view suckless.tex @ 5:9f075a0d0484 default tip

Added tag final for changeset 361d00d5b17b
date Thu, 14 Aug 2008 17:02:06 +0200
parents 361d00d5b17b
line wrap: on
line source

% @file
% @brief	 Vortrag: (CCCS)
% @author	markus schnalke <>
% @since	 2008-08-11



	\author{markus schnalke}


		{\huge suckless}{\tiny .org}

		{software that sucks less}


		{ \tiny
		markus schnalke \textless{}\textgreater{}


\frame{ \frametitle{what is}

	something that Anselm R. Garbe started


	a website


	a couple of projects


	a community


	a philosophy


	\textit{ \dots\ not a summary, but we'll have one at the end }


\section{the website}
	\centerline{ \huge the website }

\frame{ \frametitle{website}
		main page (links to everything else)

		the mailinglists archives

		the source code repositories (Mercurial)

\frame{ \frametitle{the wiki}
	\begin{block}{the wiki software}
			\item hgiki (genosite)
			\item self made by arg
			\item shell script with 100 SLOC
			\item static pages
			\item uses markdown markup

			\item kept in Mercurial repo
			\item write access to preview wiki (port 8000)
					\item \texttt{hg clone}
					\item \texttt{vi \textless some-file\textgreater }
					\item \texttt{hg commit \&\& hg push}

\section{the couple of projects}
	\centerline{ \huge the couple of projects }

\frame{ \frametitle{projects}
	\begin{block}{window managers}
			\item wmii
			\item \textbf{dwm}

	\begin{block}{IRC clients}
			\item sic
			\item ii

	\begin{block}{various tools}
			\item dmenu, slock, sselp, lsx, \dots

\frame{ \frametitle{dynamic window manager}
		\item since June 2006
		\item tiling approach
		\item minimalistic
		\item less than 2k SLOC
			\item only what you really need
			\item for keyboard users primary
			\item tags instead of workspaces
			\item sticks to the standards (broken apps)

\frame{ \frametitle{related WMs}
			\item \texttt{larswm}, \texttt{ratpoison}, \texttt{ion3}, \dots
			\item but these are much larger

			\item \texttt{xmonad}, a clone in Haskel
			\item \texttt{awesome}, a popular fork that breaks with the main philosophy
			\item \texttt{dvtm}, dwm-like WM for the console

\frame{ \frametitle{dwm-meillo}
		\item a patchset (fork?)
		\item based on dwm-3.4 (current is 5.1)
		\item various differences to vanilla dwm
		\item dwm is the base, where I build upon
		\item \texttt{}

\section{the community}
	\centerline{ \huge the community }

\frame{ \frametitle{community}
			\item small active community
			\item every user is a programmer
			\item strong connection to 9fans

	\begin{block}{development (dwm)}
			\item mainly by arg
			\item a handful core contributors
			\item involved user base
			\item patches
			\item everyone can start right off


\frame{ \frametitle{communication}
			\item everything is discussed on mailing list
			\item mailing list is mandatory
			\item IRC channels \texttt{\#dwm} \& \texttt{\#wmii} on

	\begin{block}{mailing lists}
			\item \{dwm,wmii\}
			\item about 8 mails per day average
			\item announcement list:

\section{the philosophy}
	\centerline{ \huge the philosophy }

\frame{ \frametitle{sane software}
		\item follows the Unix Philosophy
		\item is small
		\item implements standards
		\item gets refactored
		\item is developed by its users

\frame{ \frametitle{suckless goals}
			\item active development (release early, release often)

			\item by source code editing and recompilation
			\item extension through patches

			\item 10kLOC limit
			\item minimalistic, only the needed stuff
			\item source is understandable in one evening

	\centerline{ \huge summary }

\frame{ \frametitle{what means to me}


	interesting projects


	different thinking

	remember the old times

	question what matters

	good leadership

	perfect example of how to create a community

	in search for the perfect solution

	the concept rules

	never have programs felt so natural to me

	shows what is possible with less

	changed my point of view

	\textbf{thanks arg!}

	\begin{block}{software used}
			\item Debian GNU/Linux
			\item \LaTeX\ beamer and \texttt{pdflatex}
			\item Vim, make and Mercurial


		\centerline{\textbf{Thanks for your attention}}


	{\scriptsize The slides are available on \texttt{} \hfill 2008-08-14 }
