1: Left/Right (Control-p/Control-n) garbeam@1: select the previous/next item. garbeam@1: .TP 2 garbeam@1: Tab (Control-i) garbeam@1: copy the selected item to the input field. garbeam@1: .TP 2 garbeam@1: Enter (Control-j) garbeam@1: confirm selection and quit (print the selected item to stdout). garbeam@1: .TP 2 garbeam@1: Shift-Enter (Shift-Control-j) garbeam@1: confirm selection and quit (print the text in the input field to stdout). garbeam@1: .TP 2 garbeam@1: Escape (Control-[) garbeam@1: quit without selecting an item. garbeam@1: .TP 2 garbeam@1: Backspace (Control-h) garbeam@1: remove enough characters from the input field to change its filtering effect. garbeam@1: .TP 2 garbeam@1: Control-u garbeam@1: remove all characters from the input field. garbeam@1: .SS Exit codes garbeam@1: .B gridmenu garbeam@1: returns garbeam@1: .B 0 garbeam@1: if Enter is pressed on termination, garbeam@1: .B 1 garbeam@1: if Escape is pressed. garbeam@1: .SH ENVIRONMENT garbeam@1: .TP garbeam@1: GRID_FONT garbeam@1: The X11 font used to display each item in the menu. garbeam@1: .br garbeam@1: Default: fixed garbeam@1: .TP garbeam@1: GRID_NORMCOLORS garbeam@1: The foreground, background, and border colors of a label. Syntactically, three blank-separated color values of the form #RRGGBB are expected. garbeam@1: .br garbeam@1: Default: #222222 #eeeeee #666666 garbeam@1: .TP garbeam@1: GRID_SELCOLORS garbeam@1: Like GRID_NORMCOLORS, but for the selected label. garbeam@1: .br garbeam@1: Default: #ffffff #335577 #447799 garbeam@1: .SH SEE ALSO garbeam@1: .BR gridwm (1)