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@book{brooks95, author = "Brooks, Jr., Frederick P.", title = "The mythical man-month: essays on software engineering", year = "1995", publisher = "Addison-Wesley" } @book{kernighan84, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike", title = "The UNIX Programming Environment", year = "1984", publisher = "Prentice-Hall" } @book{rochkind85, author = "Marc J. Rochkind", title = "Advanced UNIX Programming", year = "1985", publisher = "Prentice-Hall" } @book{kernighan99, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike", title = "The Practice of Programming", year = "1999", publisher = "Addison-Wesley" } @book{k&r, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie", title = "The C Programming Language", edition = "Second", year = "1988", publisher = "Prentice-Hall" } @book{raymond99, author = "Eric S. Raymond", title = "The Cathedral \& the Bazaar", year = "1999", publisher = "O'Reilly Media", note = "ISBN: 1-56592-724-9. Also available online at {\small\url{} (2008-10-14)}", } @book{raymond03, author = "Eric~S.\ Raymond", title = "The Art of UNIX Programming", year = "2003", publisher = "Addison-Wesley Professional", note = "ISBN: 0-13-142901-9. Also available online at {\small\url{} (2008-12-30)}", } @book{costales97, author = "Bryan Costales and Eric Allman", title = "sendmail", year = "1997", edition = "Second", publisher = "O'Reilly \& Associates, Inc", note = "ISBN: 1-56592-222-0", } @book{vixie01, author = "Paul A. Vixie and Frederick M. Avolio", title = "Sendmail: Theory and Practice", year = "2001", edition = "Second", publisher = "Digital Press", note = "ISBN: 1-55558-229-X. The first chapter ``Background and History'' is available online at {\small\url{} (2008-10-23)}", } @book{powerof2x2, author = "Alex Lowy and Phil Hood", title = "The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix: Using 2 x 2 Thinking to Solve Business Problems and Make Better Decisions", publisher = "Jossey-Bass", year = "2004", note = "ISBN: 0-78797-292-4", pages = "129--131", } @article{wired:hype, author = "Jesse Freund", title = "\emph{Hype List}", journal = "Wired Magazine", month = "June", year = "1998", note = "Also available online at: {\small\url{} (2008-11-26)}", } @techreport{panda:email-threats, key = "Panda", institution = "Panda Security and Commtouch", author = "", title = "\emph{Q2 2008 Email Threats Trend Report}", note = "Also available online at: {\small\url{} (2008-11-26)}", year = "2008", month = "July", } @techreport{ironport:zombie-computers, key = "Ironport", institution = "{IronPort Systems Inc.}", type = "Press Release", author = "", title = "\emph{Spammers Continue Innovation: IronPort Study Shows Image-based Spam, Hit \& Run, and Increased Volumes Latest Threat to Your Inbox}", month = "June", year = "2006", note = "Also available online at: {\small\url{} (2008-11-26)}", } @incollection{lenke95, author = "Nils Lenke and Peter Schmitz", title = "\emph{Geschw{\"a}tz im `Globalen Dorf' -- Kommunikation im Internet}", booktitle = "Osnabr{\"u}cker Beitr{\"a}ge zur Sprachtheorie: Neue Medien", publisher = "Ulrich Schmitz", volume = "50", year = "1995", pages = "117--141", note = "(In German language)", } @mastersthesis{hafiz05, author = "Munawar Hafiz", title = "\emph{Security architecture of mail transfer agents}", school = "University of Illinois", year = "2005", month = "June", note = "Also available online at: {\small\url{FIXME} (2008-12-04)}", } @article{shearer06, author = "Dan Shearer", title = "\emph{MTA Comparison}", journal = "Linux Weekly News", month = "August", year = "2006", note = "Available online at: {\small\url{} (2008-12-09)} or {\small\url{} (2008-12-09)}", } @book{gancarz95, author = "Mike Gancarz", title = "\emph{The UNIX Philosophy}", year = "1995", publisher = "Digital Press" } @misc{lifewithqmail, author = "Dave Sill", title = "\emph{Life with qmail}", year = "2007", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-10-18)}", note = "Version 2007-11-30", } @misc{jdebp, author = "Jonathan de Boyne Pollard", title = "\emph{Unix Mail Transport Systems reviewed by JdeBP}", year = "1998--2004", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-10-18)}", } @misc{email:griffiths, author = "Richard T. Griffiths", title = "\emph{History of the Internet, Internet for Historians (and just about everyone else)}", chapter = "3", year = "FIXME", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-10-23)}", } @misc{email:crocker, author = "Dave Crocker", title = "\emph{Email History, How Email Was Invented}", year = "FIXME", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-10-23)}", } @misc{email:vleck, author = "Tom van Vleck", title = "\emph{The History of Electronic Mail}", year = "FIXME", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-10-23)}", } @misc{email:akkad, author = "Jay Akkad", title = "\emph{The History of Email}", year = "FIXME", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-10-23)}", } @misc{email:murakami, author = "Gary J. Murakami", title = "\emph{The History of ihnp4 and The Growth of the Email Network}", year = "FIXME", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-10-23)}", } @misc{email:tomlinson, author = "Ray Tomlinson", title = "\emph{The First Network Email}", year = "FIXME", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-10-23)}", } @misc{osterman08, author = "Michael Osterman", title = "\emph{How do you define `unified communications'?}", month = "February", year = "2008", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-11-26)}", } @misc{plug:mtas, author = "Rick Moen and Ted Cabeen and Bastian Blank and Sean Burlington and Simon Cooper and J. C. Lawrence", title = "Subject: \emph{email server question...}", year = "2002--2003", howpublished = "This is a discussion on the mailing list \emph{} in Fall 2002.", note = "Available on the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-12-09)}", } @article{simpson07, author = "Ken Simpson and Stas Bekman", title = "\emph{Fingerprinting the World's Mail Servers}", year = "2007", month = "May", publisher = "O'ReillyNet", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-12-11)}", } @misc{bernstein01, author = "Daniel~J. Bernstein", title = "\emph{Internet host SMTP server survey}", year = "2001", month = "October", howpublished = "A posting to the news group comp.mail.misc", note = "Available on the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-12-11)}", } @misc{venema:postfix-growth, author = "Wietse Venema", title = "\emph{The Postfix mail server as a secure programming example}", year = "2006", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2008-12-11)}", } @book{dent04, author = "Kyle D. Dent", title = "\emph{Postfix: The Definitive Guide}", year = "2004", publisher = "O'Reilly Media", note = "ISBN: 0-596-00212-2", } @book{graff03, author = "Mark G. Graff and Kenneth R. van Wyk", title = "\emph{Secure Coding: Principles and Practices}", year = "2003", publisher = "O'Reilly Media", note = "ISBN: 0-596-00242-4", } @book{eisentraut05, author = "Peter Eisentraut and Alexander Wirt", title = "\emph{Mit Open Source-Tools Spam und Viren bek{\"a}mpfen}", year = "2005", publisher = "O'Reilly Verlag", note = "ISBN: 3-89721-377-X. (In German language)", } @book{heinlein02, author = "Peer Heinlein", title = "\emph{Das Postfix-Buch: sichere Mailserver mit Linux}", year = "2002", publisher = "SuSE-Press", note = "ISBN: 3-935922-41-8. (In German language)", } @book{hildebrandt08, author = "Ralf Hildebrandt and Patrick Ben Koetter", title = "\emph{Postfix: Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung}", year = "2008", publisher = "dpunkt.verlag", note = "ISBN: 3-89864-518-8. (In German language)", } @book{hildebrandt0X, author = "Ralf Hildebrandt and Patrick Ben Koetter", title = "\emph{The Book of Postfix}", year = "XX", publisher = "No Starch Press", note = "ISBN: 1-59327-001-1", } @book{spinellis03, author = "Diomidis Spinellis", title = "\emph{Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective}", year = "2003", publisher = "Addison-Wesley Professional", note = "ISBN: 0-201-79940-5", } @book{spinellis06, author = "Diomidis Spinellis", title = "\emph{Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective}", year = "2006", publisher = "Addison-Wesley Professional", note = "ISBN: 0-321-16607-8", } @book{kan03, author = "Stephen~H. Kan", title = "\emph{Matrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering}", year = "2003", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", edition = "Second", note = "ISBN: 0-201-72915-6", } @book{sill02, author = "Dave Sill", title = "\emph{The qmail Handbook}", year = "2002", publisher = "Apress", note = "ISBN: 1-893115-40-2", } @inproceedings{candea03, author = "George Candea and Armando Fox", title = "\emph{Crash-Only Software}", booktitle = "Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems", volume = "9", year = "2003", note = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-04)}", } @unpublished{wheeler03, author = "David~A.\ Wheeler", title = "\emph{Countering Spam with Ham-Authenticated Email and the Guarded Email Protocol}", year = "2003", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-04)}", } @techreport{back02, author = "Adam Back", title = "\emph{Hashcash -- A Denial of Service Counter-Measure}", year = "2002", month = "August", note = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-04)}", } @book{hazel01, author = "Philip Hazel", title = "\emph{Exim: The Mail Transfer Agent}", year = "2001", publisher = "O'Reilly", note = "ISBN: 0-596-00098-7", } @misc{cole07, author = "William~K.\ Cole", title = "\emph{Blacklists, Blocklists, DNSBL's, and survival}", year = "2007", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-10)}", } @techreport{levine08, author = "John~R.\ Levine", title = "\emph{DNS Blacklists and Whitelists draft-irtf-asrg-dnsbl-08}", institution = "Anti-Spam Research Group", year = "2008", month = "November", note = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-10)}", } @misc{harris03, author = "Evan Harris", title = "\emph{The Next Step in the Spam Control War: Greylisting}", year = "2003", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-10)}", } @misc{graham02, author = "Paul Graham", title = "\emph{A Plan for Spam}", year = "2002", month = "August", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-10)}", } @techreport{venema92, author = "Wietse Venema", title = "\emph{TCP WRAPPER: Network monitoring, access, control, and booby traps.}", institution = "Eindhoven University of Technology", year = "1992", month = "July", note = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-10)}", } @book{tanenbaum02, author = "Andrew~S.\ Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen", title = "Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms", year = "2002", edition = "International", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", note = "ISBN: 0-13-121786-0", } @misc{blanco05, author = "Elena Blanco", title = "\emph{Open source and the postmaster}", publisher = "OSS Watch", year = "2005", month = "August", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-22)}", } @techreport{cabral01, author = "Jim Cabral", title = "\emph{Securing Email Through Proxies: Smap and Stunnel}", institution = "SANS Institute", year = "2001", month = "July", howpublished = "On the Internet: {\small\url{} (2009-01-22)}", }