
view docs/georg-lohrer_handlingmasqmail/node4.html @ 162:df6bfc48859b

I read, the correct US-american date is: Month dd, yyyy. So I removed the ^th
date Thu, 18 Dec 2008 11:32:31 +0100
line source
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5 * revised and updated by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
6 * with significant contributions from:
7 Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
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29 <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html63" HREF="node5.html">masqmail/web_foo.route</A>
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36 <H2><A NAME="SECTION00013000000000000000">
37 masqmail/gmx_foo.route</A>
38 </H2>
39 <PRE>
40 allowed_mail_locals = "gmx_foo"
41 mail_host = ""
42 do_correct_helo = true
43 map_return_path_addresses = "gmx_foo:"
44 map_h_from_addresses = "gmx_foo: foo &lt;;"
45 auth_name="cram-md5"
46 auth_login="1234567"
47 auth_secret="password"
48 pop3_login = "/etc/masqmail/gmx.get"
49 </PRE>
50 Especially the <TT>map</TT> commands need a closer look. These lines
51 map local parts of the given address towards a full RFC 822 compliant
52 email address. <I>map_return_path_addresses</I> does this for the
53 passed <I>Return</I> address, <I>map_h_from_addresses</I> for the given
54 <I>From</I> part.
55 <BR>
56 But, pay attention! As you can see the strange name <I>gmx_foo</I> in
57 front of both items has never been seen until now. And in
58 <I>allowed_mail_locals</I> you see the same item. What about this?
59 <BR>
60 An E-Mail will be passed towards the E-Mail provider giving a so
61 called <I>envelope</I>. This construction envelopes the real E-Mail
62 and passes important things like the address of the sender and the
63 address of the receiver to the E-Mail provider. These envelope date
64 will never be seen again on the receiver's site, because the MTA
65 running on receiver's host will delete them. But only the envelope is
66 valid for any MTA distinguishing the route towards the receiver. So,
67 it must be a valid address.
68 <BR>
69 Per default <I>MasqMail</I> uses the current <I>user-name</I> as
70 <I>Envelope-From:</I>. If we want to use different E-Mail accounts
71 with mapping of addresses via the above shown <I>map_return_path_addresses</I> and
72 <I>map_h_from_addresses</I> we have to to <I>mutilate</I> the envelope
73 data! That could be done very easily within <I>mutt</I>.
74 <HR>
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76 <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html63" HREF="node5.html">masqmail/web_foo.route</A>
77 <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html61" HREF="node1.html">Receiving and sending mails</A>
78 <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html55" HREF="node3.html">masqmail.conf</A>
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81 Georg Lohrer
82 2001-03-23
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