+ − 1 \begin{tabular}[hbt]{| p{0.13\textwidth} || p{0.13\textwidth} | p{0.13\textwidth} | p{0.13\textwidth} | p{0.13\textwidth} | p{0.13\textwidth} |}
+ − 2 \hline
+ − 3 & sendmail & exim & qmail & postfix & masqmail \\
+ − 4 \hline
+ − 5 version regarded & & & & & \\
+ − 6 \hline \hline
+ − 7 First release & 1983 & 1995 & 1996 & 1999 & 1999 \\
+ − 8 \hline
+ − 9 Lines of code (with sloccount on debian packages)& 93k & 54k & 18k & 92k & 14k \\
+ − 10 \hline
+ − 11 Architecture & monolithic & monolithic & modular & modular & monolithic \\
+ − 12 \hline
+ − 13 Design goals & flexibility & general, flexible \& extensive facilities for checking & security & performance and security & for non-permanent Internet connection \\
+ − 14 \hline
+ − 15 \end{tabular}