diff discussion.roff @ 107:9f672d3a25f9

Renamed the chapters to speaking names.
author markus schnalke <meillo@marmaro.de>
date Sat, 23 Jun 2012 22:12:14 +0200
parents ch03.roff@9ff356d84c57
children dd5620bf8659
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/discussion.roff	Sat Jun 23 22:12:14 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2527 @@
+.H0 "Discussion
+This main chapter discusses the practical work done in the mmh project.
+It is structured along the goals to achieve.
+The concrete work done
+is described in the examples of how the general goals were achieved.
+The discussion compares the current version of mmh with the state of
+nmh just before the mmh project started, i.e. Fall 2011.
+Current changes of nmh will be mentioned only as side notes.
+.\" XXX where do I discuss the parallel development of nmh?
+.H1 "Stream-Lining
+MH had been considered an all-in-one system for mail handling.
+The community around nmh has a similar understanding.
+In fundamental difference, mmh shall be a MUA only.
+I believe that the development of all-in-one mail systems is obsolete.
+Today, email is too complex to be fully covered by single projects.
+Such a project won't be able to excel in all aspects.
+Instead, the aspects of email should be covered my multiple projects,
+which then can be combined to form a complete system.
+Excellent implementations for the various aspects of email exist already.
+Just to name three examples: Postfix is a specialized MTA,
+Procmail is a specialized MDA, and Fetchmail is a specialized MRA.
+I believe that it is best to use such specialized tools instead of
+providing the same function again as a side-component in the project.
+Doing something well, requires to focus on a small set of specific aspects.
+Under the assumption that focused development produces better results
+in the particular area, specialized projects will be superior
+in their field of focus.
+Hence, all-in-one mail system projects \(en no matter if monolithic
+or modular \(en will never be the best choice in any of the fields.
+Even in providing the best consistent all-in-one system they are likely
+to be beaten by projects that focus only on integrating existing mail
+components to a homogeneous system.
+The limiting resource in Free Software community development
+is usually man power.
+If the development power is spread over a large development area,
+it becomes even more difficult to compete with the specialists in the
+various fields.
+The concrete situation for MH-based mail systems is even tougher,
+given the small and aged community, including both developers and users,
+it has.
+In consequence, I believe that the available development resources
+should focus on the point where MH is most unique.
+This is clearly the user interface \(en the MUA.
+Peripheral parts should be removed to stream-line mmh for the MUA task.
+.H2 "Mail Transfer Facilities
+In contrast to nmh, which also provides mail submission and mail retrieval
+agents, mmh is a MUA only.
+This general difference initiated the development of mmh.
+Removing the mail transfer facilities had been the first work task
+in the mmh project.
+Focusing on one mail agent role only is motivated by Eric Allman's
+experience with Sendmail.
+He identified limiting Sendmail the MTA task had be one reason for
+its success:
+.[ [
+costales sendmail
+.], p. xviii]
+Second, I limited myself to the routing function \(en
+I wouldn't write user agents or delivery backends.
+This was a departure of the dominant through of the time,
+in which routing logic, local delivery, and often the network code
+were incorporated directly into the user agents.
+In mmh, the Mail Submission Agent (MSA) is called
+\fIMessage Transfer Service\fP (MTS).
+This facility, implemented by the
+.Pn post
+command, established network connections and spoke SMTP to submit
+messages for relay to the outside world.
+The changes in email demanded changes in this part of nmh too.
+Encryption and authentication for network connections
+needed to be supported, hence TLS and SASL were introduced into nmh.
+This added complexity to nmh without improving it in its core functions.
+Also, keeping up with recent developments in the field of
+mail transfer requires development power and specialists.
+In mmh this whole facility was simply cut off.
+.Ci f6aa95b724fd8c791164abe7ee5468bf5c34f226
+.Ci fecd5d34f65597a4dfa16aeabea7d74b191532c3
+.Ci 156d35f6425bea4c1ed3c4c79783dc613379c65b
+Instead, mmh depends on an external MSA.
+The only outgoing interface available to mmh is the
+.Pn sendmail
+command, which almost any MSA provides.
+If not, a wrapper program can be written.
+It must read the message from the standard input, extract the
+recipient addresses from the message header, and hand the message
+over to the MSA.
+For example, a wrapper script for qmail would be:
+# ignore command line arguments
+exec qmail-inject
+The requirement to parse the recipient addresses out of the message header 
+is likely to be removed in the future.
+Then mmh would give the recipient addresses as command line arguments.
+This appears to be the better interface.
+.\" XXX implement it
+To retrieve mail, the
+.Pn inc
+command acted as Mail Retrieval Agent (MRA).
+It established network connections
+and spoke POP3 to retrieve mail from remote servers.
+As with mail submission, the network connections required encryption and
+authentication, thus TLS and SASL were added.
+Support for message retrieval through IMAP will become necessary
+to be added soon, too, and likewise for any other changes in mail transfer.
+Not so for mmh because it has dropped the support for retrieving mail
+from remote locations.
+.Ci ab7b48411962d26439f92f35ed084d3d6275459c
+Instead, it depends on an external tool to cover this task.
+In mmh exist two paths for messages to enter mmh's mail storage:
+(1) Mail can be incorporated with
+.Pn inc
+from the system maildrop, or (2) with
+.Pn rcvstore
+by reading them, one at a time, from the standard input.
+With the removal of the MSA and MRA, mmh converted from an all-in-one
+mail system to being a MUA only.
+Now, of course, mmh depends on third-party software.
+An external MSA is required to transfer mail to the outside world;
+an external MRA is required to retrieve mail from remote machines.
+There exist excellent implementations of such software,
+which do this specific task likely better than the internal
+versions had done it.
+Also, the best suiting programs can be freely chosen.
+As it had already been possible to use an external MSA or MRA,
+why not keep the internal version for convenience?
+The question whether there is sense in having a fall-back pager in all
+the command line tools, for the cases when
+.Pn more
+.Pn less
+aren't available, appears to be ridiculous.
+Of course, MSAs and MRAs are more complex than text pagers
+and not necessarily available but still the concept of orthogonal
+design holds: ``Write programs that do one thing and do it well.''
+mcilroy unix phil
+p. 53
+mcilroy bstj foreword
+Here, this part of the Unix philosophy was applied not only
+to the programs but to the project itself.
+In other words:
+``Develop projects that focus on one thing and do it well.''
+Projects grown complex should be split for the same reasons programs grown
+complex should be split.
+If it is conceptionally more elegant to have the MSA and MRA as
+separate projects then they should be separated.
+This is the case here, in my opinion.
+The RFCs propose this separation by clearly distinguishing the different
+mail handling tasks.
+rfc 821
+The small interfaces between the mail agents support the separation.
+In the beginning, email had been small and simple.
+At that time,
+.Pn /bin/mail
+had covered anything there was to email and still had been small
+and simple.
+Later, the essential complexity of email increased.
+(Essential complexity is the complexity defined by the problem itself.\0
+brooks no silver bullet
+Email systems reacted to this change: They grew.
+RFCs started to introduce the concept of mail agents to separate the
+various tasks because they became more extensive and new tasks appeared.
+As the mail systems grew even more, parts were split off.
+In nmh, for instance, the POP server, which was included in the original
+MH, was removed.
+Now is the time to go one step further and split the MSA and MRA off, too.
+Not only does this decrease the code size of the project,
+but, more important, it unburdens mmh of the whole field of
+message transfer with all its implications for the project.
+There is no more need to concern with changes in network transfer.
+This independence is received by depending on an external program
+that covers the field.
+Today, this is a reasonable exchange.
+Functionality can be added in three different ways:
+Implementing the function originally in the project.
+Depending on a library that provides the function.
+Depending on a program that provides the function.
+Whereas adding the function originally to the project increases the
+code size most and requires most maintenance and development work,
+it makes the project most independent of other software.
+Using libraries or external programs require less maintenance work
+but introduces dependencies on external software.
+Programs have the smallest interfaces and provide the best separation
+but possibly limit the information exchange.
+External libraries are stronger connected than external programs,
+thus information can be exchanged more flexible.
+Adding code to a project increases maintenance work.
+.\" XXX ref
+Implementing complex functions originally in the project adds
+a lot of code.
+This should be avoided if possible.
+Hence, the dependencies only change in kind, not in their existence.
+In mmh, library dependencies on
+.Pn libsasl2
+.Pn libcrypto /\c
+.Pn libssl
+were treated against program dependencies on an MSA and an MRA.
+This also meant treating build-time dependencies against run-time
+Besides program dependencies providing the stronger separation
+and being more flexible, they also allowed
+over 6\|000 lines of code to be removed from mmh.
+This made mmh's code base about 12\|% smaller.
+Reducing the project's code size by such an amount without actually
+losing functionality is a convincing argument.
+Actually, as external MSAs and MRAs are likely superior to the
+project's internal versions, the common user even gains functionality.
+Users of MH should not have problems to set up an external MSA and MRA.
+Also, the popular MSAs and MRAs have large communities and a lot
+of documentation available.
+Choices for MSAs range from full-featured MTAs like
+.I Postfix
+over mid-size MTAs like
+.I masqmail
+.I dma
+to small forwarders like
+.I ssmtp
+.I nullmailer .
+Choices for MRAs include
+.I fetchmail ,
+.I getmail ,
+.I mpop
+.I fdm .
+.H2 "Non-MUA Tools
+One goal of mmh is to remove the tools that are not part of the MUA's task.
+Further more, any tools that don't improve the MUA's job significantly
+should be removed.
+Loosely related and rarely used tools distract from the lean appearance.
+They require maintenance work without adding much to the core task.
+By removing these tools, the project shall become more stream-lined
+and focused.
+In mmh the following tools are not available anymore:
+.Pn conflict
+was removed
+.Ci 8b235097cbd11d728c07b966cf131aa7133ce5a9
+because it is a mail system maintenance tool that is not MUA-related.
+It even checked
+.Fn /etc/passwd
+.Fn /etc/group
+for consistency, which is completely unrelated to email.
+A tool like
+.Pn conflict
+is surely useful, but it should not be shipped with mmh.
+.\" XXX historic reasons?
+.Pn rcvtty
+was removed
+.Ci 14767c94b3827be7c867196467ed7aea5f6f49b0
+because its use case of writing to the user's terminal
+on receiving of mail is obsolete.
+If users like to be informed of new mail, the shell's
+variable or graphical notifications are technically more appealing.
+Writing directly to terminals is hardly ever wanted today.
+If though one wants to have it this way, the standard tool
+.Pn write
+can be used in a way similar to:
+scan -file - | write `id -un`
+.Pn viamail
+was removed
+.Ci eda72d6a7a7c20ff123043fb7f19c509ea01f932
+when the new attachment system was activated, because
+.Pn forw
+could then cover the task itself.
+The program
+.Pn sendfiles
+was rewritten as a shell script wrapper around
+.Pn forw .
+.Ci 0e82199cf3c991a173e0ac8aa776efdb3ded61e6
+.Pn msgchk
+was removed
+.Ci bb9360ead7eb7a3fedcce2eeedfc660014e41dbe ,
+because it lost its use case when POP support was removed.
+A call to
+.Pn msgchk
+provided hardly more information than:
+ls -l /var/mail/meillo
+It did distinguish between old and new mail, but
+this detail information can be retrieved with
+.Pn stat (1),
+A small shell script could be written to print the information
+in a similar way, if truly necessary.
+As mmh's
+.Pn inc
+only incorporates mail from the user's local maildrop,
+and thus no data transfers over slow networks are involved,
+there's hardly any need to check for new mail before incorporating it.
+.Pn msh
+was removed
+.Ci 916690191222433a6923a4be54b0d8f6ac01bd02
+because the tool was in conflict with the philosophy of MH.
+It provided an interactive shell to access the features of MH,
+but it wasn't just a shell, tailored to the needs of mail handling.
+Instead it was one large program that had several MH tools built in.
+This conflicts with the major feature of MH of being a tool chest.
+.Pn msh 's
+main use case had been accessing Bulletin Boards, which have seized to
+be popular.
+.Pn msh ,
+together with the truly archaic code relicts
+.Pn vmh
+.Pn wmh ,
+saved more than 7\|000 lines of C code \(en
+about 15\|% of the project's original source code amount.
+Having less code \(en with equal readability, of course \(en
+for the same functionality is an advantage.
+Less code means less bugs and less maintenance work.
+.Pn rcvtty
+.Pn msgchk
+are assumed to be rarely used and can be implemented in different ways,
+why should one keep them?
+Removing them stream-lines mmh.
+.Pn viamail 's
+use case is now partly obsolete and partly covered by
+.Pn forw ,
+hence there's no reason to still maintain it.
+.Pn conflict
+is not related to the mail client, and
+.Pn msh
+conflicts with the basic concept of MH.
+Theses two tools might still be useful, but they should not be part of mmh.
+Finally, there's
+.Pn slocal .
+.Pn slocal
+is an MDA and thus not directly MUA-related.
+It should be removed from mmh, because including it conflicts with
+the idea that mmh is a MUA only.
+.Pn slocal
+should rather become a separate project.
+.Pn slocal
+provides rule-based processing of messages, like filing them into
+different folders, which is otherwise not available in mmh.
+.Pn slocal
+does neither pull in dependencies nor does it include a separate
+technical area (cf. Sec. XXX), still,
+it accounts for about 1\|000 lines of code that need to be maintained.
+.Pn slocal
+is almost self-standing, it should be split off into a separate project.
+This would cut the strong connection between the MUA mmh and the MDA
+.Pn slocal .
+For anyone not using MH,
+.Pn slocal
+would become yet another independent MDA, like
+.I procmail .
+.Pn slocal
+could be installed without the complete MH system.
+Likewise, mmh users could decide to use
+.I procmail
+without having a second, unused MDA,
+.Pn slocal ,
+That appears to be conceptionally the best solution.
+.Pn slocal
+is not split off.
+I defer the decision over
+.Pn slocal
+in need for deeper investigation.
+In the meanwhile, it remains part of mmh.
+That does not hurt because
+.Pn slocal
+is unrelated to the rest of the project.
+.H2 "\fLshow\fP and \fPmhshow\fP
+Since the very beginning \(en already in the first concept paper \(en
+.Pn show
+had been MH's message display program.
+.Pn show
+mapped message numbers and sequences to files and invoked
+.Pn mhl
+to have the files formatted.
+With MIME, this approach wasn't sufficient anymore.
+MIME messages can consist of multiple parts. Some parts are not
+directly displayable and text content might be encoded in
+foreign charsets.
+.Pn show 's
+understanding of messages and
+.Pn mhl 's
+display capabilities couldn't cope with the task any longer.
+Instead of extending these tools, additional tools were written from
+scratch and added to the MH tool chest.
+Doing so is encouraged by the tool chest approach.
+Modular design is a great advantage for extending a system,
+as new tools can be added without interfering with existing ones.
+First, the new MIME features were added in form of the single program
+.Pn mhn .
+The command
+.Cl "mhn -show 42
+would show the MIME message numbered 42.
+With the 1.0 release of nmh in February 1999, Richard Coleman finished
+the split of
+.Pn mhn
+into a set of specialized tools, which together covered the
+multiple aspects of MIME.
+One of them was
+.Pn mhshow ,
+which replaced
+.Cl "mhn -show" .
+It was capable of displaying MIME messages appropriately.
+From then on, two message display tools were part of nmh,
+.Pn show
+.Pn mhshow .
+To ease the life of users,
+.Pn show
+was extended to automatically hand the job over to
+.Pn mhshow
+if displaying the message would be beyond
+.Pn show 's
+In consequence, the user would simply invoke
+.Pn show
+(possibly through
+.Pn next
+.Pn prev )
+and get the message printed with either
+.Pn show
+.Pn mhshow ,
+whatever was more appropriate.
+Having two similar tools for essentially the same task is redundant.
+users wouldn't distinguish between
+.Pn show
+.Pn mhshow
+in their daily mail reading.
+Having two separate display programs was therefore mainly unnecessary
+from a user's point of view.
+Besides, the development of both programs needed to be in sync,
+to ensure that the programs behaved in a similar way,
+because they were used like a single tool.
+Different behavior would have surprised the user.
+Today, non-MIME messages are rather seen to be a special case of
+MIME messages, although it is the other way round.
+.Pn mhshow
+had already be able to display non-MIME messages, it appeared natural
+to drop
+.Pn show
+in favor of using
+.Pn mhshow
+.Ci 4c1efddfd499300c7e74263e57d8aa137e84c853
+.Pn show
+is no loss in function, because functionally
+.Pn mhshow
+covers it completely.
+The old behavior of
+.Pn show
+can still be emulated with the simple command line:
+mhl `mhpath c`
+For convenience,
+.Pn mhshow
+was renamed to
+.Pn show
+.Pn show
+was gone.
+It is clear that such a rename may confuse future developers when
+trying to understand the history.
+Nevertheless, I consider the convenience on the user's side,
+to call
+.Pn show
+when they want a message to be displayed, to outweigh the inconvenience
+on the developer's side when understanding the project history.
+To prepare for the transition,
+.Pn mhshow
+was reworked to behave more like
+.Pn show
+(cf. Sec. XXX)
+Once the tools behaved more alike, the replacing appeared to be
+even more natural.
+Today, mmh's new
+.Pn show
+became the one single message display program again, with the difference
+that today it handles MIME messages as well as non-MIME messages.
+The outcome of the transition is one program less to maintain,
+no second display program for users to deal with,
+and less system complexity.
+Still, removing the old
+.Pn show
+hurts in one regard: It had been such a simple program.
+Its lean elegance is missing to the new
+.Pn show .
+But there is no chance;
+supporting MIME demands for higher essential complexity.
+.H2 "Configure Options
+Customization is a double-edged sword.
+It allows better suiting setups, but not for free.
+There is the cost of code complexity to be able to customize.
+There is the cost of less tested setups, because there are
+more possible setups and especially corner-cases.
+And, there is the cost of choice itself.
+The code complexity directly affects the developers.
+Less tested code affects both, users and developers.
+The problem of choice affects the users, for once by having to
+choose, but also by more complex interfaces that require more documentation.
+Whenever options add little advantages, they should be considered for
+I have reduced the number of project-specific configure options from 
+fifteen to three.
+.U3 "Mail Transfer Facilities
+With the removal of the mail transfer facilities five configure
+options vanished:
+The switches
+.Sw --with-tls
+.Sw --with-cyrus-sasl
+had activated the support for transfer encryption and authentication.
+This is not needed anymore.
+.Ci fecd5d34f65597a4dfa16aeabea7d74b191532c3
+.Ci 156d35f6425bea4c1ed3c4c79783dc613379c65b
+The configure switch
+.Sw --enable-pop
+activated the message retrieval facility.
+The code area that would be conditionally compiled in for TLS and SASL
+support had been small.
+The conditionally compiled code area for POP support had been much larger.
+Whereas the code base changes would only slightly change on toggling
+TLS or SASL support, it changed much on toggling POP support.
+The changes in the code base could hardly be overviewed.
+By having POP support togglable a second code base had been created,
+one that needed to be tested.
+This situation is basically similar for the conditional TLS and SASL  
+code, but there the changes are minor and can yet be overviewed.
+Still, conditional compilation of a code base creates variations
+of the original program.
+More variations require more testing and maintenance work.
+Two other options only specified default configuration values:
+.Sw --with-mts
+defined the default transport service, either
+.Ar smtp
+.Ar sendmail .
+In mmh this fixed to
+.Ar sendmail .
+.Ci f6aa95b724fd8c791164abe7ee5468bf5c34f226
+.Sw --with-smtpservers
+default SMTP servers for the
+.Ar smtp
+transport service could be specified.
+.Ci 128545e06224233b7e91fc4c83f8830252fe16c9
+Both of them became irrelevant.
+.U3 "Backup Prefix
+The backup prefix is the string that was prepended to message
+filenames to tag them as deleted.
+By default it had been the comma character `\f(CW,\fP'.
+In July 2000, Kimmo Suominen introduced
+the configure option
+.Sw --with-hash-backup
+to change the default to the hash symbol `\f(CW#\fP'.
+The choice was probably personal preference, because first, the
+option was named
+.Sw --with-backup-prefix.
+and had the prefix symbol as argument.
+But giving the hash symbol as argument caused too many problems
+for Autoconf,
+thus the option was limited to use the hash symbol as the default prefix.
+This supports the assumption, that the choice for the hash was
+personal preference only.
+Being related or not, words that start with the hash symbol
+introduce a comment in the Unix shell.
+Thus, the command line
+.Cl "rm #13 #15
+.Pn rm
+without arguments because the first hash symbol starts the comment
+that reaches until the end of the line.
+To delete the backup files,
+.Cl "rm ./#13 ./#15"
+needs to be used.
+Using the hash as backup prefix can be seen as a precaution against
+data loss.
+I removed the configure option but added the profile entry
+.Pe backup-prefix ,
+which allows to specify an arbitrary string as backup prefix.
+.Ci 6c40d481d661d532dd527eaf34cebb6d3f8ed086
+Profile entries are the common method to change mmh's behavior.
+This change did not remove the choice but moved it to a location where
+it suited better.
+Eventually, however, the new trash folder concept
+.Cf "Sec. XXX
+obsoleted the concept of the backup prefix completely.
+.Ci 8edc5aaf86f9f77124664f6801bc6c6cdf258173
+.\" (Well, there still are corner-cases to remove until the backup
+.\" prefix can be laid to rest, eventually.)
+.\" FIXME: Do this work in the code!
+.U3 "Editor and Pager
+The two configure options
+.CW --with-editor=EDITOR
+.CW --with-pager=PAGER
+were used to specify the default editor and pager at configure time.
+Doing so at configure time made sense in the Eighties,
+when the set of available editors and pagers varied much across
+different systems.
+Today, the situation is more homogeneous.
+The programs
+.Pn vi
+.Pn more
+can be expected to be available on every Unix system,
+as they are specified by POSIX since two decades.
+(The specifications for
+.Pn vi
+.Pn more
+appeared in
+posix 1987
+posix 1992
+As a first step, these two tools were hard-coded as defaults.
+.Ci 5d43a99db70c12a673028c7758c20cbe3e13ef5f
+Not changed were the
+.Pe editor
+.Pe moreproc
+profile entries, which allowed the user to override the system defaults.
+Later, the concept was reworked to respect the standard environment
+if they are set.
+Today, mmh determines the editor to use in the following order,
+taking the first available and non-empty item:
+.IP (1)
+Environment variable
+.IP (2)
+Profile entry
+.Pe Editor
+.IP (3)
+Environment variable
+.IP (4)
+Environment variable
+.IP (5)
+.Pn vi .
+.Ci f85f4b7ae62e3d05a945dcd46ead51f0a2a89a9b
+The pager to use is determined in a similar order,
+also taking the first available and non-empty item:
+.IP (1)
+Environment variable
+.IP (2)
+Profile entry
+.Pe Pager
+.Pe moreproc )
+.IP (3)
+Environment variable
+.IP (4)
+.Pn more .
+.Ci 0c4214ea2aec6497d0d67b436bbee9bc1d225f1e
+By respecting the
+.Ev VISUAL /\c
+environment variables,
+the new behavior confirms better to the common style on Unix systems.
+Additionally, the new approach is more uniform and clearer to users.
+.U3 "ndbm
+.Pn slocal
+used to depend on
+.I ndbm ,
+a database library.
+The database is used to store the `\fLMessage-ID\fP's of all
+messages delivered.
+This enables
+.Pn slocal
+to suppress delivering the same message to the same user twice.
+(This features was enabled by the
+.Sw -suppressdup
+A variety of versions of the database library exist.
+wolter unix incompat notes dbm
+Complicated autoconf code was needed to detect them correctly.
+Further more, the configure switches
+.Sw --with-ndbm=ARG
+.Sw --with-ndbmheader=ARG
+were added to help with difficult setups that would
+not be detected automatically or correctly.
+By removing the suppress duplicates feature of
+.Pn slocal ,
+the dependency on
+.I ndbm
+vanished and 120 lines of complex autoconf code could be saved.
+.Ci ecd6d6a20cb7a1507e3a20d6c4cb3a1cf14c6bbf
+The change removed functionality too, but that is minor to the
+improvement by dropping the dependency and the complex autoconf code.
+.U3 "mh-e Support
+The configure option
+.Sw --disable-mhe
+was removed when the mh-e support was reworked. 
+Mh-e is the Emacs front-end to MH.
+It requires MH to provide minor additional functions.
+.Sw --disable-mhe
+configure option could switch these extensions off.
+After removing the support for old versions of mh-e,
+only the
+.Sw -build
+switches of
+.Pn forw
+.Pn repl
+are left to be mh-e extensions.
+They are now always built in because they add little code and complexity.
+In consequence, the
+.Sw --disable-mhe
+configure option was removed
+.Ci a7ce7b4a580d77b6c2c4d980812beb589aa4c643
+Removing the option removed a second code setup that would have
+needed to be tested.
+This change was first done in nmh and thereafter merged into mmh.
+The interface changes in mmh require mh-e to be adjusted in order
+to be able to use mmh as back-end.
+This will require minor changes to mh-e, but removing the
+.Sw -build
+switches would require more rework.
+.U3 "Masquerading
+The configure option
+.Sw --enable-masquerade
+could take up to three arguments:
+`draft_from', `mmailid', and `username_extension'.
+They activated different types of address masquerading.
+All of them were implemented in the SMTP-speaking
+.Pn post
+command, which provided an MSA.
+Address masquerading is an MTA's task and mmh does not cover
+this field anymore.
+Hence, true masquerading needs to be implemented in the external MTA.
+.I mmailid
+masquerading type is the oldest one of the three and the only one
+available in the original MH.
+It provided a
+.I username
+.I fakeusername
+mapping, based on the password file's GECOS field.
+The man page
+.Mp mh-tailor(5)
+described the use case as being the following:
+This is useful if you want the messages you send to always
+appear to come from the name of an MTA alias rather than your
+actual account name.  For instance, many organizations set up
+`First.Last' sendmail aliases for all users.  If this is
+the case, the GECOS field for each user should look like:
+``First [Middle] Last <First.Last>''
+As mmh sends outgoing mail via the local MTA only,
+the best location to do such global rewrites is there.
+Besides, the MTA is conceptionally the right location because it
+does the reverse mapping for incoming mail (aliasing), too.
+Further more, masquerading set up there is readily available for all
+mail software on the system.
+Hence, mmailid masquerading was removed.
+.Ci 0836c8000ccb34b59410ef1c15b1b7feac70ce5f
+.I username_extension
+masquerading type did not replace the username but would append a suffix,
+specified by the
+environment variable, to it.
+This provided support for the
+.I user-extension
+feature of qmail and the similar
+.I "plussed user
+processing of sendmail.
+The decision to remove this username_extension masquerading was
+motivated by the fact that
+.Pn spost
+hadn't supported it already.
+.Ci 2abae0bfd0ad5bf898461e50aa4b466d641f23d9
+Username extensions are possible in mmh, but less convenient to use.
+.\" XXX format file %(getenv USERNAME_EXTENSION)
+.I draft_from
+masquerading type instructed
+.Pn post
+to use the value of the
+.Hd From
+header field as SMTP envelope sender.
+Sender addresses could be replaced completely.
+.Ci b14ea6073f77b4359aaf3fddd0e105989db9
+Mmh offers a kind of masquerading similar in effect, but
+with technical differences.
+As mmh does not transfer messages itself, the local MTA has final control
+over the sender's address. Any masquerading mmh introduces may be reverted
+by the MTA.
+In times of pedantic spam checking, an MTA will take care to use
+sensible envelope sender addresses to keep its own reputation up.
+Nonetheless, the MUA can set the
+.Hd From
+header field and thereby propose
+a sender address to the MTA.
+The MTA may then decide to take that one or generate the canonical sender
+address for use as envelope sender address.
+In mmh, the MTA will always extract the recipient and sender from the
+message header (\c
+.Pn sendmail 's
+.Sw -t
+.Hd From
+header field of the draft may be set arbitrary by the user.
+If it is missing, the canonical sender address will be generated by the MTA.
+.U3 "Remaining Options
+Two configure options remain in mmh.
+One is the locking method to use:
+.Sw --with-locking=[dot|fcntl|flock|lockf] .
+The idea of removing all methods except the portable dot locking
+and having that one as the default is appealing, but this change
+requires deeper technical investigation into the topic.
+The other option,
+.Sw --enable-debug ,
+compiles the programs with debugging symbols and does not strip them.
+This option is likely to stay.
+.H2 "Command Line Switches
+The command line switches of MH tools follow the X Window style.
+They are words, introduced by a single dash.
+For example:
+.Cl "-truncate" .
+Every program in mmh has two generic switches:
+.Sw -help ,
+to print a short message on how to use the program, and 
+.Sw -Version ,
+to tell what version of mmh the program belongs to.
+Switches change the behavior of programs.
+Programs that do one thing in one way require no switches.
+In most cases, doing something in exactly one way is too limiting.
+If there is basically one task to accomplish, but it should be done
+in various ways, switches are a good approach to alter the behavior
+of a program.
+Changing the behavior of programs provides flexibility and customization
+to users, but at the same time it complicates the code, documentation and
+usage of the program.
+.\" XXX: Ref
+Therefore, the number of switches should be kept small.
+A small set of well-chosen switches does no harm.
+But usually, the number of switches increases over time.
+Already in 1985, Rose and Romine have identified this as a major
+problem of MH:
+.[ [
+rose romine real work
+.], p. 12]
+A complaint often heard about systems which undergo substantial development
+by many people over a number of years, is that more and more options are
+introduced which add little to the functionality but greatly increase the
+amount of information a user needs to know in order to get useful work done.
+This is usually referred to as creeping featurism.
+Unfortunately MH, having undergone six years of off-and-on development by
+ten or so well-meaning programmers (the present authors included),
+suffers mightily from this.
+Being reluctant to adding new switches \(en or `options',
+as Rose and Romine call them \(en is one part of a counter-action,
+the other part is removing hardly used switches.
+Nmh's tools had lots of switches already implemented,
+hence, cleaning up by removing some of them was the more important part
+of the counter-action.
+Removing existing functionality is always difficult because it
+breaks programs that use these functions.
+Also, for every obsolete feature, there'll always be someone who still
+uses it and thus opposes its removal.
+This puts the developer into the position,
+where sensible improvements to style are regarded as destructive acts.
+Yet, living with the featurism is far worse, in my eyes, because
+future needs will demand adding further features,
+worsening the situation more and more.
+Rose and Romine added in a footnote,
+.Pn send
+will no doubt acquire an endless number of switches in the years to come.''
+Although clearly humorous, the comment points to the nature of the problem.
+Refusing to add any new switches would encounter the problem at its root,
+but this is not practical.
+New needs will require new switches and it would be unwise to block
+them strictly.
+Nevertheless, removing obsolete switches still is an effective approach
+to deal with the problem.
+Working on an experimental branch without an established user base,
+eased my work because I did not offend users when I removed existing
+Rose and Romine counted 24 visible and 9 more hidden switches for
+.Pn send .
+In nmh, they increased up to 32 visible and 12 hidden ones.
+At the time of writing, no more than 7 visible switches and 1 hidden switch
+have remained in mmh's
+.Pn send .
+(These numbers include two generic switches, help and version.)
+Fig. XXX
+.\" XXX Ref
+displays the number of switches for each of the tools that is available
+in both, nmh and mmh.
+The tools are sorted by the number of switches they had in nmh.
+Visible and hidden switches were counted,
+but not the generic help and version switches.
+Whereas in the beginning of the project, the average tool had 11 switches,
+now it has no more than 5 \(en only half as many.
+If the `no' switches and similar inverse variant are folded onto
+their counter-parts, the average tool had 8 switches in pre-mmh times and
+has 4 now.
+The total number of functional switches in mmh dropped from 465
+to 234.
+.in 1c
+.so input/switches.grap
+A part of the switches vanished after functions were removed.
+This was the case for network mail transfer, for instance.
+Sometimes, however, the work flow was the other way:
+I looked through the
+.Mp mh-chart (7)
+man page to identify the tools with apparently too many switches.
+Then considering the value of each of the switches by examining
+the tool's man page and source code, aided by recherche and testing.
+This way, the removal of functions was suggested by the aim to reduce
+the number of switches per command.
+.U3 "Draft Folder Facility
+A change early in the project was the complete transition from
+the single draft message to the draft folder facility.
+.Ci 337338b404931f06f0db2119c9e145e8ca5a9860
+The draft folder facility was introduced in the mid-Eighties, when
+Rose and Romine called it a ``relatively new feature''.
+rose romine real work
+Since then, the facility had existed but was deactivated by default.
+The default activation and the related rework of the tools made it
+possible to remove the
+.Sw -[no]draftfolder ,
+.Sw -draftmessage
+switches from
+.Pn comp ,
+.Pn repl ,
+.Pn forw ,
+.Pn dist ,
+.Pn whatnow ,
+.Pn send .
+.Ci 337338b404931f06f0db2119c9e145e8ca5a9860
+The only flexibility removed with this change is having multiple
+draft folders within one profile.
+I consider this a theoretical problem only.
+In the same go, the
+.Sw -draft
+switch of
+.Pn anno ,
+.Pn refile ,
+.Pn send
+was removed.
+The special-casing of `the' draft message became irrelevant after
+the rework of the draft system.
+(See Sec. XXX.)
+.Pn comp
+lost its
+.Sw -file
+The draft folder facility, together with the
+.Sw -form
+switch, are sufficient.
+.U3 "In Place Editing
+.Pn anno
+had the switches
+.Sw -[no]inplace
+to either annotate the message in place and thus preserve hard links,
+or annotate a copy to replace the original message, breaking hard links.
+Following the assumption that linked messages should truly be the
+same message, and annotating it should not break the link, the
+.Sw -[no]inplace
+switches were removed and the previous default
+.Sw -inplace
+was made the only behavior.
+.Ci c8195849d2e366c569271abb0f5f60f4ebf0b4d0
+.Sw -[no]inplace
+switches of
+.Pn repl ,
+.Pn forw ,
+.Pn dist
+could be removed, too, as they were simply passed through to
+.Pn anno .
+.Pn burst
+also had
+.Sw -[no]inplace
+switches, but with different meaning.
+.Sw -inplace ,
+the digest had been replaced by the table of contents (i.e. the
+introduction text) and the bursted messages were placed right
+after this message, renumbering all following messages.
+Also, any trailing text of the digest was lost, though,
+in practice, it usually consists of an end-of-digest marker only.
+Nontheless, this behavior appeared less elegant than the
+.Sw -noinplace
+behavior, which already had been the default.
+.Mp burst (1)
+man page reads:
+.sp \n(PDu
+If -noinplace is given, each digest is preserved, no table
+of contents is produced, and the messages contained within
+the digest are placed at the end of the folder. Other messages
+are not tampered with in any way.
+The decision to drop the
+.Sw -inplace
+behavior was supported by the code complexity and the possible data loss
+it caused.
+.Sw -noinplace
+was chosen to be the definitive behavior.
+.Ci 68a686adeb39223a5e1ad35e4a24890ec053679d
+.U3 "Forms and Format Strings
+Historically, the tools that had
+.Sw -form
+switches to supply a form file had
+.Sw -format
+switches as well to supply the contents of a form file as a string
+on the command line directly.
+In consequence, the following two lines equaled:
+scan -form scan.mailx
+scan -format "`cat .../scan.mailx`"
+.Sw -format
+switches were dropped in favor for extending the
+.Sw -form
+.Ci f51956be123db66b00138f80464d06f030dbb88d
+If their argument starts with an equal sign (`='),
+then the rest of the argument is taken as a format string,
+otherwise the arguments is treated as the name of a format file.
+Thus, now the following two lines equal:
+scan -form scan.mailx
+scan -form "=`cat .../scan.mailx`"
+This rework removed the prefix collision between
+.Sw -form
+.Sw -format .
+Now, typing
+.Sw -fo
+suffices to specify form or format string.
+The different meaning of
+.Sw -format
+.Pn repl
+.Pn forw
+was removed in mmh.
+.Pn forw
+was completely switched to MIME-type forwarding, thus removing the
+.Sw -[no]format .
+.Ci 6e271608b7b9c23771523f88d23a4d3593010cf1
+.Pn repl ,
+.Sw -[no]format
+switches were reworked to
+.Sw -[no]filter
+.Ci 67411b1f95d6ec987b4c732459e1ba8a8ac192c6
+.Sw -format
+switches of
+.Pn send
+.Pn post ,
+which had a third meaning,
+were removed likewise.
+.Ci f3cb7cde0e6f10451b6848678d95860d512224b9
+Eventually, the ambiguity of the
+.Sw -format
+switches was resolved by not anymore having any such switch in mmh.
+.U3 "MIME Tools
+The MIME tools, which were once part of
+.Pn mhn
+had several switches that added little practical value to the programs.
+.Sw -[no]realsize
+switches of
+.Pn mhbuild
+.Pn mhlist
+were removed, doing real size calculations always now
+.Ci 8d8f1c3abc586c005c904e52c4adbfe694d2201c ,
+``This provides an accurate count at the expense of a small delay.''
+This small delay is not noticable on modern systems.
+.Sw -[no]check
+switches were removed together with the support for
+.Hd Content-MD5
+header fields.
+rfc 1864
+.Ci 31dc797eb5178970d68962ca8939da3fd9a8efda
+(See Sec. XXX)
+.Sw -[no]ebcdicsafe
+.Sw -[no]rfc934mode
+switches of
+.Pn mhbuild
+were removed because they are considered obsolete.
+.Ci 01a3480928da485b4d6109d36d751dfa71799d58
+.Ci 3363e2624dce0eb8164cf8b3f1ab385c8ff72e88
+Content caching of external MIME parts, activated with the
+.Sw -rcache
+.Sw -wcache
+switches was completely removed.
+.Ci d1fefd9f614e4dc3cda16da6c69133c1b2005269
+External MIME parts are rare today, having a caching facility
+for them is appears to be unnecessary.
+In pre-MIME times,
+.Pn mhl
+had covered many tasks that are part of MIME handling today.
+.Pn mhl
+could be simplified to a large extend, reducing the number of its
+switches from 21 to 6.
+.Ci 350ad6d3542a07639213cf2a4fe524e829c1e7b6
+.Ci 0e46503be3c855bddaeae3843e1b659279c35d70
+.U3 "Mail Transfer Switches
+With the removal of the mail transfer facilities, a lot of switches
+vanished automatically.
+.Pn inc
+lost 9 switches, namely
+.Sw -host ,
+.Sw -port ,
+.Sw -user ,
+.Sw -proxy ,
+.Sw -snoop ,
+.Sw -[no]pack ,
+as well as
+.Sw -sasl
+.Sw -saslmech .
+.Pn send
+.Pn post 
+lost 11 switches each, namely
+.Sw -server ,
+.Sw -port ,
+.Sw -client ,
+.Sw -user ,
+.Sw -mail ,
+.Sw -saml ,
+.Sw -send ,
+.Sw -soml ,
+.Sw -snoop ,
+as well as
+.Sw -sasl ,
+.Sw -saslmech ,
+.Sw -tls .
+.Pn send
+had the switches only to pass them further to
+.Pn post ,
+because the user would invoke
+.Pn post
+not directly, but through
+.Pn send .
+All these switches, except
+.Sw -snoop
+were usually defined as default switches in the user's profile,
+but hardly given in interactive usage.
+Of course, those switches did not really ``vanish'', but the configuration
+they did was handed over to external MSAs and MRAs.
+Instead of setting up the mail transfer in mmh, it is set up in
+external tools.
+Yet, this simplifies mmh.
+Specialized external tools will likely have simple configuration files.
+Hence, instead of having one complicated central configuration file,
+the configuration of each domain is separate.
+Although the user needs to learn to configure each of the tools,
+each configuration is likely much simpler.
+.U3 "Maildrop Formats
+With the removal of MMDF maildrop format support,
+.Pn packf
+.Pn rcvpack
+no longer needed their
+.Sw -mbox
+.Sw -mmdf
+.Sw -mbox
+is the sole  behavior now.
+.Ci 3916ab66ad5d183705ac12357621ea8661afd3c0
+In the same go,
+.Pn packf
+.Pn rcvpack
+were reworked (see Sec. XXX) and their
+.Sw -file
+switch became unnecessary.
+.Ci ca1023716d4c2ab890696f3e41fa0d94267a940e
+.U3 "Terminal Magic
+Mmh's tools will no longer clear the screen (\c
+.Pn scan 's
+.Pn mhl 's
+.Sw -[no]clear
+.Ci e57b17343dcb3ff373ef4dd089fbe778f0c7c270
+.Ci 943765e7ac5693ae177fd8d2b5a2440e53ce816e ).
+Neither will
+.Pn mhl
+ring the bell (\c
+.Sw -[no]bell
+.Ci e11983f44e59d8de236affa5b0d0d3067c192e24 )
+nor page the output itself (\c
+.Sw -length
+.Ci 5b9d883db0318ed2b84bb82dee880d7381f99188 ).
+Generally, the pager to use is no longer specified with the
+.Sw -[no]moreproc
+command line switches for
+.Pn mhl
+.Pn show /\c
+.Pn mhshow .
+.Ci 39e87a75b5c2d3572ec72e717720b44af291e88a
+.Pn prompter
+lost its
+.Sw -erase
+.Sw -kill
+switches because today the terminal cares for the line editing keys.
+.U3 "Header Printing
+.Pn folder 's
+data output is self-explaining enough that
+displaying the header line makes few sense.
+Hence, the
+.Sw -[no]header
+switch was removed and headers are never printed.
+.Ci 601cc73d1fa05ce96faa728f036d6c51b91701c7
+.Pn mhlist ,
+.Sw -[no]header
+switches were removed, too.
+.Ci b24f96523aaf60e44e04a3ffb1d22e69a13a602f
+But in this case headers are always printed,
+because the output is not self-explaining.
+.Pn scan
+also had
+.Sw -[no]header
+Printing the header had been sensible until the introduction of
+format strings made it impossible to display the column headings.
+Only the folder name and the current date remained to be printed.
+As this information can be perfectly retrieved by
+.Pn folder
+.Pn date ,
+consequently, the switches were removed.
+.Ci c477dc5d1d03fa6d9a8ab3dd3508c63cbddc044e
+By removing all
+.Sw -header
+switches, the collision with
+.Sw -help
+on the first two letters was resolved.
+.Sw -h
+evaluates to
+.Sw -help
+for all tools of mmh.
+.U3 "Suppressing Edits or the WhatNow Shell
+.Sw -noedit
+switch of
+.Pn comp ,
+.Pn repl ,
+.Pn forw ,
+.Pn dist ,
+.Pn whatnow
+was removed, but it can now be replaced by specifying
+.Sw -editor
+with an empty argument.
+.Ci 75fca31a5b9d5c1a99c74ab14c94438d8852fba9
+.Cl "-editor true
+is nearly the same, only differing by the previous editor being set.)
+The more important change is the removal of the
+.Sw -nowhatnowproc
+.Ci ee4f43cf2ef0084ec698e4e87159a94c01940622
+This switch had introduced an awkward behavior, as explained in nmh's
+man page for
+.Mp comp (1):
+The \-editor editor switch indicates the editor to use for
+the initial edit. Upon exiting from the editor, comp will
+invoke the whatnow program. See whatnow(1) for a discussion
+of available options. The invocation of this program can be
+inhibited by using the \-nowhatnowproc switch. (In truth of
+fact, it is the whatnow program which starts the initial
+edit. Hence, \-nowhatnowproc will prevent any edit from
+Effectively, the
+.Sw -nowhatnowproc
+switch creates only a draft message.
+.Cl "-whatnowproc true
+causes the same behavior, the
+.Sw -nowhatnowproc
+switch was removed for being redundant.
+Likely, the
+.Sw -nowhatnowproc
+switch was intended to be used by front-ends.
+.U3 "Compatibility Switches
+The hidden
+.Sw -[no]total
+switches of
+.Pn flist .
+They were simply the inverse of the visible
+.Sw -[no]fast
+.Sw -total
+.Sw -nofast
+.Sw -nototal
+.Sw -fast .
+I removed the
+.Sw -[no]total
+.Ci ea21fe2c4bd23c639bef251398fae809875732ec
+.Sw -subject
+switch of
+.Pn sortm
+existed for compatibility only.
+It can be fully replaced by
+.Cl "-textfield subject
+thus it was removed.
+.Ci 00140a3c86e9def69d98ba2ffd4d6e50ef6326ea
+.U3 "Various
+In order to avoid prefix collisions among switch names, the
+.Sw -version
+switch was renamed to
+.Sw -Version
+(with capital `V').
+.Ci 32b2354dbaf4bf934936eb5b102a4a3d2fdd209a
+Every program has the
+.Sw -version
+switch but its first three letters collided with the
+.Sw -verbose
+switch, present in many programs.
+The rename solved this problem once for all.
+Although this rename breaks a basic interface, having the
+.Sw -V
+abbreviation to display the version information, isn't all too bad.
+.Sw -[no]preserve
+.Pn refile
+was removed because what use was it anyway?
+Normally when a message is refiled, for each destination
+folder it is assigned the number which is one above the current
+highest message number in that folder. Use of the
+\-preserv [sic!] switch will override this message renaming, and try
+to preserve the number of the message. If a conflict for a
+particular folder occurs when using the \-preserve switch,
+then refile will use the next available message number which
+is above the message number you wish to preserve.
+The removal of the
+.Sw -[no]reverse
+switches of
+.Pn scan
+.Ci 8edc5aaf86f9f77124664f6801bc6c6cdf258173
+is a bug fix, supported by the comments
+``\-[no]reverse under #ifdef BERK (I really HATE this)''
+by Rose and
+``Lists messages in reverse order with the `\-reverse' switch.
+This should be considered a bug.'' by Romine in the documentation.
+The question remains why neither Rose and Romine had fixed this
+bug in the Eighties when they wrote these comments nor has anyone
+forw: [no]dashstuffing(mhl)
+mhshow: [no]pause [no]serialonly
+mhmail: resent queued
+inc: snoop, (pop)
+mhl: [no]faceproc folder sleep
+	[no]dashstuffing(forw) digest list volume number issue number
+prompter: [no]doteof
+refile: [no]preserve [no]unlink [no]rmmproc
+send: [no]forward [no]mime [no]msgid
+	[no]push split [no]unique (sasl) width snoop [no]dashstuffing
+	attach attachformat
+whatnow: (noedit) attach
+slocal: [no]suppressdups
+spost: [no]filter [no]backup width [no]push idanno
+	[no]check(whom) whom(whom)
+whom: ???
+In the best case, all switches are unambiguous on the first character,
+or on the three-letter prefix for the `no' variants.
+Reducing switch prefix collisions, shortens the necessary prefix length
+the user must type.
+Having less switches helps best.
+.\" XXX: whatnow prompt commands
+.H1 "Modernizing
+The code base of mmh originates from the late Seventies.
+Through the Eighties, extensive work had been done on it.
+In the Nineties, it had been partly reorganized and extended.
+Relicts from each decade have gathered in the code base.
+My goal was to modernize the code base.
+FIXME functional aspect only here
+FIXME ref to `code style' for non-functional aspects.
+.H2 "Code Relicts
+My position to drop obsolete functionality of mmh to remove old code
+is much more revolutional than the nmh community likes to have it.
+Working on an experimental version, I was able to quickly drop
+functionality I considered ancient.
+The need for consensus with peers would have slowed this process down.
+Without the need to justify my decisions, I was able to rush forward.
+In Dezember 2011, Paul Vixie motivated the nmh developers to just
+do the work:
+paul vixie edginess nmh-workers
+let's stop walking on egg shells with this code base. there's no need to
+discuss whether to keep using vfork, just note in [sic!] passing, [...]
+we don't need a separate branch for removing vmh
+or ridding ourselves of #ifdef's or removing posix replacement functions
+or depending on pure ansi/posix "libc".
+these things should each be a day or two of work and the "main branch"
+should just be modern. [...]
+let's push forward, aggressively.
+I did so already in the months before.
+I pushed forward.
+I simply dropped the cruft.
+The decision to drop a feature was based on literature research and
+careful thinking, but whether having had contact to this particular
+feature within my own computer life served as a rule of thumb.
+My reasons are always made clean in the commit message for the
+version control system.
+Hence, others can comprehend my view and argue for undoing the change
+if I have missed an important aspect.
+.U3 "Forking
+In being a tool chest, MH creates many processes.
+In earlier times
+.Fu fork()
+had been an expensive system call, because the process's image needed
+to be duplicated completely at once.
+This was especially painfull in the common case when the image gets
+replaced by a call to
+.Fu exec()
+right after having forked the child process.
+.Fu vfork()
+system call was invented to speed up this particular case.
+It completely omits the duplication of the image.
+On old systems this resulted in significant speed ups.
+Therefore MH used
+.Fu vfork()
+whenever possible.
+Modern memory management units support copy-on-write semantics, which make
+.Fu fork()
+almost as fast as
+.Fu vfork() .
+The man page of
+.Mp vfork (2)
+in FreeBSD 8.0 states:
+This system call will be eliminated when proper system sharing mechanisms
+are implemented. Users should not depend on the memory sharing semantics
+of vfork() as it will, in that case, be made synonymous to fork(2).
+Vixie supports the removal with the note that ``the last
+system on which fork was so slow that an mh user would notice it, was
+Eunice. that was 1987''.
+nmh-workers vixie edginess
+I replaced all calls to
+.Fu vfork()
+with calls to
+.Fu fork() .
+Related to the costs of
+.Fu fork()
+is the probability of its success.
+In the Eighties on heavy loaded systems, calls to
+.Fu fork()
+were prone to failure.
+Hence, many of the
+.Fu fork()
+calls in the code were wrapped into loops to retry the
+.Fu fork()
+several times, for higher changes to succeed, eventually.
+On modern systems, failing calls to
+.Fu fork()
+are unusual.
+Hence, in the rare case when
+.Fu fork()
+fails, mmh programs simply abort.
+.U3 "Obsolete Header Fields
+.Hd Encrypted
+header field was introduced by RFC\|822,
+but already marked legacy in RFC\|2822.
+OpenPGP provides the basis for standardized exchange of encrypted
+messages [RFC\|4880, RFC\|3156].
+The support for
+.Hd Encrypted
+header fields is removed in mmh.
+Native support for
+.Hd Face
+header fields has been removed, as well.
+This feature is similar to the
+.Hd X-Face
+header field in its intent,
+but takes a different approach to store the image.
+Instead of encoding the image data directly into the header field,
+the it contains the hostname and UDP port where the image
+date could be retrieved.
+There is even a third system, invented in 2005.
+Although it re-uses the
+.Hd Face
+header field, it is the successor of
+.Hd X-Face
+with support for colored PNG images.
+None of the Face systems described here is popular today.
+Hence, mmh has no direct support for them.
+.Hd Content-MD5
+header field was introduced by RFC\|1864.
+It provides detection of data corruption during the transfer.
+But it can not ensure verbatim end-to-end delivery of the contents
+The proper approach to verify content integrity in an
+end-to-end relationship is the use of digital cryptography.
+.\" XXX (RFCs FIXME).
+On the other hand, transfer protocols should detect corruption during
+each transmission. The TCP includes a checksum field therefore.
+These two approaches in combinations render the
+.Hd Content-MD5
+header field superfluous.
+The nmh-workers mailing list archive contains about 4\|200 messages,
+ranging from 1992 until today.
+Not a single one had a
+.Hd Content-MD5
+header field.
+Neither did any of the 60\|000 messages in my personal mail storage.
+Removing the support for this header field,
+removed the last place where MD5 computation was needed.
+Hence, the MD5 code could be removed as well.
+Over 500 lines of code vanished by this one change.
+.U3 "MMDF maildrop support
+This type of format is conceptionally similar to the mbox format,
+but uses a different message delimiter (`\fL^A^A^A^A\fP' instead of
+Mbox is the de-facto standard maildrop format on Unix,
+whereas the MMDF maildrop format is hardly still known today.
+I did drop MMDF maildrop format support.
+The simplifications within the code were only moderate.
+Switches could be removed from
+.L packf
+.L rcvpack ,
+which generate packed mailboxes.
+Only one packed mailbox format remained: mbox.
+The more important changes affected the equally named mail parsing
+routine in
+.Fn sbr/m_getfld.c .
+The MMDF code had been removed there, but as now only one packed mailbox
+format is left, further code structure simplifications may be possible.
+I have not worked on them yet because
+.Fu m_getfld()
+is heavily optimized and thus dangerous to touch.
+The risk of damaging the intricate workings of the optimized code is
+too high.
+.\" XXX: move somewhere else
+This problem is know to the developers of nmh, too.
+They also avoid touching this minefield if possible.
+.U3 "Prompter's Control Keys
+The program
+.Pn prompter
+queries the user to fill in a message form.
+When used by
+.Pn comp
+.Cl "comp -editor prompter" ,
+the resulting behavior is similar to
+.Pn mailx .
+.Pn prompter
+hadn't been touched lately.
+Otherwise it's hardly explainable why it
+still offered the switches
+.Sw -erase
+.Ar chr
+.Sw -kill
+.Ar chr
+to name the characters for command line editing.
+The times when this had been necessary are long time gone.
+Today these things work out-of-the-box, and if not, are configured
+with the standard tool
+.Pn stty .
+The switches are removed now
+.Ci 0bd9750710cdbab80cfb4036dd87af20afe1552f .
+.U3 "Hardcopy terminal support
+More of a funny anecdote is a check for printing to a
+hardcopy terminal that remained in the code until Spring 2012,
+when I finally removed it
+.Ci b7764c4a6b71d37918a97594d866258f154017ca .
+I surely would be very happy to see such a terminal in action,
+maybe actually being able to work on it, but I fear my chances are null.
+The check only prevented a pager to be placed between the outputting
+program (\c
+.Pn mhl )
+and the terminal.
+In nmh, this could have been ensured with the
+.Sw -nomoreproc
+at the command line statically, too.
+In mmh, set the profile entry
+.Pe Pager
+or the environment variable
+.Pn cat .
+.H2 "Attachments
+The mind model of email attachments is unrelated to MIME.
+Although the MIME RFCs (2045 through 2049) define the technical
+requirements for having attachments, they do not mention the the word
+Instead of attachments, MIME talks about ``multi-part message bodies''
+[RFC\|2045], a more general concept.
+Multi-part messages are messages
+``in which one or more different
+sets of data are combined in a single body''
+MIME keeps its descriptions generic;
+it does not imply specific usage models.
+In email one usage model became prevalent: attachments.
+The idea is having a main text document with files of arbitrary kind
+attached to it.
+In MIME terms, this is a multi-part message having a text part first
+and parts of arbitray type following.
+MH's MIME support is a direct implementation of the RFCs.
+The perception of the topic described in the RFCs is clearly visible
+in MH's implementation.
+Thus, MH had all the MIME features but no idea of attachments.
+Today, however, users don't need all the MIME features but they want
+convenient attachment handling.
+.U3 "Composing MIME Messages
+In order to improve the situation on the message composing side,
+Jon Steinhart had added an attachment system to nmh in 2002.
+.Ci 7480dbc14bc90f2d872d434205c0784704213252
+In the file
+he described his motivation to do so as such:
+Although nmh contains the necessary functionality for MIME message handing,
+the interface to this functionality is pretty obtuse.
+There's no way that I'm ever going to convince my partner to write
+.Pn mhbuild
+composition files!
+With this change, the mind model of attachments entered nmh.
+In the same document:
+These changes simplify the task of managing attachments on draft files.
+They allow attachments to be added, listed, and deleted.
+MIME messages are automatically created when drafts with attachments
+are sent.
+Unfortunately, the attachment system,
+like any new facilities in nmh,
+was deactive by default.
+During my work in Argentina, I tried to improve the attachment system.
+But, because of great opposition in the nmh community,
+my patch died as a proposal on the mailing list, after long discussions.
+nmh-workers attachment proposal
+In Januar 2012, I extended the patch and applied it to mmh.
+.Ci 8ff284ff9167eff8f5349481529332d59ed913b1
+In mmh, the attachment system is active by default.
+Instead of command line switches, the
+.Pe Attachment-Header
+profile entry is used to specify
+the name of the attachment header field.
+It is pre-defined to
+.Hd Attach .
+To add an attachment to a draft, simply add an attachment header:
+To: bob
+Subject: The file you wanted
+Attach: /path/to/the/file-bob-wanted
+Here it is.
+The header field can be added to the draft manually in the editor,
+or by using the `attach' command at the WhatNow prompt, or
+non-interactively with
+.Pn anno :
+anno -append -nodate -component Attach -text /path/to/attachment
+Drafts with attachment headers are converted to MIME automatically by
+.Pn send .
+The conversion to MIME is invisible to the user.
+The draft stored in the draft folder is always in source form, with
+attachment headers.
+If the MIMEification fails, for instance because the file to attach
+is not accessible, the original draft is not changed.
+The attachment system handles the forwarding of messages, too.
+If the attachment header value starts with a plus character (`+'),
+like in
+.Cl "Attach: +bob 30 42" ,
+The given messages in the specified folder will be attached.
+This allowed to simplify
+.Pn forw .
+.Ci f41f04cf4ceca7355232cf7413e59afafccc9550
+Closely related to attachments is non-ASCII text content,
+because it requires MIME too.
+In nmh, the user needed to call `mime' at the WhatNow prompt
+to have the draft converted to MIME.
+This was necessary whenever the draft contained non-ASCII characters.
+If the user did not call `mime', a broken message would be sent.
+Therefore, the
+.Pe automimeproc
+profile entry could be specified to have the `mime' command invoked
+automatically each time.
+Unfortunately, this approach conflicted with with attachment system
+because the draft would already be in MIME format at the time
+when the attachment system wanted to MIMEify it.
+To use nmh's attachment system, `mime' must not be called at the
+WhatNow prompt and
+.Pe automimeproc
+must not be set in the profile.
+But then the case of non-ASCII text without attachment headers was
+not caught.
+All in all, the solution was complex and irritating.
+My patch from December 2010 would have simplified the situation.
+Mmh's current solution is even more elaborate.
+Any necessary MIMEification is done automatically.
+There is no `mime' command at the WhatNow prompt anymore.
+The draft will be converted automatically to MIME when either an
+attachment header or non-ASCII text is present.
+Further more, the special meaning of the hash character (`#')
+at line beginnings in the draft message is removed.
+Users need not at all deal with the whole topic.
+Although the new approach does not anymore support arbitrary MIME
+compositions directly, the full power of
+.Pn mhbuild
+can still be accessed.
+Given no attachment headers are included, the user can create
+.Pn mhbuild
+composition drafts like in nmh.
+Then, at the WhatNow prompt, he needs to invoke
+.Cl "edit mhbuild
+to convert it to MIME.
+Because the resulting draft does neither contain non-aASCII characters
+nor has it attachment headers, the attachment system will not touch it.
+The approach taken in mmh is taylored towards todays most common case:
+a text part with possibly attachments.
+This case is simplified a lot for users.
+.U3 "MIME Type Guessing
+The use of
+.Pn mhbuild
+composition drafts had one notable advantage over attachment headers
+from the programmer's point of view: The user provides the appropriate
+MIME types for files to include.
+The attachment system needs to find out the correct MIME type itself.
+This is a difficult task, yet it spares the user irritating work.
+Determining the correct MIME type of content is partly mechanical,
+partly intelligent work.
+Forcing the user to find out the correct MIME type,
+forces him to do partly mechanical work.
+Letting the computer do the work, can lead to bad choices for difficult
+For mmh, the latter option was chosen.
+Determining the MIME type by the suffix of the file name is a dumb
+approach, yet it is simple to implement and provides good results
+for the common cases.
+Mmh implements this approach in the
+.Pn print-mimetype
+Using it is the default choice.
+A far better but less portable approach is the use of
+.Pn file .
+This standard tool tries to determine the type of files.
+Unfortunately, its capabilities and accuracy varies from system to system.
+Additionally, its output was only intended for human beings,
+but not to be used by programs.
+It varies much.
+Nevertheless, modern versions of GNU
+.Pn file ,
+which is prevalent on the popular GNU/Linux systems,
+provides MIME type output in machine-readable form.
+Although this solution is highly system-dependent,
+it solves the difficult problem well.
+On systems where GNU
+.Pn file ,
+version 5.04 or higher, is available it should be used.
+One needs to specify the following profile entry to do so:
+Mime-Type-Query: file -b --mime
+Other versions of
+.Pn file
+might possibly be usable with wrapper scripts to reformat the output.
+The diversity among
+.Pn file
+implementations is great; one needs to check the local variant.
+If no MIME type can be determined, text content gets sent as
+`text/plain' and anything else under the generic fall-back type
+It is not possible in mmh to override the automatic MIME type guessing
+for a specific file.
+To do so, the user would need to know in advance for which file
+the automatic guessing does fail, or the system would require interaction.
+I consider both cases impractical.
+The existing solution should be sufficient.
+If not, the user may always fall back to
+.Pn mhbuild
+composition drafts and ignore the attachment system.
+.U3 "Storing Attachments
+.U3 "Showing MIME Messages
+.H2 "Digital Cryptography
+Signing and encryption.
+.H2 "Modern Defaults
+Just to give one example, for me it took one year of using nmh
+before I became aware of the existence of the attachment system.
+One could argue that this fact disqualifies my reading of the
+If I would have installed nmh from source back then, I could agree.
+Yet I had used a prepackaged version and had expected that it would
+just work.
+.H1 "Code Style
+.H2 "Standard Code
+.U3 "Converting to Standard Code
+One part of this task was converting obsolete code constructs
+to standard constructs.
+As I'm not even thirty years old and have no more than seven years of
+Unix experience, I needed to learn about the history in retrospective.
+Older people likely have used those ancient constructs themselves
+and have suffered from their incompatibilities and have longed for
+Unfortunately, I have only read that others had done so.
+This put me in a much more difficult positions when working on the old
+I needed to recherche what other would have known by heart from
+All my programming experience comes from a time past ANSI C
+and past POSIX.
+Although I knew about the times before, I took the
+current state implicitly for granted most of the time.
+Being aware of
+these facts, I rather let people with more historic experience solve the 
+task of converting the ancient code constructs to standardized ones.
+Luckily, Lyndon Nerenberg focused on this task at the nmh project.
+He converted large parts of the code to POSIX constructs, removing
+the conditionals compilation for now standardized features.
+I'm thankful for this task being solved.
+I only pulled the changes into
+.H2 "Separation
+.U2 "MH Directory Split
+In MH and nmh, a personal setup had consisted of two parts:
+The MH profile, named
+.Fn \&.mh_profile
+and being located directly in the user's home directory.
+And the MH directory, where all his mail messages and also his personal
+forms, scan formats, other configuration files are stored.
+The location
+of this directory could be user-chosen.
+The default was to name it
+.Fn Mail
+and have it directly in the home directory.
+I've never liked the data storage and the configuration to be intermixed.
+They are different kinds of data.
+One part, are the messages,
+which are the data to operate on.
+The other part, are the personal
+configuration files, which are able to change the behavior of the operations.
+The actual operations are defined in the profile, however.
+When storing data, one should try to group data by its type.
+There's sense in the Unix file system hierarchy, where configuration
+file are stored separate (\c
+.Fn /etc )
+to the programs (\c
+.Fn /bin
+.Fn /usr/bin )
+to their sources (\c
+.Fn /usr/src ).
+Such separation eases the backup management, for instance.
+In mmh, I've reorganized the file locations.
+Still there are two places:
+There's the mail storage directory, which, like in MH, contains all the
+messages, but, unlike in MH, nothing else.
+Its location still is user-chosen, with the default name
+.Fn Mail ,
+in the user's home directory.
+This is much similar to the case in nmh.
+The configuration files, however, are grouped together in the new directory
+.Fn \&.mmh
+in the user's home directory.
+The user's profile now is a file, named
+.Fn profile ,
+in this mmh directory.
+Consistently, the context file and all the personal forms, scan formats,
+and the like, are also there.
+The naming changed with the relocation.
+The directory where everything, except the profile, had been stored (\c
+.Fn $HOME/Mail ),
+used to be called \fIMH directory\fP.
+Now, this directory is called the
+user's \fImail storage\fP.
+The name \fImmh directory\fP is now given to
+the new directory
+.Fn $HOME/.mmh ),
+containing all the personal configuration files.
+The separation of the files by type of content is logical and convenient.
+There are no functional differences as any possible setup known to me
+can be implemented with both approaches, although likely a bit easier
+with the new approach.
+The main goal of the change had been to provide
+sensible storage locations for any type of personal mmh file.
+In order for one user to have multiple MH setups, he can use the
+environment variable
+.Ev MH
+the point to a different profile file.
+The MH directory (mail storage plus personal configuration files) is
+defined by the
+.Pe Path
+profile entry.
+The context file could be defined by the
+.Pe context
+profile entry or by the
+environment variable.
+The latter is useful to have a distinct context (e.g. current folders)
+in each terminal window, for instance.
+In mmh, there are three environment variables now.
+.Ev MMH
+may be used to change the location of the mmh directory.
+change the profile and context files, respectively.
+Besides providing a more consistent feel (which simply is the result
+of being designed anew), the set of personal configuration files can
+be chosen independently from the profile (including mail storage location)
+and context, now.
+Being it relevant for practical use or not, it
+de-facto is an improvement.
+However, the main achievement is the
+split between mail storage and personal configuration files.
+.H2 "Modularization
+The \fIMH library\fP
+.Fn libmh.a
+collects a bunch of standard functions that many of the MH tools need,
+like reading the profile or context files.
+This doesn't hurt the separation.
+.H2 "Style
+Code layout, goto, ...
+anno rework
+.H1 "Concept Exploitation/Homogeneity
+.H2 "Draft Folder
+Historically, MH provided exactly one draft message, named
+.Fn draft
+being located in the MH directory.
+When starting to compose another message
+before the former one was sent, the user had been questioned whether to use,
+refile or replace the old draft.
+Working on multiple drafts at the same time
+was impossible.
+One could only work on them in alteration by refiling the
+previous one to some directory and fetching some other one for reediting.
+This manual draft management needed to be done each time the user wanted
+to switch between editing one draft to editing another.
+To allow true parallel editing of drafts, in a straight forward way, the
+draft folder facility exists.
+It had been introduced already in July 1984
+by Marshall T. Rose.
+The facility was deactivated by default.
+Even in nmh, the draft folder facility remained deactivated by default.
+At least, Richard Coleman added the man page
+.Mp mh-draft(5)
+to document
+the feature well.
+The only advantage of not using the draft folder facility is the static
+name of the draft file.
+This could be an issue for MH front-ends like mh-e.
+But as they likely want to provide working on multiple drafts in parallel,
+the issue is only concerning compatibility.
+The aim of nmh to stay compatible
+prevented the default activation of the draft folder facility.
+On the other hand, a draft folder is the much more natural concept than
+a draft message.
+MH's mail storage consists of folders and messages,
+the messages named with ascending numbers.
+A draft message breaks with this
+concept by introducing a message in a file named
+.Fn draft .
+This draft
+message is special.
+It can not be simply listed with the available tools,
+but instead requires special switches.
+I.e. corner-cases were
+A draft folder, in contrast, does not introduce such
+The available tools can operate on the messages within that
+folder like on any messages within any mail folders.
+The only difference
+is the fact that the default folder for
+.Pn send
+is the draft folder,
+instead of the current folder, like for all other tools.
+The trivial part of the change was activating the draft folder facility
+by default and setting a default name for this folder.
+Obviously, I chose
+the name
+.Fn +drafts .
+This made the
+.Sw -draftfolder
+.Sw -draftmessage
+switches useless, and I could remove them.
+The more difficult but also the part that showed the real improvement,
+was updating the tools to the new concept.
+.Sw -draft
+switches could
+be dropped, as operating on a draft message became indistinguishable to
+operating on any other message for the tools.
+.Pn comp
+still has its
+.Sw -use
+switch for switching between its two modes: (1) Compose a new
+draft, possibly by taking some existing message as a form.
+(2) Modify
+an existing draft.
+In either case, the behavior of
+.Pn comp is
+There is no more need to query the user.
+I consider this
+a major improvement.
+By making
+.Pn send
+simply operate on the current
+message in the draft folder by default, with message and folder both
+overridable by specifying them on the command line, it is now possible
+to send a draft anywhere within the storage by simply specifying its folder
+and name.
+All theses changes converted special cases to regular cases, thus
+simplifying the tools and increasing the flexibility.
+.H2 "Trash Folder
+Similar to the situation for drafts is the situation for removed messages.
+Historically, a message was deleted by renaming.
+A specific
+\fIbackup prefix\fP, often comma (\c
+.Fn , )
+or hash (\c
+.Fn # ),
+being prepended to the file name.
+Thus, MH wouldn't recognize the file
+as a message anymore, as only files whose name consists of digits only
+are treated as messages.
+The removed messages remained as files in the
+same directory and needed some maintenance job to truly delete them after
+some grace time.
+Usually, by running a command similar to
+find /home/user/Mail -ctime +7 -name ',*' | xargs rm
+in a cron job.
+Within the grace time interval
+the original message could be restored by stripping the
+the backup prefix from the file name.
+If however, the last message of
+a folder is been removed \(en say message
+.Fn 6
+becomes file
+.Fn ,6
+\(en and a new message enters the same folder, thus the same
+numbered being given again \(en in our case
+.Fn 6
+\(en, if that one
+is removed too, then the backup of the former message gets overwritten.
+Thus, the ability to restore removed messages does not only depend on
+the ``sweeping cron job'' but also on the removing of further messages.
+This is undesirable, because the real mechanism is hidden from the user
+and the consequences of further removals are not always obvious.
+Further more, the backup files are scattered within the whole mail
+storage, instead of being collected at one place.
+To improve the situation, the profile entry
+.Pe rmmproc
+(previously named
+.Pe Delete-Prog )
+was introduced, very early.
+It could be set to any command, which would care for the mail removal
+instead of taking the default action, described above.
+Refiling the to-be-removed files to some garbage folder was a common
+Nmh's man page
+.Mp rmm(1)
+.Cl "refile +d
+to move messages to the garbage folder and
+.Cl "rm `mhpath +d all`
+the empty the garbage folder.
+Managing the message removal this way is a sane approach.
+It keeps
+the removed messages in one place, makes it easy to remove the backup
+files, and, most important, enables the user to use the tools of MH
+itself to operate on the removed messages.
+One can
+.Pn scan
+.Pn show
+them, and restore them with
+.Pn refile .
+There's no more
+need to use
+.Pn mhpath
+to switch over from MH tools to Unix tools \(en MH can do it all itself.
+This approach matches perfect with the concepts of MH, thus making
+it powerful.
+Hence, I made it the default.
+And even more, I also
+removed the old backup prefix approach, as it is clearly less powerful.
+Keeping unused alternative in the code is a bad choice as they likely
+gather bugs, by not being constantly tested.
+Also, the increased code
+size and more conditions crease the maintenance costs.
+By strictly
+converting to the trash folder approach, I simplified the code base.
+.Pn rmm
+.Pn refile
+internally to move the to-be-removed
+message to the trash folder (\c
+.Fn +trash
+by default).
+there can be operated on like on any other message in the storage.
+The sweep clean, one can use
+.Cl "rmm -unlink +trash a" ,
+where the
+.Sw -unlink
+switch causes the files to be truly unliked instead
+of moved to the trash folder.
+.H2 "Path Notations
+.H2 "MIME Integration
+user-visible access to whole messages and MIME parts are inherently
+.H2 "Of One Cast