Mercurial > cdar
comparison unit_Editor_CreateAR.pas @ 0:ef71164288c1
begin of using hg for cdar
author | "Meillo r e t u r n s <>" |
date | Sun, 03 Dec 2006 21:54:43 +0100 |
parents | |
children |
-1:000000000000 | 0:ef71164288c1 |
1 unit unit_Editor_CreateAR; | |
2 | |
3 interface//#################################################################################### | |
4 | |
5 uses | |
6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, | |
7 Dialogs, StdCtrls, Grids, ValEdit, ShellApi; | |
8 | |
9 type | |
10 Tform_editor_CreateAR = class(TForm) | |
11 btn_Finish: TButton; | |
12 btn_Back: TButton; | |
13 FinalSettings: TValueListEditor; | |
14 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); | |
15 procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); | |
16 procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); | |
17 procedure btn_BackClick(Sender: TObject); | |
18 procedure btn_FinishClick(Sender: TObject); | |
19 private | |
20 { Private declarations } | |
21 public | |
22 { Public declarations } | |
23 end; | |
24 | |
25 var | |
26 form_editor_CreateAR: Tform_editor_CreateAR; | |
27 | |
28 implementation//############################################################################### | |
29 uses unit_Editor, unit_Editor_tutorial, unit_Start; | |
30 {$R *.dfm}//################################################################################### | |
31 {$I-} | |
32 | |
33 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ form create | |
34 procedure Tform_editor_CreateAR.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); | |
35 begin | |
36 // | |
37 form_Editor_CreateAR.Caption := 'Create your CD-Autorunner'; | |
38 btn_Finish.Caption := 'Finish'; | |
39 btn_Back.Caption := 'Back'; | |
40 FinalSettings.TitleCaptions.Strings[0] := ' Settings'; | |
41 FinalSettings.TitleCaptions.Strings[1] := ' Value'; | |
42 FinalSettings.Keys[1] := 'Background-Picture'; | |
43 FinalSettings.Keys[2] := 'Enter-Picture'; | |
44 FinalSettings.Keys[3] := 'Autorun-Icon'; | |
45 FinalSettings.Keys[4] := 'CD-Root-Dir'; | |
46 FinalSettings.Keys[6] := 'Enter X-Position'; | |
47 FinalSettings.Keys[7] := 'Enter Y-Position'; | |
48 FinalSettings.Keys[8] := 'Welcome-Kind'; | |
49 FinalSettings.Keys[9] := 'Delay'; | |
50 FinalSettings.Keys[10] := 'Starts File/Dir'; | |
51 end;//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
52 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ form show | |
53 procedure Tform_editor_CreateAR.FormShow(Sender: TObject); | |
54 begin | |
55 // disable drag'n'drop of 'img_button' | |
56 form_editor.draggingstatus := 3; | |
57 // disable menu | |
58 form_editor.mnu_Tutorial.enabled := false; | |
59 form_editor.mnu_WelcomeScreen.Enabled := false; | |
60 form_editor.mnu_Autorun.Enabled := false; | |
61 form_editor.mnu_CreateAR.enabled := false; | |
62 form_editor.mnu_Sprache.enabled := false; | |
63 | |
64 // show final settings | |
65 finalsettings.Values['Background-Picture'] := form_Editor.PfadHG_alt; | |
66 finalsettings.Values['Enter-Picture'] := form_Editor.PfadEnter_alt; | |
67 finalsettings.values['Autorun-Icon'] := form_Editor.PfadIcon_alt; | |
68 finalsettings.Values['CD-Root-Dir'] := form_Editor.CDRoot_alt; | |
69 | |
70 finalsettings.Values['Enter X-Position'] := inttostr(form_Editor.xEnter_alt); | |
71 finalsettings.Values['Enter Y-Position'] := inttostr(form_Editor.yEnter_alt); | |
72 finalsettings.Values['Welcome-Kind'] := form_Editor.WelcomeKind_alt; | |
73 finalsettings.Values['Delay'] := form_Editor.delay; | |
74 finalsettings.Values['Starts File/Dir'] := form_Editor.StartsFD_alt; | |
75 | |
76 // disable everything not needed | |
77 if form_Editor.WelcomeKind_alt = 'none' then | |
78 begin | |
79 finalsettings.Values['Background-Picture'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
80 finalsettings.Values['Enter-Picture'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
81 finalsettings.Values['Enter X-Position'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
82 finalsettings.Values['Enter Y-Position'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
83 finalsettings.Values['Delay'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
84 end | |
85 else | |
86 begin | |
87 if form_Editor.WelcomeKind_alt = 'time' then | |
88 begin | |
89 finalsettings.Values['Enter-Picture'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
90 finalsettings.Values['Enter X-Position'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
91 finalsettings.Values['Enter Y-Position'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
92 if form_Editor.PfadHG_alt = '' then | |
93 begin | |
94 finalsettings.Values['Background-Picture'] := '#### missing / fehlt ####'; | |
95 btn_finish.Enabled := false; | |
96 end; | |
97 end | |
98 else // klick | |
99 begin | |
100 finalsettings.Values['Delay'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
101 if form_Editor.PfadHG_alt = '' then | |
102 begin | |
103 // if the 'enter'-picture is full size, then dont use the 'background'-picture | |
104 if (form_editor.img_button.Width = form_editor.img_Background.Width) and | |
105 (form_editor.img_button.Height = form_editor.img_Background.Height) then | |
106 begin | |
107 finalsettings.Values['Background-Picture'] := '< not used / nicht genutzt >'; | |
108 end | |
109 else | |
110 begin | |
111 finalsettings.Values['Background-Picture'] := '#### missing / fehlt ####'; | |
112 btn_finish.Enabled := false; | |
113 end; | |
114 end; | |
115 if form_Editor.PfadEnter_alt = '' then | |
116 begin | |
117 finalsettings.Values['Enter-Picture'] := '#### missing / fehlt ####'; | |
118 btn_finish.Enabled := false; | |
119 end; | |
120 end; | |
121 end; | |
122 | |
123 // | |
124 if form_Editor.pfadIcon_alt = '' then | |
125 begin | |
126 finalsettings.values['Autorun-Icon'] := '(The banana / Die Banane)'; | |
127 end; | |
128 | |
129 // | |
130 if form_Editor.StartsFD_alt = '' then | |
131 begin | |
132 finalsettings.Values['Starts File/Dir'] := '(CD-Root-Dir / CD-Wurzelverzeichnis)'; | |
133 end; | |
134 // | |
135 if form_Editor.StartsFD_alt = '-' then | |
136 begin | |
137 if form_Editor.WelcomeKind_alt = 'none' then | |
138 begin | |
139 finalsettings.Values['Starts File/Dir'] := '#### CDAR does not do anything! / CDAR macht gar nichts! ####'; | |
140 btn_finish.Enabled := false; | |
141 end | |
142 else | |
143 begin | |
144 finalsettings.Values['Starts File/Dir'] := '(Just shows Welcome-Screen / Zeigt nur ein Willkommensbild)'; | |
145 end; | |
146 end; | |
147 | |
148 // use German if set so | |
149 if form_editor.englisch = false then | |
150 begin | |
151 form_Editor_CreateAR.Caption := 'Autorunner erstellen'; | |
152 btn_Finish.Caption := 'Fertigstellen'; | |
153 btn_Back.caption := 'Zurück'; | |
154 FinalSettings.TitleCaptions.Strings[0] := ' Einstellung'; | |
155 FinalSettings.TitleCaptions.Strings[1] := ' Wert'; | |
156 FinalSettings.Keys[1] := 'Hintergrundbild'; | |
157 FinalSettings.Keys[2] := 'Enterbild'; | |
158 FinalSettings.Keys[3] := 'Autorun-Icon'; | |
159 FinalSettings.Keys[4] := 'CD-Grundverzeichnis'; | |
160 FinalSettings.Keys[6] := 'Enter X-Position'; | |
161 FinalSettings.Keys[7] := 'Enter Y-Position'; | |
162 FinalSettings.Keys[8] := 'Willkommensart'; | |
163 FinalSettings.Keys[9] := 'Zeitverzögerung'; | |
164 FinalSettings.Keys[10] := 'Startet Datei/Verz.'; | |
165 end; | |
166 end;//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
167 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Form Close | |
168 procedure Tform_editor_CreateAR.FormClose(Sender: TObject; | |
169 var Action: TCloseAction); | |
170 begin | |
171 // enable drag'n'drop of 'img_button' again | |
172 form_editor.draggingstatus := 0; | |
173 // enable menu again | |
174 form_editor.mnu_Tutorial.enabled := true; | |
175 form_editor.mnu_WelcomeScreen.Enabled := true; | |
176 form_editor.mnu_Autorun.Enabled := true; | |
177 form_editor.mnu_CreateAR.enabled := true; | |
178 form_editor.mnu_Sprache.enabled := true; | |
179 end;//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
180 | |
181 //############################################################################################# | |
182 | |
183 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Click Back | |
184 procedure Tform_editor_CreateAR.btn_BackClick(Sender: TObject); | |
185 begin | |
186 // close CreateAR | |
187 form_editor_createar.Close; | |
188 end;//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
189 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Click Finish | |
190 procedure Tform_editor_CreateAR.btn_FinishClick(Sender: TObject); | |
191 var f : textfile; | |
192 i : integer; | |
193 CDRoot1 : string; | |
194 CDRoot2 : string; | |
195 begin | |
196 // create 'CDRoot' directory if not exists | |
197 cdRoot1 := form_Editor.CDRoot_alt; | |
198 | |
199 if DirectoryExists(CDRoot1) = false then | |
200 begin | |
201 for i := 5 to length(CDRoot1) do | |
202 begin | |
203 if copy(CDRoot1, i, 1) = '\' then | |
204 begin | |
205 CDRoot2 := copy(CDRoot1, 1, i); | |
206 if DirectoryExists(CDRoot2) = false then | |
207 begin | |
208 mkdir(cdroot2); | |
209 end; | |
210 end; | |
211 end; | |
212 end; | |
213 | |
214 | |
215 // create Autorun.inf | |
216 try | |
217 AssignFile(f, form_Editor.CDRoot_alt + 'Autorun.inf'); | |
218 ReWrite(f); | |
219 Writeln(f, '[Autorun]'); | |
220 Writeln(f, 'Open= "_CDAR\cdar.exe welcome"'); | |
221 if finalsettings.Cells[1,3] = '(The banana / Die Banane)' then | |
222 begin | |
223 Writeln(f, 'Icon= "_CDAR\cdar.exe"'); | |
224 end | |
225 else | |
226 begin | |
227 Writeln(f, 'Icon= "_CDAR\Autorun.ico"'); | |
228 end; | |
229 CloseFile(f); | |
230 except | |
231 showmessage('"Autorun.inf" konnte nicht erstellt werden'+ #10 | |
232 +'Vermutlich ist der Pfad zum CD-Wurzelverzeichnis ungültig'+ #10 | |
233 + #10 | |
234 +'"Autorun.inf" could not be created'+ #10 | |
235 +'probably the path to the CD root directory is corrupt'); | |
236 end; | |
237 | |
238 // create directory '_CDAR' if not exists | |
239 if DirectoryExists(CDRoot1 + '_CDAR') = false then | |
240 begin | |
241 mkdir(form_Editor.CDRoot_alt + '_CDAR\'); | |
242 end; | |
243 | |
244 // create 'cdar.ini' | |
245 try | |
246 AssignFile(f, form_Editor.CDRoot_alt + '_CDAR\cdar.ini'); | |
247 ReWrite(f); | |
248 Writeln(f, form_Editor.WelcomeKind_alt); | |
249 Writeln(f, form_Editor.Delay); | |
250 Writeln(f, inttostr(form_Editor.xEnter_alt)); | |
251 Writeln(f, inttostr(form_Editor.yEnter_alt)); | |
252 Writeln(f, '..\' + form_Editor.StartsFD_alt); | |
253 CloseFile(f); | |
254 except | |
255 showmessage('"cdar.ini" konnte nicht erstellt werden'+ #10 | |
256 +'Vermutlich ist der Pfad zum CD-Wurzelverzeichnis ungültig'+ #10 | |
257 + #10 | |
258 +'"cdar.ini" could not be created'+ #10 | |
259 +'probably the path to the CD root directory is corrupt'); | |
260 end; | |
261 | |
262 // create 'cdar.bat' | |
263 try | |
264 AssignFile(f, 'C:\cdar.bat'); | |
265 ReWrite(f); | |
266 Writeln(f, 'Rem This File was built by CD-Autorunner'); | |
267 Writeln(f, 'Rem It is not needed anymore you can delete it'); | |
268 Writeln(f, 'Rem'); | |
269 Writeln(f, 'Rem Diese Datei wurde von CD-Autorunner erzeugt'); | |
270 Writeln(f, 'Rem Sie wird nicht mehr gebraucht und kann geloescht werden'); | |
271 Writeln(f, 'Rem ###############################################'); | |
272 Writeln(f, 'Rem'); | |
273 Writeln(f, 'Rem'); | |
274 // copy 'Autorun.ico' if necessary | |
275 if finalsettings.Cells[1,3] <> '(The banana / Die Banane)' then | |
276 begin | |
277 Writeln(f, 'Copy %1 %2'); | |
278 end; | |
279 // copy 'background'-picture if necessary | |
280 if finalsettings.Cells[1,1] <> '< not used / nicht genutzt >' then | |
281 begin | |
282 Writeln(f, 'Copy %3 %4'); | |
283 end; | |
284 // copy 'enter'-picture if necessary | |
285 if finalsettings.Cells[1,2] <> '< not used / nicht genutzt >' then | |
286 begin | |
287 Writeln(f, 'Copy %5 %6'); | |
288 end; | |
289 // copy 'cdar.exe' | |
290 Writeln(f, 'Copy %7 %8'); | |
291 // self destruction | |
292 Writeln(f, 'del "C:\cdar.bat"'); | |
293 // exit script | |
294 Writeln(f, 'exit'); | |
295 // close file | |
296 CloseFile(f); | |
297 except | |
298 showmessage('"cdar.bat" konnte nicht erstellt werden'+ #10#10 | |
299 +'"cdar.bat" could not be created'); | |
300 end; | |
301 | |
302 try | |
303 ShellExecute(application.Handle, 'open', pchar('C:\cdar.bat'), | |
304 pchar('"' | |
305 + form_Editor.PfadIcon_alt + '" "' + form_Editor.CDRoot_alt + '_CDAR\Autorun.ico" "' | |
306 + form_Editor.PfadHG_alt + '" "' + form_Editor.CDRoot_alt + '_CDAR\Welcome.jpg" "' | |
307 + form_Editor.PfadEnter_alt + '" "' + form_Editor.CDRoot_alt + '_CDAR\Enter.jpg" "' | |
308 + paramstr(0) + '" "' + form_Editor.CDRoot_alt + '_CDAR\cdar.exe"' | |
309 ), nil, sw_shownormal); | |
310 except | |
311 showmessage('"cdar.bat" konnte nicht ausgeführt werden'+ #10#10 | |
312 +'was not able to run "cdar.bat"'); | |
313 end; | |
314 | |
315 // return to 'form_Editor' | |
316 form_editor_createar.Close; | |
317 end;//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
318 | |
319 end.//######################################################################################### |