Mercurial > dwm-meillo
applied Jukka's diff2006-08-03, by arg
applied Sanders Makefile patch2006-08-03, by arg
stylistic chnage2006-08-03, by arg
hotfix of settags2006-08-03, by arg
using SRC instead of *.c2006-08-03, by arg
changed the files included in make dist2006-08-03, by arg
implemented the idea presented by Sander for dwm target2006-08-02, by arg
fixed a type in README, and patched config.mk2006-08-02, by arg
updated dwm.html2006-08-02, by arg
Added tag 0.6 for changeset c11f86db4550cac5d0a648a3fe4d6d3b9a4fcf7e2006-08-02, by arg
added Acroread.* and MPlayer.* to config.arg.h rules2006-08-02, by arg
new stuff2006-08-02, by arg
dwm is now exit, if stdin is closed due broken pipe2006-08-02, by arg
implemented focus on enterwindow on titlebars2006-08-02, by arg
applied Sanders patches (numlock2)2006-08-02, by arg
reverting to old resize policy2006-08-02, by arg
new resize stuff (using XConfigureWindow instead of XSendEvent)2006-08-02, by arg
renamed WM_PROTOCOL_DELWIN into PROTODELWIN2006-08-01, by arg
renamed ARRANGE into DEFMODE2006-08-01, by arg
small fixes to dwm.html2006-08-01, by arg
simplified README2006-08-01, by arg
removed 1 missing LOC2006-08-01, by arg
removed 5LOC2006-08-01, by arg
cleaned config.*h to prevent some confusion2006-08-01, by arg
saved 2LOC2006-08-01, by arg
fixed config.h files2006-08-01, by arg
centralized/externalized configuration to config.h2006-08-01, by arg
applied Cedric's NumLock patch2006-08-01, by arg
applied Jukkas prev/next patch with XK_{h,l}2006-08-01, by arg
applied Sanders patches2006-08-01, by arg
committed a patch which fixes the hints of Jukka2006-08-01, by arg
updated html2006-07-21, by arg
Added tag 0.5 for changeset 22213b9a2114167ee8ba019a012e27da0422a61a2006-07-21, by arg
some cleanups/fixes inspired by Jukka Salmi's feedback2006-07-21, by arg
simplified main.c, switching back to single urxvt usage2006-07-21, by arg
s/sleep 5/sleep 2/2006-07-21, by arg
s/0.5/0.6/ - my steps are wider than the reality2006-07-21, by arg
applied sanders maxfix patch2006-07-21, by arg
added a note how to achieve status info in the bar2006-07-21, by arg
applied sanders no_sizehints for tiled mode patch (thx!)2006-07-20, by arg
serious mistake in pop() (forgot to set c->prev to NULL on pop)2006-07-20, by arg
using double-linked list in order to get correct prev focus handling2006-07-20, by arg
added yet another CUTOMIZE tag2006-07-20, by arg
cleaned the CUSTOMIZE flags2006-07-20, by arg
cleaned up code2006-07-20, by arg
Added tag 0.4 for changeset eb3165734f00fe7f7da8aeebaed00e60a57caac92006-07-20, by arg