comparison tbl/mta-market-share.tbl @ 9:b30bdf167fa0 default tip

added tables and figures to repo
date Wed, 11 Mar 2009 14:18:28 +0100 (2009-03-11)
equal deleted inserted replaced
8:b75b78a5986e 9:b30bdf167fa0
1 \begin{tabular}[hbt]{| r || p{0.16\textwidth} r | p{0.16\textwidth} r | p{0.16\textwidth} r |}
2 \hline
3 \# &
4 Bernstein & 2001 &
5 O'ReillyNet & 2007 &
6 MailRadar & ? \\
7 \hline \hline
8 1 &
9 \textbf{sendmail} & 42\,\% &
10 \textbf{sendmail} & 12\,\% &
11 \textbf{sendmail} & 24\,\% \\
12 \hline
13 2 &
14 Microsoft Exchange & 18\,\% &
15 \textbf{postfix} & 9\,\% &
16 \textbf{postfix} & 20\,\% \\
17 \hline
18 3 &
19 \textbf{qmail} & 17\,\% &
20 Microsoft Exchange & 8\,\% &
21 \textbf{qmail} & 17\,\% \\
22 \hline
23 4 &
24 IMail & 6\,\% &
25 \textbf{qmail} & 5\,\% &
26 Microsoft Mail & 15\,\% \\
27 \hline
28 5 &
29 \textbf{postfix} & 2\,\% &
30 \textbf{exim} & 5\,\% &
31 \textbf{exim} & 13\,\% \\
32 \hline
33 6 &
34 \textbf{exim} & 2\,\% &
35 Cisco & 3\,\% &
36 IMail & 2\,\% \\
37 \hline
38 7 &
39 NTMail & 1\,\% &
40 Barracuda & 3\,\% &
41 Microsoft Exchange & 1\,\% \\
42 % \hline
43 % 8 &
44 %NetWin Dmail & 1\,\% &
45 % & &
46 %mail security layers & 1\,\% \\
47 % \hline
48 % 9 &
49 Post.Office & 1\,\% &
50 % & &
51 %InterMail & 1\,\% \\
52 % \hline
53 % 10 &
54 % & &
55 % & &
56 %Lotus Domino & 1\,\% \\
57 % \hline
58 \hline \hline
59 &
60 \textit{mail security layers} & 4\,\% & %smap 2.4 and some small ones
61 \textit{mail security layers} & 22\,\% &
62 \textit{mail security layers} & 2\,\% \\ % symantec 1
63 \hline
64 \end{tabular}
68 %\begin{tabular}[hbt]{| r || p{0.16\textwidth} r | p{0.16\textwidth} r | p{0.16\textwidth} r |}
69 % \hline
70 % \# & O'ReillyNet & 2007 & MailRadar & YYYY & Bernstein & 2001 \\
71 % \hline \hline
72 % 1 & \textbf{sendmail} & 12.3\,\% & \textbf{sendmail} & 24\,\% & \textbf{sendmail} & 42.3\,\% \\
73 % \hline
74 % 2 & \textbf{postfix} & 8.6\,\% & \textbf{postfix} & 20\,\% & Microsoft Exchange & 18.4\,\% \\
75 % \hline
76 % 3 & Postini & 8.5\,\% & \textbf{qmail} & 17\,\% & \textbf{qmail} & 17.4\,\% \\
77 % \hline
78 % 4 & Microsoft Exchange & 7.6\,\% & Microsoft Mail & 15\,\% & IMail & 5.9\,\% \\
79 % \hline
80 % 5 & MXLogic & 6.0\,\% & \textbf{exim} & 13\,\% & smap & 2.4\,\% \\
81 % \hline
82 % 6 & \textbf{qmail} & 5.3\,\% & IMail & 2\,\% & \textbf{postfix} & 1.6\,\% \\
83 % \hline
84 % 7 & \textbf{exim} & 5.0\,\% & Microsoft Exchange & 1\,\% & \textbf{exim} & 1.5\,\% \\
85 % \hline
86 % 8 & Concentric Hosting & 4.5\,\% & Symantec Mail Security & 1\,\% & NTMail & 1.3\,\% \\
87 % \hline
88 % 9 & Cisco & 3.0\,\% & InterMail & 1\,\% & NetWin Dmail & 0.8\,\% \\
89 % \hline
90 % 10 & Barracuda & 2.8\,\% & Lotus Domino & 1\,\% & Post.Office & 0.6\,\% \\
91 % \hline
92 %\end{tabular}