Mercurial > docs > diploma
structural changes in preface2008-10-08, by meillo
added abstract for thesis (in German)2008-10-07, by meillo
added formating of names; cleanups2008-10-07, by meillo
added text about audience; added FIXMEs2008-10-07, by meillo
sections from external MTA comparisons2008-10-07, by meillo
minor stuff2008-10-07, by meillo
wrote about history of email (new text)2008-10-07, by meillo
added list of RFCs from -Life with qmail-2008-10-07, by meillo
added text about the candidates2008-10-05, by meillo
added pices to thesis ... need rework!2008-10-04, by meillo
changed to new thesis structure; moved text pieces away; updated project plan2008-10-04, by meillo
added mta-comparision and texts about masqmail2008-10-02, by meillo
the header is now a package2008-10-02, by meillo
added comments to people who used masqmail2008-10-02, by meillo
added documents about postfix and qmail (from professor)2008-10-02, by meillo
added weekly reports 2008W38 and 2008W392008-10-01, by meillo
added section about the history of masqmail2008-09-30, by meillo
added shortcuts for 1st, 2nd, etc2008-09-30, by meillo
added file with addresses of people who worked with masqmail2008-09-28, by meillo
added docs2008-09-27, by meillo
added SLOC count of MTAs2008-09-25, by meillo
new directory structure; added content about MTAs and history2008-09-23, by meillo
new macros and relative fontsize for NAME2008-09-23, by meillo
new macros and relative fontsize for NAME2008-09-23, by meillo
reorganization of tex files for titlepage and stuff2008-09-19, by meillo
customized listings and code env2008-09-19, by meillo
customized listings and code env2008-09-19, by meillo
some config and an example for listings2008-09-18, by meillo
first prototype of thesis (with some sample content)2008-09-18, by meillo
added hardcopies of terminal sessions talking via SMTP2008-09-18, by meillo
added table of masqmail releases by date2008-09-18, by meillo
added archive of old mailinglist and extracted email addresses2008-09-18, by meillo
added polish doc by maciej patelczyk (and german translation by google)2008-09-18, by meillo
added (incomplete) doc by geord lohrer2008-09-18, by meillo
added doc by bernhard walle2008-09-18, by meillo
added old website masqmail.cx2008-09-18, by meillo
added project planning docs2008-09-18, by meillo