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comparison thesis/pieces/free-software-projects.tex @ 91:4fabc8ac5538
excluded text about history of masqmail and about free software projects
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date | Fri, 14 Nov 2008 18:13:14 +0100 |
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90:62d24bf36a5f | 91:4fabc8ac5538 |
1 \section{About \freesw\ projects} | |
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5 There are several differences between \freesw\ projects and projects about proprietary software. | |
6 To understand \freesw\ projects, one needs to understand \freesw\ itself first. | |
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8 \subsection{About \freesw} | |
9 The term ``Free Software'' was coined by the \name{Free Software Foundation} (short: \NAME{FSF}), founded by Richard~M.\ Stallman (known as ``RMS'') in 1985. | |
10 Although various licenses make software free, none of them represents the thinking of \freesw\ like the the \GNU\ \gpl\ (short: \GPL). Its first version was written by Stallman in 1989. | |
11 One could say, the \GPL\ catalized the \name{Free Software movement}. | |
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15 After all, the \GPL\ was not the first \freesw\ license used. | |
16 The \name{MIT License} (or \name{X Consortium License}) for example is older; published in 1988. | |
17 Licenses providing the same rights have been used since long time ago. | |
18 But none of them was so often (re)used by other projects---thus gattering less awareness. | |
19 Further more was the \GPL\ created to be a \emph{general} license for all kinds of programs, unlike most other licenses written for one particular program. | |
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21 \freesw\ gives freedoms to its users. | |
22 In contrast to proprietary software restricting the users freedom. | |
23 The freedoms (or rights) the user has are stated in the \name{Free Software Definition} of the \NAME{FSF}. Namely these are: | |
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26 \begin{enumerate} | |
27 \item The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). | |
28 \item The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. | |
29 \item The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2). | |
30 \item The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. | |
31 \end{enumerate} | |
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34 \subsection{The term ``Open Source''} | |
35 \name{Open Source Software} often stands for the same as \freesw. | |
36 But there is an essential difference: \name{Open Source} focuses on the availability of source code, while \freesw\ is about freedoms for people. | |
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38 \name{Open Source Software} is a subset of \freesw, meaning: All \freesw\ is \name{Open Source}, but there exists \name{Open Source Software} that is not free. | |
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44 \subsection{Development of \freesw} | |
45 Having source code available and the right to modify it, encouridges programmers to actually do so. | |
46 Their modifications are manifoldly. | |
47 Some tailor the software to their needs. | |
48 Some add features. | |
49 Some do it just for fun. | |
50 There are no limitations---whoever wants to, may work on it. | |
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52 Since the boom of the internet, \freesw\ typically is developed by an open community of programmers interested in the software. | |
53 The process of development is watchable by everyone. | |
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55 The other, now less common, method is a more closed group, developing in a ``sealed'' room, but releasing finished versions to the public. | |
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57 Eric~S.\ Raymond discusses about these methods, which he named \name{the bazaar} and \name{the cathedral} \cite{catb}. | |
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59 The following text will focus on the ``bazaar'' model. | |
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62 \subsection{The role of the community} | |
63 \freesw\ projects rise and fall with their community! | |
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65 Most \freesw\ programs are developed by a very small group of programmers, often only one person. | |
66 But they are used by many people. | |
67 In between the programmers and the users, are people located who are a bit of both. | |
68 These are the ones that write documentation, find bugs and probably even fix it. | |
69 They discuss on mailing lists, bulletin boards and \NAME{IRC} chats. | |
70 The program is often spread by their ``advertising''. | |
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72 The \emph{community} consists of the actual developers and all users that contribute to the program. | |
73 Contribution can be one of the described ways, or others like providing a server for the project website for example. | |
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75 \emph{Community} is everyone who is in contact through the project. | |
76 Be it on the mailing list, the discussion board, or by telling the developers about a new feature wanted. | |
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78 There will hardly be a community if no communication channels are available. | |
79 If the development team does not provide them, there is a chance that encouraged users set them up on their own. | |
80 But this is rare and the program needs to be very popular. %TODO: maybe include an example here (w3m?) | |
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82 Projects without a good community tend to die sooner or later. | |
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85 \subsection{Evolution of a community} | |
86 Let us look at the process a community establishes: In most times it's only one who has an idea, in the beginning. | |
87 He starts developing. | |
88 When others get in contact with the project, there may be some who are so much interested that they start co-developing. | |
89 Others report bugs, and some only use the program. | |
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91 After some time, one will find a small group of core developers, a larger group of contributers (bugs, patches, documentation) and a very large group of users. | |
92 The size ratio of the groups vary by type of project. | |
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94 One should have that in mind, when starting a \freesw\ project. | |
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97 \subsection{Creating a strong community} | |
98 Building up a good community needs some effort of the main developers. | |
99 %TODO: search for documents about this topic | |
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101 First communication channels need to be set up, to enable the growth of a community. | |
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103 Second, development should be visible by everyone who is interested in it. | |
104 Time between work done on the project and its visibility to the public should be kept short. | |
105 This makes it interesting for other developers to join. | |
106 Developers are the core of a community. | |
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108 Third, there is a rule of thumb that should be followed: ``Release early, release often!'' \cite{catb}. | |
109 Releases are (more) stable versions, primary for users. | |
110 They should be created, frequently. | |
111 People will more likely use programs of active projects. | |
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113 Fourth, the developers should try to get the users ``in the boat''. | |
114 Good communities have a large group of users that do not only receive, but also give something back to the project. | |
115 The project leaders should motivate users to contribute. | |
116 This unlocks a big work force and gets lot of unexiting work done. | |
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118 Fifth, documentation matters. | |
119 Good documentation makes it easy for users and developers to start. | |
120 And it helps to avoid a lot of unsatisfaction. | |
121 Documentation is something that shows quality and that people care about the project. | |
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123 And sixth, project leaders should be good souvereigns. | |
124 They should try to be fair, to motivate, be visionaires and try to put power and work on many shoulders. | |
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126 Not to forget: Every work that was done, every contribution that was made and every idea received needs to be honored in an appropriate way! | |
127 Volunteer work lives by acknowledgement of the effort spent. | |
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