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date | Fri, 13 Feb 2009 14:01:59 +0100 |
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% @file % @brief diploma presentation about masqmail % @author markus schnalke <> % @since 2009-02-11 \documentclass{beamer} \title{masqmail} \author{markus schnalke} \date{2009-02-12} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{graphicx} \setlength{\parskip}{2.0ex plus 1.0ex minus 0.5ex} \newcommand{\secframe}[1]{ \section{#1} \frame{ \vfill\vfill \centerline{ \huge #1 } \vfill } } \begin{document} \frame{ \vspace{8em} \begin{center} {\huge\bf masqmail} a mail transfer agent for workstations and small networks \vspace{6em} { \tiny markus schnalke \textless{}\textgreater{} } \end{center} } \frame{ \frametitle{overview} 1) about masqmail 2) short explanation of the thesis 3) experiences } \secframe{about masqmail} \frame{ \frametitle{what is masqmail} a small mail transfer agent (MTA) for non-permanent online connections over multiple providers written by Oliver Kurth between 1999-2003 } \frame{ \frametitle{value of masqmail} covers a niche has unique features has users! } \frame{ \frametitle{problems of masqmail} no further development since 2003 unmaintained (who fixes bugs?) emailing has changed since 2003 } \secframe{short explanation of the thesis} \frame{ \frametitle{ch01: introduction} general prerequisites the masqmail project value and problems of masqmail \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ reasons for this thesis} } \frame{ \frametitle{ch02: market analysis} classification, life cycle, and trends of electronic communication SWOT and trends for email \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ show that email will survive} } \frame{ \frametitle{ch03: mail transfer agents} classification of MTAs masqmail's competitors short comparison \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ provide knowledge for next chapters} } \frame{ \frametitle{ch04: masqmail's present and future} the goal (revive masqmail) requirements \quad\quad fulfilled requirements \quad\quad work to do ways for further development result \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ the core of the thesis: how to revive masqmail} } \frame{ \frametitle{digression: the result} ``one fits all'' is not possible hence: different strategies for different goals short-term goal: keep masqmail usable\\ \quad\quad$\rightarrow$ improve existing code long-term goal: make masqmail future-proof\\ \quad\quad$\rightarrow$ recreate it from scratch disadvantage: more work } \frame{ \frametitle{ch05: improvement plans} improvements of current code a new design \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ recommendations how to do the proposed changes} } \frame{ \vfill\vfill \centerline{ \Large want more information? } \vfill } \frame{ \frametitle{come to my talk} CCC Ulm: ChaosSeminar 2009-03-09 20:00 room H20, Uni Ulm \url{} } \secframe{experiences} \frame{ \frametitle{recommendations (to improve)} use your time (lazy beginning) focus early on structure early and good literature search keep a time buffer } \frame{ \frametitle{recommendations (what I did well)} good backup (nightly!) latex (know it already) structure, structure, structure never hesitate to throw stuff away rework a lot } \frame{ \vfill\vfill \centerline{\textbf{Thanks for your attention}} \vfill } \frame{ \frametitle{software used} Debian GNU/Linux \LaTeX\ with the beamer classes Vim, latexmk, and Mercurial \vfill {\scriptsize The slides are available on \url{} \hfill 2009-02-12 } } \end{document}