changeset 268:807660903834

cleanups and new codeinput command
date Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:07:06 +0100
parents 8a6b6d941bbb
children ddfb228a62a4
files thesis/thesis.sty thesis/thesis.tex
diffstat 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/thesis/thesis.sty	Wed Jan 14 21:40:38 2009 +0100
+++ b/thesis/thesis.sty	Thu Jan 15 12:07:06 2009 +0100
@@ -1,114 +1,77 @@
-	\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
-	\usepackage{graphicx}
-	\usepackage{url}
-	\usepackage{makeidx}
-	\makeindex
-	\usepackage{multibib}
-	\newcites{web}{Websites}
-	\setlength{\parindent}{0em}
-	\setlength{\parskip}{1.0ex plus 1.0ex minus 0.5ex}
-	\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}
-	\pagestyle{headings}
-	%\pagestyle{fancy}
-	%\lhead[\leftmark]{\thepage}
-	%\chead[]{}
-	%\rhead[\thepage]{\rightmark}
-	%\ifoot[\textsc{Markus Schnalke}]{\textsc{Markus Schnalke}}
-	%\cfoot[]{}
-	%\ofoot[\thepage]{\thepage}
-	\usepackage{setspace}
-	\usepackage{relsize}
-	% formating
-	\renewcommand{\path}[1]{\textit{#1}}
-	\newcommand{\name}[1]{\emph{#1}\index{#1}}
-	\newcommand{\NAME}[1]{{\smaller\textsc{#1}}\index{#1}}
-	\newcommand{\person}[1]{\textsc{#1}}
-	% \newcommand{\source}[1]{\hspace{1em}\textit{\scriptsize(Quelle: #1)}}
-	\let\OLDcleardoublepage\cleardoublepage
-	\renewcommand{\cleardoublepage}{\thispagestyle{empty}\OLDcleardoublepage}
+\usepackage{relsize}  % for \smaller, used in \NAME
+\usepackage{verbatim}  % for \verbatiminput, used in \code
+%\usepackage{showidx}  % for index-checking
-	% shortcuts
-	\newcommand{\masqmail}{\name{masqmail}}
-	\newcommand{\sendmail}{\name{sendmail}}
-	\newcommand{\qmail}{\name{qmail}}
-	\newcommand{\exim}{\name{exim}}
-	\newcommand{\postfix}{\name{postfix}}
-	\newcommand{\mta}{mail transfer agent}
-	\newcommand{\email}{email}
-	\newcommand{\debian}{\name{Debian}}
-	\newcommand{\linux}{\name{Linux}}
-	\newcommand{\gnulinux}{\NAME{GNU}/\name{Linux}}
-	\newcommand{\MTA}{\NAME{MTA}}
-	\newcommand{\RFC}{\NAME{RFC}}
-	\newcommand{\GNU}{\NAME{GNU}}
-	\newcommand{\unix}{\name{Unix}}
-	\newcommand{\freesw}{Free Software}
-	\newcommand{\gpl}{General Public License}
-	\newcommand{\GPL}{\NAME{GPL}}
-	\newcommand{\SMTP}{\NAME{SMTP}}
-	\newcommand{\TLS}{\NAME{TLS}}
-	\newcommand{\TODO}{\NAME{TODO}\,}
-	\newcommand{\RF}{\NAME{RF}\,}
-	\newcommand{\RG}{\NAME{RG}\,}
-	\newcommand{\RA}{\NAME{RA}\,}
-	\newcommand{\St}{\NAME{S}\,}
-	\newcommand{\nth}{\textsuperscript{th}}
-	\newcommand{\st}{\textsuperscript{st}}
-	\newcommand{\nd}{\textsuperscript{nd}}
-	\newcommand{\rd}{\textsuperscript{rd}}
-	%%%% BEGIN DEBUG %%%%
-	%\usepackage{showidx}
-	%\doublespace
-	%%%% END DEBUG %%%%
-	% font
-	\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
-	\usepackage[sc,osf]{mathpazo}
-	\linespread{1.05}  % Palatino needs more leading (space between lines)
-	%\linespread{2.05}  % for debugging
+% font
+\linespread{1.05}  % Palatino needs more leading (space between lines)
+%\linespread{2.05}  % for proof-reading
-	\usepackage{listings}
-	\lstset{
-		basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,
-		numberstyle=\tiny,
-		basewidth=0.45em,
-		numbers=left,
-		stepnumber=1,
-		numbersep=2em,
-		showstringspaces=true,
-		showtabs=true,
-		tab=\rightarrowfill,
-		frame=lines,
-		tabsize=4,
-		captionpos=b,
-		breaklines=false,
-		breakatwhitespace=true
-	}
+% global formating
+\setlength{\parskip}{1.0ex plus 1.0ex minus 0.5ex}
+% formating macros
+% shortcuts
+\newcommand{\mta}{mail transfer agent}
+\newcommand{\freesw}{Free Software}
+\newcommand{\gpl}{General Public License}
-	\newenvironment{code}[2] {
-		\begin{center}
-		\lstset{label=#1,caption=#2}
-		\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\rightmargin}{2em}\setlength{\leftmargin}{2em}}
-		\item\ttfamily\footnotesize
-	}{
-		\end{list}
-		\end{center}
-	}
+	\begin{quote}
+	\ttfamily\footnotesize
+	\verbatiminput{#1}
+	\end{quote}
--- a/thesis/thesis.tex	Wed Jan 14 21:40:38 2009 +0100
+++ b/thesis/thesis.tex	Thu Jan 15 12:07:06 2009 +0100
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 % @since   2008-09-16
+%\documentclass[a4paper,draft]{report} % todo: find overfull hboxes with that
 \title{diploma thesis about masqmail}