Mercurial > docs > master
style: renamed font RC to SC and added font IC. (All concerning small caps.)2012-04-22, by markus schnalke
Wrote about the draft folder.2012-04-22, by markus schnalke
front: Reordered the text parts.2012-04-21, by markus schnalke
Wrote some text for removal of old code.2012-04-20, by markus schnalke
style: Introduced .U2 for unnumbered .H2.2012-04-20, by markus schnalke
Minor layout changes to front.roff.2012-04-20, by markus schnalke
Minor improvements in wording.2012-04-20, by markus schnalke
Moved text; wrote more text; removed ch02.roff.2012-03-07, by markus schnalke
style: Need a bit less space for a heading.2012-03-07, by markus schnalke
style: added H2, added BU, rework in NH.2012-03-07, by markus schnalke
Added some text about naming conventions.2012-03-07, by markus schnalke
Added text.2012-03-07, by markus schnalke
Some minor rework.2012-03-07, by markus schnalke
Added some introduction text.2012-03-07, by markus schnalke
A bit less space before headings.2012-03-07, by markus schnalke
Initial commit: Basic structure, macros and fonts.2012-03-03, by markus schnalke