changeset 0:79424d211485

initial commit (based on GimmeShellter)
date Mon, 11 Aug 2008 21:42:23 +0200
children c97792d5f2d6
files .hgignore Makefile suckless.tex
diffstat 4 files changed, 476 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Mon Aug 11 21:42:23 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+syntax: glob
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Mon Aug 11 21:42:23 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Makefile for latex docs
+# by
+PDFLATEX = pdflatex
+SRC = suckless.tex
+OBJ = suckless.pdf
+#OBJ = ${SRC:.tex:.pdf}
+PRINT = print.tex
+PRINTPDF = print.pdf
+PRINTALL = print.*
+PRINTOBJ = suckless_print.pdf
+all: ${OBJ}
+${OBJ}: ${SRC}
+	@echo generating $<
+	@${PDFLATEX} $<
+dist: realclean print
+	# generate 3 times for correct toc and pagenumbers
+	${MAKE} all
+	sleep 1
+	touch ${SRC}
+	${MAKE} all
+	sleep 1
+	touch ${SRC}
+	${MAKE} all
+	@echo 'cleaning ...'
+	@rm -f *.{aux,lof,log,lot,nav,out,snm,toc}
+	@echo 'removing PDFs ...'
+	@rm -f *.pdf
+realclean: clean rmpdf
+xpdf: all
+	xpdf -z page ${OBJ} &
+	@echo 'creating print version'
+	@sed -e '/\\pause/d' ${SRC} > ${PRINT}
+	sleep 1
+	touch ${SRC}
+	sleep 1
+	touch ${SRC}
+	@${MAKE} clean
+	@rm -r ${PRINT}
+.PHONY: all xpdf dist clean realclean rmpdf
+.SUFFIXES: .tex .pdf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Aug 11 21:42:23 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+egrep -oi '(http|https|ftp)://[-a-zA-Z0-9.]+[-a-zA-Z0-9/+_,\?&%]*' "$1" | sort | uniq
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/suckless.tex	Mon Aug 11 21:42:23 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+% @file
+% @brief	 Vortrag: (CCCS)
+% @author	markus schnalke <>
+% @since	 2008-08-11
+	\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+	\usepackage{ngerman}
+	\usepackage{graphicx}
+	\usepackage[automark]{scrpage2}
+	\title{}
+	\author{markus schnalke}
+	\date{2008-08-14}
+	\vspace{8em}
+	\begin{center}
+		{\huge suckless}{\tiny .org}
+		{software that sucks less}
+		\vspace{6em}
+		{ \tiny
+		markus schnalke \textless{}\textgreater{}
+		}
+	\end{center}
+\frame{ \frametitle{what is}
+	something that Anselm R. Garbe started
+	\vspace{1em}
+	\pause
+	a website
+	\vspace{1em}
+	\pause
+	a couple of projects
+	\vspace{1em}
+	\pause
+	a community
+	\vspace{1em}
+	\pause
+	a philosophy
+	\vspace{3em}
+	\pause
+	\textit{ \dots\ not a summary, but we'll have one at the end }
+\section{a website}
+	\vspace{8ex}
+	\centerline{ \huge a website }
+\frame{ \frametitle{website}
+	\begin{block}{}
+		main page (links to everything else)
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{}
+		the mailinglists archives
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{}
+		the source code repositories (Mercurial)
+	\end{block}
+\frame{ \frametitle{the wiki}
+	\begin{block}{the wiki software}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item name % FIXME
+			\item self made
+			\item written in % FIXME
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{content}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item static pages
+			\item kept in Mercurial repo
+			\item write access for everyone
+			\item edit cycle
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item 
+					\item 
+					\item 
+				\end{itemize}
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+\section{a couple of projects}
+	\vspace{8ex}
+	\centerline{ \huge a couple of projects }
+\frame{ \frametitle{projects}
+	\begin{block}{window managers}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item wmii
+			\item dwm
+			\item 
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{window managers}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item sic
+			\item ii
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{window managers}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item dmenu, sselp, slock, ...
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+\frame{ \frametitle{dynamic window manager}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item tiling window manager
+		\item since June 2006
+		\item minimalistic
+		\item about 2000 SLOC
+	\end{itemize}
+	\begin{block}{features}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item only what you really need
+			\item for keyboard users primary
+			\item tags instead of workspaces
+			\item sticks to the standards (broken apps)
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+\frame{ \frametitle{related}
+	\begin{block}{alternatives}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item \texttt{larswm}, \texttt{ratpoison}, \texttt{ion3}, \dots
+			\item but all much larger
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{forks}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item \texttt{xmonad} is a clone in Haskel
+			\item \texttt{awesome} is a fork that breaks with the main philosophy
+			\item \texttt{dvtm} a dwm-like WM for the console
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{patches}
+		almost everyone has some patches installed
+	\end{block}
+\frame{ \frametitle{dwm-meillo}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item a patchset
+		\item still based on dwm-3.4 (current is v5.1)
+		\item various differences to vanilla dwm
+		\item dwm is the base, where I build upon
+		\item
+	\end{itemize}
+\section{a community}
+	\vspace{8ex}
+	\centerline{ \huge a community }
+\frame{ \frametitle{a community}
+	\begin{block}{people}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item small active community
+			\item every user is a programmer
+			\item closely connected to Plan9fans
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{development}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item mainly by arg
+			\item about 5 core contributors
+			\item involved user base
+			\item patches
+			\item start right off
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+\frame{ \frametitle{communication}
+	\begin{block}{communication}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item everything is discussed on mailing list
+			\item mailing list is mandatory
+			\item IRC channel \#dwm on
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{mailing lists}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item <project>
+			\item about XXX mails per week
+			\item GMANE archive
+			\item announcement list also
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+\section{a philosophy}
+	\vspace{8ex}
+	\centerline{ \huge a philosophy }
+\frame{ \frametitle{sane software}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item follows the Unix Philosophy
+		\item is small
+		\item implements standards
+		\item gets refactored
+		\item is developed by the users
+	\end{itemize}
+\frame{ \frametitle{goals}
+	\begin{block}{Features}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item minimalistic, only the needed stuff
+			\item configuration by source code editing and recompilation
+			\item source is understandable in one evening
+			\item active development
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\begin{block}{goals}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item 10kLOC limit
+			\item portable C
+			\item good code (refactoring)
+			\item stick to the standards
+			\item extension through patches
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\vspace{8ex}
+	\centerline{ \huge summary }
+\frame{ \frametitle{summary}
+	lkdfj
+	\pause
+	\vspace{1em}
+	lkdfj
+	\pause
+	\vspace{1em}
+	lkdfj
+	\pause
+	\vspace{1em}
+	lkdfj
+\frame{ \frametitle{all links on one page}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item (Software which sucks less)
+		\item (Website des dwm)
+		\item (Mein dwm-Patchset)
+		\item (Das bessere Unix!?)
+	\end{itemize}
+	\begin{block}{software used}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item Debian GNU/Linux
+		\item \LaTeX\ beamer und \texttt{pdflatex}
+		\item Vim
+		\item qiv und ImageMagick
+		\item Mercurial
+	\end{itemize}
+	\end{block}
+	\pause
+	\begin{block}{}
+		\vspace{3ex}
+		\centerline{\textbf{Thanks for your attention}}
+		\vspace{7ex}
+	\end{block}
+	\pause
+	{\scriptsize The slides are online on \hfill 2008-08-14 }