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{\Huge \bfseries masqmail }

{\large a mail tranfer agent for workstations and small networks }

\section*{\centering Abstract}
\masqmail\ is a \mta\ for workstations and small networks. It is a drop-in replacement for \sendmail, but much smaller.

This diploma thesis analyzes the structure and concepts of \masqmail, and its security and safety.
Based on this knowledge, the source code will get improved and everything will be written down for documentation.

After successful tests in a real environment, a new version of \masqmail\ will be released and it will be packaged for the \gnulinux\ Distribution \debian.


{\bfseries Diploma thesis} of Markus \textsc{Schnalke} (matriculation number: 039131).\\
Course \emph{Business Information Systems} at the \emph{University of Applied Sciences Ulm}.\\
Year 2009.

Prof.\ Dr.\ rer.\ nat.\ Markus \textsc{Schäffter}, \emph{University of Applied Sciences Ulm}.


	Copyright \copyright\ 2008, 2009 by Markus Schnalke.

	This document was typeset in Palatino and Computer Modern Typewriter, using the LaTeX document preparation system driven by machines running the Debian GNU/Linux operating system.

	It is available in Portable Document Format and source code on\thinspace\thinspace .

	Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this document in verbatim form.
