changeset 230:96778c1afc3e

More cleanups.
author markus schnalke <>
date Mon, 16 Jul 2012 00:37:31 +0200
parents a03308feb1f2
children e526e3cb85d3
files colophon.roff discussion.roff preface.roff
diffstat 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/colophon.roff	Mon Jul 16 00:20:31 2012 +0200
+++ b/colophon.roff	Mon Jul 16 00:37:31 2012 +0200
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Dimitar Zhekov's \fITerminus\fP font.
 Both are free typefaces.
-The layout of the inner pages of this document were modeled after
+The layout of the inner pages of this document is modeled after
 the German book \fIEinf\[udieresis]hrung in die Automatentheorie,
 Formale Sprache und Komplexit\[adieresis]tstheorie\fP
 by Hopcroft and Ullman, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
--- a/discussion.roff	Mon Jul 16 00:20:31 2012 +0200
+++ b/discussion.roff	Mon Jul 16 00:37:31 2012 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
 nmh at the time when the mmh project had started, i.e. fall 2011.
 Recent changes in nmh are rarely part of the discussion.
+Whenever lines of code were counted, David A. Wheeler's \fIsloccount\fP
+was used to measure the amount in a comparable way.
 For the reader's convenience, the structure of modern email systems
 is depicted in the following figure.
 It illustrates the path a message takes from sender to recipient.
--- a/preface.roff	Mon Jul 16 00:20:31 2012 +0200
+++ b/preface.roff	Mon Jul 16 00:37:31 2012 +0200
@@ -223,21 +223,20 @@
 Chapter 3 finishes up by summarizing the achievements and taking
 a look into the future of the mmh project.
-.I "Italic font
-is used to emphasize new terms, and for names of software projects,
-literature, and man pages.
-.CW "Constant width font
-is used to denote names of programs, files,
-functions, command lines, code excerpts, program input and output.
+.I "Italic
+font is used for names of software projects, literature, and man pages,
+as well as to emphasize new terms.
+.CW "Constant width
+font is used to denote names of programs, files, functions,
+command lines, code excerpts, program input and output, and the like.
 References to man pages are printed as ``\c
-.Mp cat (1)''.
-In this case it is a reference to the man page of
-.Pn cat ,
-which is in section one of the Unix manual.
+.Mp cat (1)'',
+which is a reference to the man page of
+.Pn cat
+in section one of the Unix manual.
 \fIRequests for Comments\fP (RFCs), which describe the working
 of the Internet, are referenced as ``RFC\|821''.
-A list of relevant RFCs is located at the end of the document.
 Literature is cited in brackets, such as
 .[ ``[
 kernighan pike unix programming env
@@ -245,8 +244,8 @@
 Citations of email messages and websites are distinguished by
 ``mail:'' and ``web:'' prefixes.
 All references are collected at the end of the document.
-The websites of the software projects mentioned are collected
-in a list in the appendix.
+Links to the software projects mentioned throughout
+the text are collected there as well.
 This document describes practical programming work.
 The code of mmh is managed with the
@@ -256,19 +255,14 @@
 In the discussions, references to corresponding code changes are printed
 as ``\c
 .Ci 1a2b3c4 ''.
-The identifier is the seven-letter-prefix of the changeset hash value,
+The identifier is the seven-letter-prefix of the changeset's hash value,
 which is considered unique.
-A change can be looked up in the repository, on the command line with
-.Cl "git show XXX" ,
-replacing `\f(CWXXX\fP' with the concrete hash value or any unique prefix.
-In this example:
-.Cl "git show 1a2b3c4" .
-At the time of writing, changesets can be looked up online at:
-.CW ";a=commitdiff;h=XXX" .
+Any change can be looked up in the repository, using the command line
+.Cl "git show 1234567" .
+(`\f(CW1234567\fP' needs to be replaced with the concrete hash value.)
+At the time of writing, changesets could be looked up online at:
+.CW ";a=commitdiff;h=1234567" \|.
 But as we all know, URIs are always at risk to change.
-Whenever lines of code were determined, David A. Wheeler's \fIsloccount\fP
-was used to measure the amount in a comparable way.
 .U2 "Acknowledgments