view .Xdefaults @ 8:f4fd1276a8b3

enabled scrolling with Shift-Page_up/down; added psgrep
date Fri, 05 Oct 2007 20:42:41 +0200
parents d7884728e836
children a72d02acbab2
line wrap: on
line source

! by markus schnalke

*font: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

*foreground: #bbbbbb
*background: #222222

urxvt*scrollBar: false

urxvt*saveLines: 10000

urxvt.secondaryScroll: true

!! colors 0-7 should be seen as background colors

!! black
urxvt*color0:   #444444
!! darkgray
urxvt*color8:   #000000
!! red
urxvt*color1:   #cc5566
!! lightred
urxvt*color9:   #992233
!! green
!urxvt*color2:  #aece91
urxvt*color2:   #66aa44
!! lightgreen
!urxvt*color10: #c5f779
urxvt*color10:  #88aa88
!! yellow
urxvt*color3:   #dddd55
!! lightyellow
urxvt*color11:  #cccc22
!! blue
urxvt*color4:   #003366
!urxvt*color4:   #9db7d0
!! lightblue
urxvt*color12:  #4488cc
!urxvt*color12:  #3c8ec4
!! magenta
!urxvt*color5:  #963c59
urxvt*color5:   #aacc99
!! lightmagenta
!urxvt*color13: #cf9ebe
urxvt*color13:  #9977aa
!! cyan
!urxvt*color6:   #9fc1cc
urxvt*color6:   #88aadd
!! lightcyan
!urxvt*color14:  #9fc1cc
urxvt*color14:  #448877
!! gray
urxvt*color7:   #666666
!! white
urxvt*color15:  #bbbbbb

! to divide urxvt and xterm apart
xterm*background: #111111
xterm*font: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*