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% chaos seminar talk about masqmail % % markus schnalke <> % since 2009-02-24 \documentclass{beamer} \title{masqmail} \author{markus schnalke} \date{2009-03-09} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{graphicx} \setlength{\parskip}{2.0ex plus 1.0ex minus 0.5ex} \newcommand{\secframe}[1]{ \section{#1} \frame{ \vfill\vfill \centerline{ \huge #1 } \vfill } } \newcommand{\ft}[1]{ \frametitle{#1} } \newcommand{\oneline}[1]{ \frame{ \vfill\vfill \centerline{#1} \vfill } } \begin{document} \frame{ \vspace{8em} \begin{center} {\huge\bf masqmail} a mail transfer agent for workstations and small networks \vspace{6em} { \tiny markus schnalke \textless{}\textgreater{} } \end{center} } \secframe{about me} \frame{\ft{markus schnalke} past: \qquad Business Information Systems\\ \qquad at University of Applied Sciences, Ulm \qquad Diploma Thesis about masqmail future: \qquad Master in Informatics\\ \qquad here at University, Ulm } \frame{\ft{I am interested in} Unix Philosophy suckless software Free Software Debian } \secframe{this talk} \frame{ \ft{overview} 1) prerequisites (5\%) %3 2) about masqmail (25\%) %15 3) the thesis (60\%) %6 + 9 + 7 + 4 + 6 = 32 4) help wanted (10\%) %5 %== 55 } \secframe{email? MTA? \dots} \frame{\ft{What are MTAs} MTA = Mail Transfer Agent the post offices of email MTAs transfer mail from senders to recipients } \frame{\ft{mail agents} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{fig/mail-agents.eps} \end{center} } \oneline{questions?} \secframe{about masqmail} \frame{ \ft{what is masqmail} an MTA a small one one for special setups } \frame{ \ft{masqmail's niche} non-permanent online connections over multiple providers especially for workstations and small networks also notebooks } \frame{ \ft{history} written by Oliver Kurth 1999 -- 2003 GPL about 9\,000 lines of C } \frame{\ft{guessed} initially written to use masqdialer-controlled online connections thus: source of the name (``masq\dots'') (not ``\dots qmail'') } \frame{ \ft{masqmail today} development stopped in 2003 not maintained even its original website is down but included in Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, Mandriva, FreeBSD } \frame{ \ft{value of masqmail} covers a niche has unique features has users! } \frame{ \ft{problems of masqmail} no further development emailing has changed unfixed bugs } \oneline{questions?} \secframe{when I met masqmail} \frame{\ft{Fall 2007} started to use masqmail because of its small size } \frame{\ft{Spring 2008} problem: realized it is unmaintained in Debian A situation to be changed ... but by whom? \dots me? No! } \frame{\ft{Summer 2008} problem: find a topic for the diploma thesis } \frame{\ft{while lying in bed some night} the great idea: solve both problems at once 1) \textbf{use the diploma thesis to revive masqmail} 2) \textbf{use masqmail to do a great diploma thesis} } \frame{\ft{advising professor} professor Markus Sch\"affter thanks! } \frame{\ft{logical decisions} motivation: \qquad for myself \qquad for the community thus: \qquad write in English \qquad make the thesis free available } \frame{\ft{guiding principle} \begin{center} \it Do what you think is interesting,\\ do something that you think is fun and worthwhile,\\ because otherwise you won't do it well anyway. ---Brian~W.\ Kernighan--- \end{center} } \secframe{the thesis in short} %\frame{\ft{planned was} % %1) purpose and structure of an MTA/of masqmail % %2) security analysis % %3) code improvements % %4) documentation, test, distribution % %With the goal to release a new version and get it into Debian % %} % % %\frame{\ft{however, it resulted in} % %1) introduction % %2) market analysis % %3) mail transfer agents % %4) masqmail's present and future % %5) improvement plans % %Became pretty theoretic (I don't worry) % %} \frame{ \ft{ch01: introduction} general prerequisites the masqmail project value and problems of masqmail \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ reasons to do this thesis} } \frame{ \ft{ch02: market analysis} classification, life cycle, and trends of electronic communication SWOT and trends for email \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ show that email is expected to survive} } \frame{ \ft{ch03: mail transfer agents} classification of MTAs masqmail's competitors short comparison \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ provide knowledge for following chapters} } \frame{ \ft{ch04: masqmail's present and future} the goal (revive masqmail) requirements \quad\quad fulfilled requirements \quad\quad work to do ways for further development result \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ the core of the thesis: a plan to revive masqmail} } \frame{ \ft{ch05: improvement plans} more detailed descriptions of the work tasks \textbf{$\Rightarrow$ recommendations how to do the proposed changes} } \oneline{questions?} \oneline{\it we're half way through :-) } \secframe{in detail: ch03 MTAs} \frame{\ft{MTAs} relay-only MTAs (forwarders): \qquad nullmailer, ssmtp groupware: \qquad Lotus Notes, Exchange, ``real'' MTAs: \qquad sendmail, exim, qmail, postfix, masqmail } \frame{\ft{market shares} \input{tbl/mta-market-share.tbl} } \frame{\ft{comparison} \input{tbl/mta-comparison.tbl} } \frame{\ft{why not sendmail} - too large - too complex - structurally insecure - simply obsolete } \frame{\ft{why not exim} - too large - designed for always online hosts } \frame{\ft{why not qmail} - outdated - designed for always online hosts with fast connections } \frame{\ft{why not postfix} - too large - too complex - not designed for masqmail's scenario } \frame{\ft{in summary} - other MTAs are bad substitutes for masqmail - though they seem to be generally able to be substitutes } \oneline{comments and annotations?} \secframe{in detail: ch04 present and future} \frame{\ft{functional requirements} \input{tbl/func-requirements.tbl} } \frame{\ft{non-functional requirements} \input{tbl/nonf-requirements.tbl} } \frame{\ft{work tasks} TODO\,1: Encryption TODO\,2: Authentication TODO\,3: Security TODO\,4: Reliability TODO\,5: Spam handling TODO\,6: Extendability } \frame{\ft{further development} 1) improve existing code 2) add wrappers and interposition filters 3) redesign and rewrite from scratch \quad $1) + 2) = 13$ \quad vs. \quad $3) = 17$ } \frame{\ft{architecture} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{fig/callgraph.eps} \end{center} } \frame{\ft{the result} ``one fits all'' is not possible hence: different strategies for different goals short-term goal: keep masqmail usable\\ \qquad $\rightarrow$ improve existing code long-term goal: make masqmail future-proof\\ \qquad $\rightarrow$ recreate it from scratch disadvantage: more work } \oneline{questions?} \secframe{in detail: ch05.1 existing code} \frame{\ft{TODO 1: Encryption} STARTTLS qmail patch as template affected files: smtp\_in.c, smtp\_out.c, conf.c } \frame{\ft{TODO 2: Authentication} static: TCP Wrapper dynamic: SMTP-AUTH with SASL affected files: smtp\_in.c, smtp\_out.c, conf.c } \frame{\ft{TODO 3: Security} mail security layers \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig/proxy-setup.eps} \end{center} } \oneline{questions?} \secframe{in detail: ch05.2 new design} \frame{\ft{design goals} throughout compartmentalization free internal system from in and out channels single point for scanning concentrate on mail transfer keep it simple, clear, and general } \frame{\ft{incoming and outgoing} in/out: \qquad arbitrary protocol handlers (incoming/outgoing) \qquad one queue-in module; one queue-out module \qquad no own MDA, only a pipe module route management: \qquad the thing special to masqmail \qquad done just before the outgoing modules } \frame{\ft{within the queue} mail sanitizing: \qquad qmail: ``don't parse'' $\rightarrow$ parse very carefully \qquad Jon Postel's robustness principle spool files: \qquad preferably in the system's native format } \frame{\ft{auth, enc, spam} auth and enc: \qquad in receiving and sending modules (?) \qquad with library code spam and malware: \qquad receiving modules vs. a scanning module \qquad in both places? \qquad malware scanning is not the MTA's job } \frame{\ft{the proposed architecture} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{fig/masqmail-arch-new.eps} \end{center} } \oneline{questions?} \secframe{help wanted!} \frame{\ft{work to do} add encryption, authentication, security fix bugs documentation user guides and ``marketing'' create the new masqmail } \frame{\ft{current team} \tiny me } \frame{\ft{} project site: \qquad \url{} mailing list: \qquad } \frame{\ft{Debian} I search for a DD to sponsor my masqmail work please contact me! } \frame{\ft{you!} I welcome your help! I appreciate your advice! I am thankful for your comments! \quad \textbf{help masqmail} } \frame{ \vfill\vfill \centerline{\textbf{Thanks for your attention}} \vfill } \frame{\ft{links} \footnotesize my diploma thesis\\ \qquad \url{\#diploma} masqmail's website\\ \qquad \url{} masqmail mailing list\\ \qquad \url{}\\ \qquad \url{\%20masqmail} suckless software\\ \qquad \url{} } \frame{ \ft{software used} Debian GNU/Linux \LaTeX\ with the beamer classes Vim, latexmk, and Mercurial diagrams: PIC and groff call graph: Egypt and dot \vfill {\scriptsize The slides are available on \url{} \hfill 2009-03-09 } } \end{document} \url{}