meillo@26: \chapter{Candidates} meillo@27: meillo@27: meillo@26: \section{Types of MTAs} meillo@27: meillo@27: meillo@26: \section{Not regarded here} meillo@27: meillo@27: meillo@26: \section{The competitors} meillo@26: meillo@27: meillo@27: \subsection{sendmail} meillo@27: meillo@27: \subsection{qmail} meillo@27: meillo@27: \subsection{postfix} meillo@27: meillo@27: \subsection{exim} meillo@27: meillo@27: \subsection{masqmail} meillo@27: The \masqmail\ program was written by Oliver Kurth, starting in 1999. His aim was to create a \mta\ which is especially focused on computers with dial-up connections to the internet. \masqmail\ handles situations which are rarely solveable with the common \MTA{}s. meillo@27: meillo@27: meillo@27: