view style @ 156:db199d51d5b0

makefile: Fixed building of refs.
author markus schnalke <>
date Sat, 07 Jul 2012 14:41:35 +0200
parents 1b9bdc178610
children 4b6518242c73
line wrap: on
line source

.do xflag 3
.de __
.blm __  \" ignore empty lines in input
.lc_ctype en_US.utf8
.mediasize a4

.fp 1 R LinLibertine_R otf
.feature R +onum
.fp 2 I LinLibertine_RI otf
.feature I +onum
.fp 3 B LinLibertine_RB otf
.feature B +onum
.fp 4 BI LinLibertine_RBI otf
.feature BI +onum
.fp 5 CW TerminusMedium-4.36 ttf
.fp 0 CI TerminusMediumItalic-4.36 ttf
.fp 0 CB TerminusBold-4.36 ttf
.fp 0 L TerminusMedium-4.36 ttf
.ftr CW -\-`\`'\'
.ftr CI -\-`\`'\'
.ftr CB -\-`\`'\'
.ftr L -\-`\`'\'
.fp 0 SC LinLibertine_R otf
.feature SC +onum +smcp
.fp 0 IC LinLibertine_RI otf
.feature IC +onum +smcp
.fp 0 BC LinLibertine_RB otf
.feature BC +onum +smcp

.	nr PS 11
.	nr VS 13
.	padj

.ss 12 0  \" the second (non-portable) argument requests french spacing

.nr PI 3n
.nr PD .3v
.nr QI 6n
.nr lu 0
.af PN i

.ds _E '\\\\n(PN''\f(SCMarkus Schnalke: The Modern Mail Handler\fP'  \" left
.ds _O '\f(SCChapter \\\\n(H1\ \ \\\\*(_C\fP''\\\\n(PN'  \" right
.ds _o '\f(SC\\\\*(_C\fP''\\\\n(PN'  \" right
.ds CH "

.nr HM 3.3c
.nr FM 6.6c
.nr LL 13c
.ll 13c
.nr LT \n(LL

.	\" _M - change margins for text block on next page
.de _M
.if t .if o .nr PO 5c
.if t .if e .nr PO 3c
.ds CF "
.wh -1u _M

.	\" Lp - enlarge the current page by one line to avoid widows
.de Lp
.ch FO -\n(FMu+1v

.	\" CW - Set text in CW font (similar to .B and .I)
.de CW
.nr PQ \\n(.f
.if t \{\
.	ft CW
.	if !^\\$1^^ \&\\$1\f\\n(PQ\\$2
.if n \{\
.	ie ^\\$1^^ .ul 999
.	el .ul 1
.	if \\n(.$=1 \&\\$1
.	if \\n(.$>1 \&\\$1\c
.	if \\n(.$>1 \&\\$2

.	\" refer(1) stuff
.ds [. " [
.ds .] ]
.rm ]<
.de ]<
.	LP
.	de FP
.	IP \\\\$1.
.	rm FS FE

.	\" PT - page top macro of ms
.am PT
.	rs

.	\" RN - Reset PN and continue on an odd page ($1=number-format)
.de RN
.ie e .pn 1
.el \{
.       pn 0
.       bp
.ie \\n(.$=1 .af PN \\$1
.el .af PN 1

.	\" T_ - Add TOC entry ($1=pre-space $2=indent-level $3=text)
.de T_
.tm TOC____.sp \\$1
.tm TOC____\&\\h'\\$2u*2u*\\n(PIu'\\$3\0\0\a\t\\n(PN\fR

.	\" NH - redefine numbered heading
.de NH
.nr NS \\$1
.if !\\n(.$ .nr NS 1
.if !\\n(NS .nr NS 1
.nr H\\n(NS +1
.if \\n(NS<2 .nr H2 0
.if \\n(NS<3 .nr H3 0
.ds SN \\n(H1
.if \\n(NS>1 .as SN \&.\\n(H2
.if \\n(NS>2 .as SN \&.\\n(H3

.	\" H- - Chapter unnumbered and not in TOC ($2=="no" -> no page hdrs)
.de H-
.EH "
.OH "
.if e .rs  \" move to an odd page
.if e .bp
.lg 0
.nr PS +6
.nr VS +6
.ce 1
.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
.nr PS -6
.nr VS -6
.if !,\\$2,no, \{
.	EH "\\\\*(_E
.	ie \\n(H1 .OH "\\\\*(_O
.	el .OH "\\\\*(_o
.	ds CF \\n(PN
.sp 4
.nr PP 0

.	\" H0 - Chapter ($2=="no" -> not numbered)
.de H0
.EH "
.OH "
.if e .rs  \" begin chapter on an odd page
.if e .bp
.lg 0
.nr PS +6
.nr VS +6
.ie ,\\$2,no, .SH
.el \{\
.	NH 1
.	ce 1
Chapter \\*(SN
.	sp .5
.ce 1
.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
.nr PS -6
.nr VS -6
.\" add to TOC
.rm t_
.if !,\\$2,no, .ds t_ \\*(SN\0\0
.T_ .5v 0 "\fB\\*(t_\\$1
.\" set page headers and footers
.EH "\\\\*(_E
.ds _C "\\$1
.ie \\n(H1 .OH "\\\\*(_O
.el .OH "\\\\*(_o
.ds CF \\n(PN
.sp 4
.nr PP 0

.	\" H1 - Section ($2=="no" -> not numbered)
.de H1
.ne 7
.lg 0
.nr PS +2
.nr VS +2
.ie '\\$2'no' .SH
.el .NH 2
.if !'\\$2'no' \&\\*(SN
.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
.nr PS -2
.nr VS -2
.if !'\\$2'no' .T_ .3v 1 "\\*(SN\0\0\\$1  \" add to TOC
.nr PP 0

.	\" H2 - Subsection
.de H2
.ne 4
.NH 3
\&\\*(SN \\$1
.T_ 0 2 "\\*(SN\0\0\\$1  \" add to TOC
.nr PP 0

.	\" U2 - Subsection unnumbered
.de U2
.ne 4
.nr PP 0

.	\" U3 - Subsubsection unnumbered
.de U3
.ne 4
.I "\\$1
.nr PP 0

.	\" P - Paragraph (indented unless following a heading)
.de P
.ie \\n(PP .PP
.el .LP
.nr PP 1

.	\" IP - Paragraph with hanging label
.am IP
.nr PP 0

.	\" BU - Bulleted paragraph
.de BU
.IP \(bu

.	\" QS - Block quote start
.de QS
.ti \\n(.iu
.sp 2u*\\n(PDu
.ne 1.1
.ps -1
.vs -1
.in +\\n(QIu
.ll -\\n(QIu
.ti \\n(.iu
.\"if \\n(Qp .ti +\\n(PIu
.\"nr QP 1
.\"rr Qp

.	\" QP - Block quote paragraph
.de QP
.sp \n(PDu
.ne 1.1
.ti +\\n(PIu

.	\" QP - Block quote end
.de QE
.sp \\n(PDu
.in -\\n(QIu
.ll +\\n(QIu
.ti \\n(.iu
.ps +1
.vs +1

.	\" DS - Code display
.am DS
.ft CW
.ps -1
.ta T 8n

.	\" VS - verbatim text start (\\ -> ^G; ' -> disabled; . -> ^B)
.de VS
.ne 3
.sp \n(DDu
.di _V
.ft CW
.ps -.5
.\" set up verbatim environment
\.c2 ""

.	\" VE - verbatim text end  (NOTE: Needs to be called as ^BVE !)
.de VE
\" restore the special characters
.ne \\n(dnu+1v \" ensure enough space on the page
.if t .in +.5i
.if n .in +8n
.ta T 8n
\.ec  \" set up verbatim environment, once again
\.c2 ""
_V \" output the verbatim content
\" restore the special characters
.blm __
.if t .in -.5i
.if n .in -8n
.sp \n(DDu
.ft P

.	\" VF - verbatim text from file  ($1=filename)
.de VF
so $1

.	\" FA - XXX somehow related to footnotes?
.am FA
.ps 8
.vs 9

.de Fn  \" file name
.CW "\\$1" "\\$2
.de Pn  \" program name
.CW "\\$1" "\\$2
.de Fu  \" function
.CW "\\$1" "\\$2
.de Ev  \" env variable
.CW "\\$1" "\\$2
.de Cl  \" command line
.CW "\\$1" "'\\$2
.de Sw  \" switch
.CW "\\$1" "\\$2
.de Ar  \" argument
.CW "\f(CI\\$1" "\\$2
.de Mp  \" man page
.I "\\$1" "\\$2
.de Pe  \" profile entry
.CW "\\$1" "\\$2
.de Hd  \" mail header field
.CW "\\$1:\&" "\\$2

.de Ci  \" commit hash ref
.ds _t \\$1
.substring _t 0 6
.CW "\\*(_t" "]\\$2

.	\" Cf - reference within the document ($1=name of ref file)
.de Cf
\.if !\\nZ .so refs/\\$1 \c

.	\" Id - put a referenceable marker here ($1=identifier)
.de Id
.tm REF____\\$1\t\\*(SN\t\\n(PN